
rfmshayf, it's entirely possible to mess up /etc/passwd.  Does "grep root /etc/passwd" return "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" ?00:02
ednashAfter installing the NVidia CUDA drivers, I can't see the login screen anymore. I am afraid I may have removed the default Ubuntu server (as I tried uninstalling the pre-installed NVidia drivers).00:02
shayfaccess denied to /etc/passwd00:03
ednashWhat should I install to get back the GUI login screen?00:03
shayfcant login to root, or use sudo00:03
rfmshayf, but /etc/passwd should be readable by everyone.  Does "ls -l /etc/passwd' show passwds00:04
rfm... permissions?00:04
shayfno permission to /etc/passwd rfw00:04
rfmshayf, ok, it could possibly be higher up.  "ls -l / /etc' show anything?00:06
shayfrfm permission denied00:06
shayfcan do root, ls -l / shows permissions for root dir00:07
shayfthe /etc/ shows perms: drw-------00:07
ednashwhile installing lightdm it asked for gdm3 vs. lightdm00:07
rfmshayf, OK! /etc/ should have perms drwxr-xr-x.  Since it doesn't nothing can see any files in /etc.  I don't know any way to fix it in the running system since you can't sudo with it broken.00:11
rfmshayf, you will have to boot a live cd (like the ubuntu install medium) (there's a rescue boot option which should work too but I never use it) then in its shell mount the root partition and fix it00:13
Maikrfm: they already getting help in  #ubuntu-server00:13
Maikthey are cross posting in multiple channels00:14
shayf^ the one that helped00:14
shayfthanks rfm00:14
ednashmy ubuntu graphical login screen isn't allowing me in00:17
ednashafter i type in my password, there's a brief pause and then it gets back to asking password again00:18
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tomreynednash: is this a standard installation of ubuntu with the default 'gdm3' login manager and the gnome-based desktop, or a different ubuntu flavor? which version is it? what may have caused this happen - did you make changes?00:21
ednashtomreyn: yes, i had to remove the default NVidia drivers since I needed CUDA, and I am afraid removing the noveau drivers ended up removing other parts of the GUI00:24
ednashlet me try reinstalling gdm300:24
tomreynsomething told me it could be related to nvidia00:24
ednashdidn't help. now i am greeted with a black screen and blinking cursor on reoot00:26
ednashjournal log for gdm reads, "maximum number of X display failures reached" several times00:28
whiskey76maybe install the latest legacy nvidia drivers00:30
ednashi tried reinstalling everything that comprises of the MATE Minimal install00:37
ednashrebooting and crossing fingers00:37
ednashAlright, that did the trick00:39
ednashI am now using a GUI :)00:39
ednashBut... it's the Mate GUI, greenish tinted. I kinda don't mind and might actually like it00:40
ednashIs Mate more resource intensive than the default Ubuntu?00:40
ednashI'm debating if I should even try to switch back00:40
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n-iCeHello, would you say is ubuntu gnome shell desktop one of the heaviest DE out there?02:22
fusionfuture[m]n-iCe: perhaps, because it heavily relies on js.02:32
n-iCefusionfuture[m] do you use gnome shell?02:33
fusionfuture[m]n-iCe: i have multiple desktops installed and I mainly use kde02:37
fusionfuture[m]gnome generally makes my laptop very hot02:37
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lord_daemonI need to make a script that executes the command ("iptables -A INPUT -p t precisocp --destination-port 9099 -j DROP") only if this block does not already exist in iptables. someone help? placed in services but it is inserting multiple same lines in iptables04:40
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oerhekslord_daemon, really, did you do your research?? if i bing; "linux add iptable rule if not exist"  1st result = https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128170/create-an-iptables-rule-if-the-rule-does-not-already-exist04:52
niceI have a Ubuntu 20.04.3 lts and I want to go to 21.10.05:11
niceIf I update inside the program, the internet usage will decrease or I will download and install the iso 21.10 file.05:11
nice(I'm not worried about my data)05:11
nickdiazswag209for ubuntu package version format, i know the suffix "-ubuntuX" means its Xth revision of the debian package, but what if X is something weird like 0.105:17
nickdiazswag209what would that mean?05:17
nickdiazswag209for example, python3-yaml5.3.1-1ubuntu0.105:17
oerhekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoStatic/PackagingVersioningScheme nickdiazswag20906:00
oerheksor simpler explanation06:00
Miles8of9hi all... since yesterday i have a problem with ubuntu 20.04 and wifi integrated card.... error on boot08:12
aaronHas it worked with Ubuntu in the past?08:12
ice9anyone got the Samsung T7 touch work under Linux?08:12
Miles8of9i have made no changes to system configuration, only installed updated and rebooted08:12
Miles8of9always worked08:12
Miles8of903:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 100 (rev ff)08:15
Miles8of9the card is seen but it seems it can't make it work anymore08:16
kristian_on_linugood software to get a beginner started?08:53
oerheksyes, ubuntu is good software to start with08:55
oerhekseasy install, and if on installs synaptic, more details08:56
kristian_on_linuI meant, is there some software you would recommend that is fun and easy to get started with?08:56
oerheksconky, longest tread on the ubuntu forum, 2348 pages https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=234808:57
axelrodI just started with ubuntu one month ago and it is so easy. I have been a windows head my whole life. The change was very easy.08:57
kristian_on_linuthis is for a person who's new to computers08:58
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kristian_on_linuI remember showing my dear departed grandmother a PC 30 years ago or so ... she was one big question mark until someone thought of bringing up Solitaire :)08:58
kristian_on_linuI wonder if Kodi will be easier than VLC09:00
rebansochartHello There09:26
SymbioticFemalei have a weird issue with xfce (note: not xubuntu). Sometimes, some application (onboard on-screen keyboard, or mate-terminal, or some unknown invisible application) will grab the X input and then just not let go. Grab it exclusively.09:51
SymbioticFemaleit happens at random times, usually within two minutes of starting the system, and requires a restart to resolve09:51
SymbioticFemalethe system has a touchscreen, but it affects all forms of input (keyboard, mouse, touch screen)09:52
milkshakeregret to only allocate 50gb to ubuntu partition as the csgo game took like half of it. steam linux doesnt have option to move the game to other partition it seems. any other way to not running out of storage as the updates keep on coming and coming10:37
ogramilkshake, https://www.howtogeek.com/269515/how-to-move-a-steam-game-to-another-drive-without-re-downloading-it/ perhaps ?10:52
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ograand https://askubuntu.com/questions/790383/how-to-change-steam-library-location-to-another-hard-drive for a more ubuntu specific way (well, essentially the same, just without windows drive letters)10:53
SymbioticFemaleok i deleted a bunch of trash packages and anything to do with screensaver and something seems to have werked10:54
paul424 Hello I am vompletly green when it comes to printing, I somehow managed to force our bizhub konica minolta to work with Ubuntu11:06
paul424c 224e11:06
paul424but SOMETIMES it refuses to print from LibreOffice11:06
paul424I did set device URL  lpd://
paul424 in xfce4 printer settings11:06
paul424any ideas what might get wrong ?11:08
paul424FOR example How do I check for errors ?11:08
paul424When it doesn't print ?11:08
Errorhiya... im trying to install a gemini server and im getting his https://8n1.org/20340/faf1 can anyone tell me whats wrong im doing?11:15
SymbioticFemaleah no, the problem persists. random applications are still exclusively grabbing the xinput11:19
mortCan you force something to run in xwayland?11:38
webchat88Good day,  I am trying to format an sd card with a specific allocation size (4096 bytes) [such a setting is available on windows format tools] I do not see it in gparted nor can I find the correct terminal command to format an SD card at /dev/sda1 to fat 32 with this specific allocation size required by a manufacturer.12:06
Maikwebchat88: try Disks12:07
Ravagewebchat88: https://askubuntu.com/questions/983546/trying-to-format-a-64gb-microsdxc-card-with-4096-bytes-per-sector12:08
Chunkyzwebchat88: install: "gnome-disk-utility" then open/format.12:23
clarkkYesterday I did a partial upgrade to my 20.04 system, as there were pending updates that I couldn't install otherwise.  Since then, my openvpn connections aren't working. I want to work out whether openvpn was updated in that process. I've looked in /var/log/apt/history.log and term.log, but there are no occurrences of "openvpn".  Can anyone offer any advice?12:23
clarkkPlease ignore my question. My connection has started working again12:25
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ice9the non-lts release gets software updates only (not upgrades) for all packages or just the kernel?14:04
lotuspsychjeice9: packages update to your matching ubuntu release, lts or non-lts14:07
ice9lotuspsychje, but the kernel only gets updates not upgrades right?14:08
yomismobuenos dias14:08
lotuspsychjenot sure if i understand your question ice914:08
lotuspsychje!es | yomismo14:08
ubottuyomismo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:08
lotuspsychjeice9: lets say kernel security flaws were found, all affected ubuntu releases would get kernel updates, is that what you want to know or?14:14
BluesKajHi folks14:15
PTNapivoskiHi, BluesKaj14:23
BluesKajHi PTNapivoski14:23
daumhow can i update the memlock limit for my user without rebooting?  I tried updated /etc/security/limits.conf and then exited ssh and sshed back in but still getting 64.14:56
leftyfbdaum: https://www.thegeekdiary.com/understanding-etc-security-limits-conf-file-to-set-ulimit/15:00
daumleftyfb, already have in that file: ubuntu    soft memlock 65536 and ubuntu    hard memlock 6553615:03
daumhave logged out and back in15:03
leftyfbdaum: try the very first instructions and command on the page15:04
daum$ ulimit -l 6553615:06
daum-bash: ulimit: max locked memory: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted15:06
leftyfbdaum: why are you trying to increase the memlock limit?15:06
daumneed it higher for using ioring with netty15:07
leftyfbdaum: did you try sudo?15:08
daumlooks like i can get that for the current session but then if i relogin it fails?15:10
daumrather goes back to 6415:10
leftyfbdaum: you need to reboot15:10
mneptokdaum: the ulimit command only affects the current session. persistent ulimits are set in /etc/security/limits.conf15:11
daummneptok, leftyfb shoudln't logging out and back in (only login the server) allow them to take affect?15:12
leftyfbdaum: no, that's not how this works15:12
mneptokdaum: and persistent limits only take effect when all the user's current sessions are stopped.15:12
mneptokdaum: also ensure the limits.conf file is structured correctly. the last entry is the one that is used. so if something is redfined, it will blow away the pevious setting.15:13
mneptokdaum: so check to see what is being defined (if anything) in /etc/security/limits.d/*15:14
daumok thanks will try a reboot too at somepoint15:16
Errorhiya... im trying to install a gemini server and im getting his https://8n1.org/20340/faf1 can anyone tell me whats wrong im doing?15:19
Errorcan anyone plz tell me whats the issue im going nuts15:19
leftyfbError: you'll have to contact the vendor for support. Mainly what packages the gemini server depends on15:20
Errorits a vps15:21
Errorand i got root15:21
leftyfbError: Gemini is the vendor of the gemini server15:21
Errori have install gmid in openbsd15:23
jhutchinsError: I would expect you to be following a procedure supplied by Gemini for installing specifically on Ubuntu.15:23
Errornow i understand15:24
mneptokError: Gemini is not a VPS. It's a protocol.15:24
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mneptokError: it's an alernative to http(s) for serving content.15:25
* ogra hands jhutchins a "tech translator of the day" badge 15:25
ogramneptok !!!15:26
Errori do know what that is15:26
Errorbut i have install gmid in openbsd without any trouble15:26
Errorwell not that much15:26
Errorbut same pkg im trying to install in ubuntu and gettting this messages15:27
Errorim was wondering what is the reasing that i cannot complie it from source!15:27
mneptokError: Linux is not *BSD. And what you're trying to install is attempting to compile from source, and it is missing the requisite libraries to do so.15:27
Errorsell i have installed in debian15:27
Erroris that any better?15:28
leftyfbError: follow the software vendors instructions for installing it on ubuntu. Any further support should be directed at the software vendor15:28
mneptokError: the reason is right in your pasted content.15:28
Errori got it15:28
Errori was just wondering if im missing any libs15:28
Errorsorry to trouble ya15:28
leftyfbyou obviously are as noted by the error message15:28
jhutchinsLooks like someone is reinventing the wheel, with all the features of the wheel, but more opaque.15:28
mneptokjhutchins: this is the intermediate stage between "new user" and "jaded sysadmin" :)15:29
Errorare you lot talking about me15:30
Errori aint not new uesr or jaded one15:30
Errorim an artist just trying to figure out whats this fuss bout15:30
leftyfbError: it's just very confusing why you're messing with trying to run your own non-http(s) content server from source when you don't have a full understanding of concepts like missing libraries15:31
Errorwell used to use gopher15:31
Errorwell just for fun!15:32
mneptokError: having fun yet? ;)15:32
leftyfb"<Error> can anyone plz tell me whats the issue im going nuts"15:32
Errorwell yeah lost most of it what i had left15:32
Errori mean hair15:32
Errorwell thats what i meant!15:32
leftyfbError: good luck15:33
Errornah not gonna be botherd!15:33
Errorthanks a lot though!15:33
mneptoki'm running down my list of "things i consider fun" i'm not seeing "losing my hair" and "going nuts"15:33
Errorthanks for ur help!15:33
Error=) i wouldnt mind to say sorry if would like15:35
chilverscI'm confused, "apt-get install -y" keeps prompting me with "Package Configuration", "Daemons using outdate libraries" and asking which daemons I want to restart. I thought the whole point of "-y" is non-interactive and won't prompt?16:30
chilverscI've tried using a suggested "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" environment variable but I still get prompts16:31
leftyfbchilversc: https://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get16:31
chilverscspecifically from "man apt-get"; "-y, --yes --assume=yes", "Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts andrun non-interactively."16:31
leftyfb"Automatic yes to prompts. Assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held package or removing an essential package, occurs then apt-get will abort."16:31
chilverscright, so why am I getting a prompt asking me which services I want to restart?16:32
leftyfbchilversc: it's for assuming yes to ask if the package is to be installed, not to answer dpkg config questions16:32
gasdownload windows 1116:32
leftyfbgas: can we help you with something?16:32
leftyfbchilversc: you'll need to answer the dpkg questions by other means16:33
chilverscdpkg is an implementation detail of "apt-get install", so either it doesn't prompt and is non-interactive, or the documentation is incorrect16:33
leftyfbchilversc: -y is not meant for that, it doesn't apply16:33
chilverscits apt-get install prompts me, then it isn't exactly "non-interactive"16:33
leftyfbchilversc: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/14634016:34
leftyfbchilversc: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1154892/prevent-question-restart-services-during-package-upgrades-without-asking16:35
leftyfbchilversc: it's debconf you want to answer16:35
chilverscright, that's what I'm looking at, but my point is if I ask for a non-interactive install, I should not get any prompts, it should either succeed or fail16:36
chilversccurrently it is not "non-interactive", as running "apt-get install -y" still prompts for input16:36
jhutchinschilversc: So if it fails and takes your system off-line, that's a desired outcome, right?16:43
ograchilversc, DEBIAN_FRONTEND also depends on te priority of the debconf questions asked and how the system is configured for this16:44
ograchilversc, https://manpages.debian.org/testing/debconf-doc/debconf.7.en.html ... see the priority section ...16:46
chilverscjhutchins: not really, so the alternative is the documentation is inaccurate, as "-y" is not non-interactive, it is in fact very much interactive16:50
leftyfbchilversc: -y only applies to apt asking a yes or no question. Not for debconf questions16:54
leftyfbchilversc: if you hold a package and try to update it with -y, it will fail as per the documentation16:54
ograchilversc, apt is not dpkg16:54
ograit is only a frontend to it16:55
ograthe prompts yu see come from debconf via dpkg16:55
chilverscogra: right, but apt does invoke dpkg, thus to me that then makes dpkg an implementation detail of "apt-get install", thus if dpkg can still prompt the apt get docs should not state that "-y" is non-interactive, at least not without mentioning dpkg can still prompt16:56
leftyfbchilversc: apt does not pass -y to debconf/dpkg as it is only meant to get applied to apt prompts, not dpkg16:56
ograchilversc, apt does not have any contol over the hacked-in maintainer scripts in packages16:56
chilverscleftyfb: yes, "assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively." So if I then run that command and receive a prompt, that statement was false.16:56
leftyfbchilversc: yes, "assume "yes" as answer to all _APT_ prompts and run non-interactively."16:57
leftyfbapt is not prompting to restart services, debconf/dpkg is doing the prompting16:57
leftyfbchilversc: the -y only applies to prompts from APT, not debconf16:58
chilverscbut I'm not invoking debconf/dpkg, apt-get is invoking that16:58
chilverschence why I'm saying the documentation, or the implementation is inaccurate16:58
ograchilversc, and these scripts are where the debconf prompts come from ... you need to set the correct debconf env variables to avoid them (DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive and tell it to ony ask critically priorized questions ... but even then, service restarting might be considered critical by the package maintainer)16:58
leftyfbchilversc: please type in your IRC window:   /nick brickwall16:59
chilverscleftyfb: if the docs for -y specifically called out that it was only "APT prompts" and warned that other components such as dpkg would may still display prompts then that would be fine17:02
leftyfbchilversc: file a bug. good luck17:02
chilverscbut my point is from reading the docs, I was expecting "-y" to be non-interactive so I could "sudo somescript" then walk away and come back later17:03
ioriai don't think ' -y  non-interactively' means 'unattended'17:03
leftyfbErix: hello. What can we help you with?17:03
chilverscnon-interactive to mean means I won't receive any prompts or need to provide an input, which is pretty much unattended17:03
ioriaespecially about priority and services restart17:04
chilverscioria: except apt-get still runs if there's no terminal at which point all dpkg can do is print warnings that it couldn't ask, thus it does have some way of deciding what to do17:05
leftyfbchilversc: file a bug. good luck17:05
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chilverscthough interestingly, the documented method of setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive for debconf also doesn't seem to suppress those dialogs17:23
leftyfbchilversc: you should answer those questions using debconf as I linked you to above17:23
leftyfbotherwise you could end up with a broken system17:23
Bugieshello, is there anyone who has the system suspend broken after the last  update?17:25
ograchilversc, it suppresses all that are lower than the configured system debconf priority ... (i think ubuntu uses "high")17:25
ogra(actually lower and equal to i think)17:27
jhutchinsBugies: Apparently there is at least one person who does.17:28
chilverscleftyfb: I just want the same behaviour when running the script by hand as when its unattended, and unattended it cannot prompt because it's being executed without a terminal17:28
jhutchinsBugies: Did you updte the kernel?  Does suspend work if you boot to the previous kernel?  How is it "broken"?  What does it do or not do?17:29
chilverscleftyfb: if it were that critical then it should refuse to update when being run without a terminal17:30
chilverscso it can't really be that important if it's happy to execute without prompting17:31
leftyfb[12:25:54] <ogra> chilversc, it suppresses all that are lower than the configured system debconf priority ... (i think ubuntu uses "high")17:31
Bugiesjhutchins, i have old kernel 5.4.0-42-generic and systemd-sleep crashing or on latest kernel i have black screen when awakening17:36
leftyfbchilversc: you can use debconf to answer the questions as part of the script17:36
leftyfbBugies: what release of ubuntu are you running?17:36
Bugiesi have ubuntu 20.0417:36
leftyfbBugies: you should use the hwe kernel: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-20.0417:37
ns12Hello, LTS releases are supported for 5 years. The "main" and "restricted" sections of an LTS version's repository are supported for 5 years. What is the meaning of "support"?17:38
ns12What are the consequences of "universe" and "multiverse" being unsupported?17:38
leftyfbns12: all of the repo's continue to get updates for 5 years17:39
ns12leftyfb: So what is the meaning of "support"?17:44
leftyfbns12: updates17:44
Bugiesok, i have linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 ( so i have isues witch graphic driver - no signal...17:44
jhutchinsBugies: Did it ever work correctly?17:45
ns12leftyfb: "main" and "restricted" receive "official updates" from Canonical, while "universe" and "multiverse" rely solely on community efforts. Correct?17:45
ns12Does this mean that some security vulnerabilities in "universe" are not fixed?17:46
leftyfbns12: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu17:46
leftyfbns12: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories17:47
leftyfbns12: "The universe component is a snapshot of the free, open-source, and Linux world. It houses almost every piece of open-source software, all built from a range of public sources. Canonical does not provide a guarantee of regular security updates for software in the universe component, but will provide these where they are made available by the community. Users should understand the risk inherent in using these packages. Popular or well17:48
leftyfbsupported pieces of software will move from universe into main if they are backed by maintainers willing to meet the standards set by the Ubuntu team."17:48
Bugiesjhutchins, today the newest kernel did not have an image after waking up, so I think it's an update17:49
leftyfbBugies: did you reboot into the new kernel?17:49
ns12leftyfb: Does "community" refer to the Debian community and their package maintainers?17:49
leftyfbns12: community refers to the ubuntu community of package maintainers17:50
Bugiesi reboot to old kernel and cheked that no working suspend17:51
leftyfbBugies: did you reboot into the new kernel?17:51
Bugiesi can try that new kernel for a moment17:52
leftyfbBugies: that's the whole point of installing the new kernel17:52
Bugieskernel is already the newest version but i booted to 5.4 kernel so brb.17:53
Bugiesjhutchins, i have 5.13.0-30-generic kernel now and I checked suspend and i have sound after wake up but no video18:08
leftyfbBugies: does sound and video work before suspending?18:08
Bugiesyes after suspend it crash but i cant see18:10
leftyfbBugies: don't suspend :)18:10
Bugies:) ok18:11
Bugiesit is amd gpu card 5500xt18:13
BugiesI installed the driver in windows 10, it can reset my original bios18:15
chilverscso trying to use debconf-set-selections, but I'm still being prompted for which services I want to restart, how do I find out what key I need to set to pre-answer this prompt?18:24
leftyfbchilversc: answer the questions, then run: debconf-get-selections # and grep for the package you installed for how you answered it18:26
chilverscleftyfb: I don't know which package is asking this question though to grep for it18:28
jhutchinschilversc: It doesn't work the way you think it should.  Figure out how it actually works and deal with it. Complaining here that it's not what you want doesn't do anybody any good.18:29
leftyfbchilversc: maybe spend the time to research that then. I'm not sure how you're doing all this to begin with, but if you have a way to revert the updates, then do that and only update 1 package at a time till you find the one that asks the question18:30
leftyfbchilversc: also, looking through dpkg.log or ps while the question is being asked might help18:30
chilverscthat's what I'm now trying to do; I ran through the install, answered all the questions and as a test used 'depconf-get-selections' to generate a conf file, then tried to use that and I'm still being prompted18:30
chilverscI'm not sure this prompt is coming from depconf18:31
leftyfbchilversc: also, I'm pretty sure the prompt specifies in the text or title which package is causing the prompt18:31
leftyfbchilversc: it is18:31
ioriachilversc, https://termbin.com/vks218:32
chilverscI thought debconf was supposed to prompt before installing anything? This prompt is after the packages have been installed18:32
leftyfbchilversc: the package is being installed and the post-install script is asking to restart services18:33
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leftyfb*post-install script of the package18:34
sahibaHi, I have live booted ubuntu on a computer which had windows installed on it -- I want to access the hard disk, and I tried `lsblk`.  This is what I got.19:23
sahibaAny idea how can I see the hard disk in the list?19:24
enycsahiba: hrrm that suggests hard disk not viliable, sda being the bootable stick19:25
enycsahiba: check  sudo fdisk -l   and   maybe read through    dmesg | less    or so, see if kernel said anything etc...19:26
leftyfbI'm going with a bad drive19:26
matsaman"which had windows installed on it" sounds like they kept the drive19:27
sahibaenyc https://dpaste.com/D7DXDQW8419:27
leftyfbsounds like Windows crapped out due to a bad drive and they're trying to recover data from a dead drive using ubuntu19:28
* matsaman shrugs19:28
enycsahiba: right yes only seeing the one drive19:28
leftyfbsahiba: please confirm19:28
matsamansahiba: open it up and confirm there is a drive, and it is connected properly19:28
enyc+1  check on drive conneciton19:28
matsamansome people will unplug & replug for good measure19:28
leftyfbI would suggest looking in the BIOS to see if it's detected19:28
enycsahiba: rather, its only seengi the  cruzer  switch  usb stick19:28
enyc+1 leftyfb   yes check in bios setup too19:29
matsamanthe chances the live OS wouldn't detect it if it's there are incredibly low19:29
leftyfbsahiba: if it's not detected in the BIOS, then no amount of linux commands are going to help you19:29
sahibayes the hard disk is connected properly I can open windows on it19:29
leftyfbsahiba: is it bitlockered?19:29
sahibaCould it be the file format of the hard disk is not being detected?19:29
leftyfbsahiba: look in the BIOS, is RAID enabled?19:29
leftyfbsahiba: no, lsblk doesn't care about that19:29
leftyfbnor does fdisk -l19:30
leftyfbactually, bitlockered would still show up as well19:30
matsamanyou could have a super weird/uncommon controller, but that doesn't happen much at all19:30
leftyfbmy guess is fakeraid19:30
notsahibaLet me check in BIOS once.19:31
notsahibahttps://ibb.co/pRxBPwk -- it is showing up in bios.19:36
leftyfbnotsahiba: look for any RAID settings19:36
notsahibaleftyfb I am not sure where to look for that -- I don't see an option there.19:38
leftyfbnot System setup options -> System Configuration menu -> SATA Operation19:38
leftyfbin the BIOS setup19:38
akaridelsurgood morning, could you give me a hand with my server, it is in ubuntu and I have problems with the ssl certificates19:39
leftyfbakaridelsur: try #ubuntu-server19:39
akaridelsurok tanks leftyfb19:40
notsahibaleftyfb https://ibb.co/kJNyxrf -- says RAID ON.19:42
leftyfbnotsahiba: that's the issue19:42
notsahibaWhich would mean, I can't access the hard disk, right?  Not unless RAID was disabled.19:44
leftyfbnotsahiba: but disabling this fake RAID will more than likely break your Windows installation19:44
matsamanuntil you turn it back on19:56
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notsahibaSigh.  I really wish I could fix it.  :/20:12
notsahibaAnyways, thank you all.20:12
chilverscioria: thanks, looks like it was needrestart, not come across that before and can't see it mentioned in apt-get or dpkg20:21
chilverscIs needrestart being integrated into dpkg something new? I didn't run into this with 20.0420:23
sarnoldchilversc: needrestart is 'now' part of the default installation seed or something very similar to that, I don't think it involved any dpkg or apt changes, just that the tool is installed by default now20:26
ioriachilversc, there is also needrestart-session, if you're interested20:37
BSaboiaI am running this command to remove a PPA: `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:/teward/znc`, but I got this error: `Unable to handle repository shortcut 'ppa:/teward/znc`. I also tried `ppa-purge`, but then only the error differs: `E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/teward/znc/ubuntu hirsute Release' does not have a Release file.` (it is the same error that I got when I do `sudo apt update`). Any thoughts here?20:49
Toadisattvajust remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list?20:50
BSaboiaToadisattva, it is not there20:51
leftyfbBSaboia: look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*20:51
BSaboialeftyfb, ok, so just remove the list?20:51
BSaboialeftyfb, alright, removing the file from there worked, thans20:53
chilverscioria: thanks, but not in this case as its building a new VM image so at the end the system will be rebooted, finalized and imaged20:55
ioriai see chilversc20:56
chilverscsarnold: ah, so is it something that's always been part of apt/dpkg but only if the package was installed?20:56
sarnoldchilversc: sortof, apt and dpkg have 'plugin' facilities, this may help explain how it works: https://termbin.com/bu1q20:58
chilverscthough its odd needrestart didn't honour the DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive21:03
sarnoldchilversc: that's probably worth a bug report, noninteractive is used *everywhere*21:06
chilverscI just checked and there's a few issues around it on their github21:06
sarnoldoh nice, be sure to include links to those in your bug report21:07
chilverscsarnold: I think the documentation is a separate issue to needrestart not honouring the noninteractive frontend. I guess being the apt-get man page that needs reporting to the debian team?21:25
sarnoldchilversc: hmm, why apt-get and why debian?21:25
sarnoldchilversc: afterall, it's ubuntu that decided to install needrestart as a default, and ubuntu folks probably don't yet know that it doesn't work with noninteractive21:26
chilverscsarnold: ah, I thought you were refering to my earlier issue I had with the apt-get docs, or does "apt-get install -y" set the frontend to noninteractive?21:26
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sarnoldchilversc: ahhhh. afaik apt-get install -y doesn't do anything to the frontend setting21:30
chilverscyeah, hence why I think the apt docs are a little misleading, not knowing much about the underlying plugin system I read the man page as -y making the whole command non-interactive.21:31
sarnoldchilversc: so then yes, it might be helpful to ask the apt docs to include a reference to noninteractive -- it always takes me a metric eternity to google for the exact variable name when I need to use it. hah.21:33
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leftyfbsnowhawk: hello. What can we help you with?22:56
snowhawkwell, i am interested in using Linux22:56
snowhawki know ubuntu is good22:56
snowhawkbut i am in the market for other OS's as weel22:56
snowhawkgoing to test each distro out in a VM22:56
leftyfbsnowhawk: #ubuntu is not the appropriate place to ask about other distributions22:57
snowhawkhow do you like Ubuntu?22:57
snowhawkdo anything cool with it?22:57
snowhawki want to tinker around22:57
leftyfbsnowhawk:  this is a support channel. Feel free to discuss ubuntu in #ubuntu-discuss or talk about other topics in #ubuntu-offtopic22:58
snowhawkoh cool! thanks!22:58

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