
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== Diego is now known as Guest1598
Guest1598Hi, I am tryng to install xplane in xubuntu00:22
Guest1598but when I runĀ  ldd Intaller_Linux, the terminal says:it is not a dynamic executable00:24
Guest1598can you help me? I think becuase it is an installer for 32bits distros00:24
melodiehi Guest1598 01:11
melodieXubuntu and Ubuntu generally don't provide for 32bits anymore01:11
melodiewhere did you get your xplane from?01:12
melodiewhy do you run "ldd Installer_Linux" ? 01:12
Guest1598thanks for answer01:55
Guest1598I downloaded from https://ia804505.us.archive.org/13/items/x-plane-9/XPLANE9%20%28Disc%201%29.iso01:55
Guest1598I use ldd to know the required libraries!01:56
pikapikaIs there any way to use a different icon image in whiskermenu when its in a depressed state (also preferably another icon for hover state)?06:18
pikapikaWhich is to say, I want to use an icon that appears depressed when its clicked etc06:19
KBarpikapika: yes, there is. all you have to do is create an icon and include it in gtk.css06:59
KBarpikapika: i did something like that: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=1537406:59
pikapikaKBar, can you show me a small gif showing the whiskermenu hover and click thing07:02
pikapikaas its working on your system. You can pm if you prefer07:02
pikapikaWhat happens in the default whiskermenu is that the icon does not change only background colors are changed on hover and click07:02
pikapikaI would like to make the icon itself change to a depressed look07:03
KBaryes, it's very much possible. i'll try taking two screenshots if you're okay waiting 07:04
pikapikaThis one right?07:04
KBarpikapika: it has changed quite a lot since then. it doesn't show the glow on being pressed07:05
KBari improved it.07:05
pikapikaI'd like to see the screenshots/gif yes07:05
pikapikaDid you just use full icons or does the system only permit adding another background icon behind the normal icon?07:05
KBarpikapika: this is its default state: https://imgur.com/1zalH7K.png07:05
KBarthis is on hover: https://imgur.com/e07Ucki.png07:06
pikapikaIn that case, it will be some more work for me. But since in the design I want to make, depressed/normal state changes only occur at the border of the pixmap07:06
pikapikaso it can work out07:06
pikapikaKBar, so the arrow is the background image right?07:06
KBarpikapika: and this is on depressed: https://imgur.com/UH2TvBn.png07:06
pikapikaThe hover and depressed states also look like things that could be implemented purely as background icons07:07
pikapikaIs that what you did?07:07
pikapikaOr does whiskermenu allow you to change the icon wholesale on hover/press?07:07
KBarpikapika: the xubuntu logo is set inside Whiskermenu properties. The borders, colors and arrows I copied from Unity design and created separate png files with gimp07:07
KBarand used them inside css07:07
KBarbutton:hover, button:checked, etc07:08
pikapikaKBar, so basically only the mouse icon is the real icon07:08
pikapikaThe rest are implemented as background images?07:08
pikapikaCan I see the png sources to confirm?07:08
KBarsure. hold on07:11
KBarpikapika: turns out, the latest version, i just use the stock arrows from unity and layer them on top07:18
pikapikaThis means I can implement win2k start menu easily07:19
pikapikabut win 7 would be tough07:19
pikapikaMy goal was win2k style primarily so that should be ok07:19
KBarpikapika: here's an excerpt from my gtk.css: https://paste.debian.net/1232083/07:20
KBarpikapika: resources are here: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/tree/resources07:21
pikapikayeah so basically we can't replace the icon only add another background image to it07:23
pikapikashould be possible to do for the win2k start menu then, by including the common region inside as the icon, and making the border the background image07:24
KBarpikapika: which icon do you mean? the whiskermenu icon?07:24
KBaryou can replace it07:24
KBarand put anything you want07:24
pikapikaKBar, we can't dynamically replace it07:24
pikapikaso we will have to use the background image trick to create the depressed look07:24
pikapikafor that the actual icon would be the common region between all icon states07:25
KBarwell, you can modify the code and recompile07:25
pikapikaand the background image the varying region07:25
pikapikaYeah, that is one possibility too07:25
pikapikaI hope its not too complex07:25
KBarto make it change dynamically, but css is quite powerful and is all you need imo07:25
KBarthere is also sass, which is a preprocessor to css, but i haven't looked into that route07:25
KBarpikapika: you can also add animations to transitions07:27
pikapikaI don't need animations07:28
pikapikaKBar, CSS is very subtle and difficult07:37
pikapikaI'll see what I can do of course07:37
KBarpikapika: where do you find it difficult? Let's see if I can help you07:38
pikapikaI'll ask when I actually get around to doing it thanks07:39
pikapikaKBar, it just is very complex and hard to understand07:39
KBarno problem. xfce forums are a great source of information. there are two very good guides explaining GTK's css implementation07:39
KBarbtw, its documentation is available at https://docs.gtk.org/gtk3/07:40
KBaryw. it basically boils down to 1) which element you want to select 2) which property you want to modify 3) what is that new value07:41
KBar1) is done with selectors (eg, .toolbar or #XfcePanelWindow) 2) after that declarations are made inside braces and properties are in it: { background-color: or font-size: } 3) their new values are put after the colon eg background-color: white; font-size: 15px etc07:43
pikapikaKBar, where did you learn CSS from?08:27
KBarpikapika: 1) Xfce Forum; 2) gtk.org 3) mdn (mozilla developers networks) 4) w3.org 5) installed themes08:37
pikapikaIts a very complex topic for sure08:37
KBarits a lot more complex yes, but gtk's implementation is pretty straightforward and "dumbed down"08:37
KBarbecomes easy once you get a hang of it. GtkInspector is the the tool that will help you tremendously08:38
KBarit is a necessity, i'd say08:38
KBarnow, id say that it takes a lot more time to draw or edit images in gimp than it does for me to write a couple of rulesets in gtk.css08:40
pikapikaKBar, do you know about 'antialiasing'?08:43
pikapikaI would like to experiment with implementing antialiasing in my programs one of these days08:43
KBarpikapika: unfortunately, not enough to give you an opinion or a comprehensive answer08:43
KBarsuch discussion wouldn't fit this channel anyway, im afraid08:44
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== orqcxha is now known as naiveknife
=== xu-help38w is now known as chaslinux
chaslinuxWas refurbishing a machine with Xubuntu earlier and found an issue where VLC crashes when you insert an encrypted DVD (movie). Libdvd-pkg was installed and dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg was run to install libdvdcss2. I ran vlc from the terminal and noticed it seems to be related to the 256MB AMD-based onboard video for this particular HP desktop21:40
chaslinux(P7-1010): https://support.hp.com/ca-en/document/c02856262. To "solve" the problem I added a video card (which did resolve the issue). I would have submitted a bug report, but I haven't used my Ubuntu One account in ages (and the forgot password doesn't seem to like me - check spam, nothing). Not sure it's worth fixing, but since it's an OEM21:40
chaslinuxmachine with an older 4 core AMD processor it might be worth a stab at fixing).21:40
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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