[04:42] الله اکبر [08:48] Hello support [08:48] I want to know procedure to install Ubuntu 21 on MacBook Pro Intel laptops [10:07] a1ashraf: next, next, next and until you see the new desktop === lukas is now known as lukas_ === lukas_ is now known as lukas__ [12:11] Hello [12:11] There is a Critical security vulnerability, discover does not warn user about outdated Kubuntu version 21.04, reports everything is up to date [12:13] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450877 [12:13] KDE bug 450877 in Discover "Critical security vulnerability, discover does not warn user about outdated Kubuntu version 21.04, reports everything is up to date" [Critical, Unconfirmed] [12:14] Please tell me how to report security issues in kubuntu [12:16] lukas__: have you tried reporting it on bugs.kde.org? [12:18] yes, i already did that. [12:18] linked above [12:18] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450877 [12:18] KDE bug 450877 in Discover "Critical security vulnerability, discover does not warn user about outdated Kubuntu version 21.04, reports everything is up to date" [Critical, Unconfirmed] [12:38] lukas__: 21.04 is EOL [12:39] meaning it's not supported anymore and doesn't receive any updates anymore [12:39] upgrade to 21.10 [12:43] based on what lukas__ wrote, i would think he's aware of it. [12:44] then i probably not getting it [12:50] lukas was looking for a way to formally report that the 'discover' software does not warn about the release being EOL when running on an EOL release. [12:51] yes [12:51] theres probably a bunch of users out there running outdated software who have no idea what is going on [12:52] Maik said: meaning it's not supported anymore and doesn't receive any updates anymore [12:52] ofc [12:53] kubuntu probably uses launchpad for bug management, so you could look for an existing bug report or file a new ones there. [12:53] !bug [12:53] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [12:54] chances are that a bug reported from an EOL release will be dropped, though, so better report it manually or using a supported release [13:03] thank you tomreyn [13:15] I've mentioned before that it would be nice if Kubuntu brought back the notification for a new version being available [13:27] "mentioned" here means == /dev/null [13:27] you'd need to file a feature request or bug report. [13:31] Yeah, but that would require effort and stuff [13:33] if you don't do it no one will [13:33] I also figure the devs must be aware of it, so if it hasn't been reimplemented yet, it's most likely because they have more important things to work on [13:35] 21.04 should receive an update to 21.10 [13:35] and 21.10 should soon receive one to 22.04, so it's probably best to switch soon [13:36] at least before 21.10 goes out of support, and reaching 22.04 will become more annoying [13:37] test [13:39] cbreak: the upgrade notification on ubuntu's end mostely happens after the first point release in July/August iirc [13:40] so if you want to upgrade to 22.04 sooner you'll have to force it [13:40] Doesn't this differ between lts and mainline tracks? [13:41] that i don't know [14:18] Hi folks [14:28] hello i have an old imac maybe 12 years old and i am looking for a stable lightweight version to download [14:28] I am fairly new to linux so need something simple [14:35] user|57, perhaps xubuntu might be a good fit, depends on your hardware and specs. https://xubuntu.org/ [14:44] user|57: how much RAM, what CPU? === yoyo is now known as yoyo__ [16:03] Kubuntu! if it has an SSD will be a piece of cake even with 4 Gb. The only recommendation for a beginner is to install the OS connected in the Internet using a cable , not by Wifi. After first boot, use the driver search utility to install the Broadcom wifi driver. Another boot and you can use wifi. I have a Macmimi 2009, 4 Gb, 240 GB SSD and for my use case (no gaming, browsing, word processing and spreadsheet and some Gimp) it [16:06] SergioStanislauskas: your message cut off on IRC after "and some Gimp) it" due to maximum line length. [16:08] if you need to provide a lot of auxiliary information with your question, it's usually good to ask a short versionof your question first before you provide all the detail. [17:04] Is there a one-step way to move a window to a different activity? To move one to a different virtual desktop, I just grab it, then switch desktop, and release it. But for activities that doesn't work === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [20:09]  apt-secure(8)   ??? [21:45] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/148e4d9636927fb018b9c3f8fa5c0c9c/Screenshot_20220226_164437.png [21:46] anyone? [21:47] kai_: if you have a Kubuntu support question just ask [21:48] having issue with kde helper daemon [21:48] lots of crash [21:49] which version? [21:49] 20.04 lts [21:51] tried to search for bug reports but can't seem to find any yet [21:52] but i've sent crash report [21:52] i don't see that [21:52] it happens every now and then [21:52] should i post it on askubuntu with screenshot? [21:53] yeah, good idea. And maybe file a bug report on launchpad [21:54] thanks [21:54] no problem and sorry if i couldn't be of more help [23:47] 124545