
fawwazhi, just updated to newer version patch, i see 2 network indicator right now, the status tray plugin and indicator plugin, is it okay if i remove one of them?00:43
JackFrostGot ayatana-indicator-application installed or indicator-application?00:43
fawwazsystray-5 and indicator-7 (external)00:45
JackFrostI mean apt packages.00:45
JackFrost`dpkg -l | grep indicator`00:45
fawwazthanks, removed the external ones00:47
TheFatherMindGreetings is there a way through commandline to bypass the screen asking what mode to use and just have it launch live tiral mode?09:57
=== genii-core is now known as genii
TheFatherMindGreetings is there a way through commandline to bypass the screen asking what mode to use and just have it launch live tiral mode?  Maybe inject a file or something?19:09
MaikTheFatherMind: try asking in #ubuntu or #linux maybe you'll get a response there, don't forget to mention your xubuntu version19:29
anthony_Hello I need to install amdgpu-pro drivers. If I go to additional drivers nothing comes up. 20.1023:13
gnrpanthony_: You can try to install them on the command line23:19
gnrpanthony_: Which package do you exactly need, and which one is used at the moment?23:20
anthony_just the lastest from amd23:22
gnrpI cannot really help with that... but are they really necessary? I am also on an AMD GPU here, and the drivers that are shipped with the OS are already the "optimal" ones afaik23:24
gnrpbut that depends on the GPU also, I thjink23:24
ubottuUbuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) was the 33rd release of Ubuntu, support ended July 22nd, 2021. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-June/000269.html23:28
krytarikThis might be causing issues here..23:28
anthony_sorry I mean 21.1023:35
Maikor maybe a typo and anthony_ meant 21.1023:35
Maikoops, lag23:36
anthony_i give up been at this for hours trying to install something as simple as driver for gpu.23:49

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