
=== Starmina_ is now known as Starmina
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webchat77hello, i have some issues and havent find any solution online , do ubuntu have a help channel by any chance^02:59
tomreynyou are in it02:59
teearYou need to go there03:00
=== eb is now known as Guest4362
webchat77oh nice, so here is my problem , yesterday i backed up all my config files on my cloud and did a fresh install , when i downloaded them back to get some of my old config back i have been able to extract them but they are "locked" aparently i dont have the permission to access them , i dont have the "rights" and permission is denied , those are rofi03:03
webchat77polybar and theme files and the likes03:03
webchat77i cant really figure out how to get them back and its a bit infuriating since it took me months to build them hehe03:04
webchat77any help would be very apreciated03:04
webchat77sorry for my english its not my mother thongue03:05
webchat77as an example i have a startpage that i use for brave browser , the index.html is extracted so the other related files but there is a orange lock on them , if i try to load it in the browser it says access denied03:07
webchat77its like if the files "belongs" to my previous install and cant be read on my new install since "i am not" the same root user03:09
rfmwebchat77, that can happen, depending on exactly how you did the backup and restore.  You mention you can't access them in the browser.  Are these file: URLs or are you running a local webserver?03:13
jhutchinsTime to hit the command line.03:13
jhutchinsA wild guess says that the user who created the files is not the user who restored them, and there is an ownership issue.03:14
jhutchinswebchat77: Do you have root access to your cloud system?03:14
JoeBkchown would fix ownership03:14
webchat77well for the startpage exemple the index and related files just sit in a folder called "my_startpage" in home/,config03:15
webchat77i literally drag and dropped the folder in protondrive , do a fresh install , and downloaded them back03:15
jhutchinswebchat77: Examine the ownership of the files and directories.03:15
webchat77i just set the index and my homepage in my browser xd03:15
webchat77as my*03:15
jhutchinswebchat77: Linux systems do not actually identify users by name, but index the corresponding number against a local list.  The name on one system may not match the same name on another.03:16
webchat77i have the same issue with all config file i >backed up> like rc.lua rofi.config etc03:16
webchat77if i right click properties on any file its greyd out and say owner root group root security context unknow , you are not the owner you cannot change the permission03:19
webchat77idk if it helps ..03:19
webchat77i will read on chom command joe mentioned03:19
JoeBkdo you have root access to the system?03:19
webchat77i mean there is that sudo thing hehe03:20
JoeBkgo into the root account and change ownership.03:20
JoeBksudo works03:20
JoeBkuse the chown command03:21
webchat77do i have to change permission on the folder only or all the files in them ?03:22
webchat77because they are all root read only etc03:22
webchat77i mean all the files in every folder are in the same state03:23
webchat77my configs folders i mean , not the rest of the /home03:23
jhutchinswebchat77: We should really ask you to learn this yourself, because there's a lot more with it you need to know, but sudo chown -R <user>:<group> <target> is what you're looking for.  Understand that if you do that in the wrong place, you can wreck your system.03:23
webchat77i will go and read everything there is to know about this , thanks for showing me where to look for03:24
jhutchinsLinux permissions and ownership is what you're looking for.03:24
webchat77is there anything i could do to avoid this situation in the future , i plan on backing up configs and formating quite often in the weeks to come , as i am actually learning and may eventually mess up my install, i often see peoples backing up configs on github? may it be a better solution for my need?03:27
jhutchinswebchat77: What are you using for backup & for restore?03:29
webchat77well in fact i just save a copy of the config files in proton drive ( its a web cloud like dropbox )03:31
webchat77i dont use any backup and restore program for now as i dont know how to use them yet03:31
webchat77im quite new to linux03:32
jhutchinswebchat77: Once you are comfortable with the chown command, and have maybe explored why the user ID numbers were different, it's trivial to just do that each time, as long as the ownership is consistent (as long as the whole file tree is the same).03:32
jhutchinswebchat77: We were all new some time.03:33
webchat77i managed to solve my issue! Thanks for the help! Now im gonna read a little bit more on this command because i can see how usefull it can be hehe03:45
JoeBktype man chown03:45
earthling__should I get involved in local ubuntu groups?04:25
earthling__back to normal as pandemic winds down?04:25
JoeBkearthling__, Do you even have a local Ubuntu group?04:27
earthling__dunno, I'm in Florida,USA04:28
earthling__vaguely recall something many years ago04:28
earthling__in my state04:28
earthling__in your area?04:28
JoeBkThe local group here has a chat channel, but it has been dead for a long time.04:29
JoeBkI'm on Philadelphia, PA04:29
earthling__I'm guessing NYC or Boston has many04:31
earthling__I should move to a cool city04:31
JoeBksearch for a channel, they may have one.04:31
earthling__good idea04:32
JoeBkthey may have a website too.  google it.04:33
earthling__btw philly has one on meetup.com04:34
earthling__though RMS hates meetup04:35
earthling__ehh looks like florida has ancient groups04:35
earthling__I don't like google that much04:36
earthling__prefer duckduckgo04:37
JoeBkearthling__, I should use duckduckgo more.04:53
JoeBkI should change the default search engine.04:53
matsamanmuch better default than Google, although duckduckgo is still a for-profit company and could go the same route whenever they want04:57
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mhehi all-i have a ssd 120G total i'd like two partitions made from the disk one that i can install Ubuntu on and another that will auto mount as a storage drive(partition2) how do i need to partition my disk will format it create an new partition table and two/three partitions one for os one for the storage drive if need be others for grub/swap/boot. can anyone tell me what i need eg primary extended swap os am a little unsure07:41
mhethat didnt work07:42
mhecan anyone help me re what my sdd should look like if i would like a partition for os, another for storage; what do i need for grub/bootpartition size and format; what do i need for swap (have 16Gram) 120G total size of my sdd07:43
mhei was thinking 30G for Ubuntu ext4, ? for swap, ? for boot/grub/partition, ? the rest for the "storage partition" all ext4 yes no?07:46
BASHitupI don't know, but whatever it is you do, I recommend using zram instead of traditional swap07:47
BASHitup... and I'm off to bed on that note. Read about zram07:47
BASHitup... you'll have to set up zram after the install.07:48
JoeBkmhe, with 16G of ram you shouldn't much swap if any at all.  I have 16G and swap is never used.07:49
mheyeah tbh i dont have the need for it either but i thought i'd see if i could notice any difference by allocating in the next clean install given i'll probably break it a few times b4 i am content07:51
JoeBkI just looked actially, I'm using 279 MB for swap. I don't know why it's using so much.07:51
mhewhats using it07:51
JoeBkI dunno07:52
mhecan you see it with that07:52
JoeBkI don't see it.07:54
JoeBkhtop shows it being use but I don't see what is using it.07:55
mhelol blind leading the blind but did you run as sudo (warning not sure you should run it as sudo but wondering if it will be accurate without)07:55
JoeBkI ran it again root. still do see it.07:57
JoeBkI know the system runs fine without swap.07:59
JoeBkI search said I should run smem08:00
mhehad you heard about zram (i'd not)08:01
JoeBkI have no clue what zram is.08:01
mhehow many partitions do i need if i want to install os (can i just make two partitions of ext4 or do i need another for grub)08:02
mheyeah had a read very cool will def be implementing08:03
JoeBkI never create partitons.  I let the system do it when installing.08:03
alkisgmhe: if you're installing under UEFI, you'll need one ESP partition of e.g. 1 GB. Otherwise you can use a single partition for everything else, to avoid frequent writes at the same place08:03
mhething is i want a storage partition08:03
alkisgYeah let the installer do things automatically you don't need to get clever...08:03
mheno its legacy bios08:03
alkisgWhat do you mean by "storage", is it the same as "/home" for you?08:03
alkisgYou could e.g. reserve 50 GB for /, and the rest for /home08:04
mhei'd like say a 50G partition of ext4 that i can store my files in regardless of whether i nuke the OS partition08:04
JoeBkwhy bother doing that?08:04
alkisgNote that you can reinstall without clearing /home08:04
alkisgYou don't need a separate partition in order to be able to reinstall08:05
alkisgBut anyway sure go for 50GB /, and 70GB /home (i.e. your "storage")08:05
JoeBkI just throw everything on one big partition.08:05
mhesorry kids distracted me08:07
mhedo i need a partition of say 2MB or something small for grub or some boot time files?08:08
JoeBkmhe, how big is your drive?08:08
mheso id like the os the home the storage partition and if i need another please let me know08:08
JoeBkI never use anything smaller than 1TB.  hard drives are cheap nowadays.08:08
mhe=) no choice at present08:09
alkisgmhe: why 3 partitions? Why isn't /home the same as storage?08:10
JoeBka 1TB hgst drive is 50USD08:11
mheit can be tbh i dont care what i do care about is finding out what format and the number of partitions i need to make myself manually. I feel like i might need a small partition for grub is this wrong08:11
mhegood point actually08:11
ducassemhe: you need an efi partition if you boot in uefi mode08:12
mhei dont its bios08:12
JoeBkthe installer makes the efi partition.08:12
mhedo i need anything special for bios08:12
JoeBkyou said you do bios boot?08:13
JoeBkMy system won't do a bios boot and I hate UEFI.08:13
mheso two ext4 partions will be sweet?  mount point is "/" for th "Os" & "/home" for the "home dir" ??08:14
mhethank you08:15
mheJoeBk, yes that correct08:15
JoeBkI have a 512MiB fat32 partition labeled /boot/efi08:15
JoeBkthe rest is ext408:16
mheima reboot n repartion homies until a little later ciao =) thanks for your help08:16
mheyeah JoeBk but dont you run UEFI on your box. I run bios on my box.08:17
JoeBkI don't see the point partitioning.08:17
JoeBkmhe is that a laptop or a real computer?08:18
mhei like to break my OS frequently, and given this i'd like to be able to reflash it easily08:18
mheold pc08:18
JoeBkyou need to buy a hard drive.  better would be an SSD.08:18
mhei need to buy an entire pc man but the price of chips n every thing else is bs atm (no value in the prices)08:19
mheso ima hold out until i dont know we find some minerals on the moon and war accross the globe ends08:20
mhei'll be waiting a few epochs i know08:20
prestocaso[m]hey everyone09:15
prestocaso[m]Is this the official Ubuntu IRC chat?09:25
JoeBkthis is the support chanel09:26
prestocaso[m]Ok thanks I am connecting thru a Matrix connection thru Element and wasn't sure09:28
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ulgenhow are you12:23
wezOK. Trying to put the lil man to sleep12:25
wezHe turn 2 in 35 mins12:25
wezulgen: ?12:27
ulgenwhy is no one talking12:29
wezI'm talking, I'm some one12:30
wezIt's probably a timezone thing12:30
ulgenwhere are the others12:31
wezulgen: Asleep12:33
wezOr raving12:33
wezIt's 23:33 on a Sunday here12:33
ulgenhere at 15:0012:35
wezoh nice12:35
hey_blokewell im stuck couldn't get my install to boot when i tried to install with multi partitions one for / one for /home13:23
hey_blokeany ideas ppl i have an old pc with bios so tried making an efi and a reserved for boot partition plus two more each primary (gpt)13:24
hey_blokeso far as i can tell i dont need an efi partition-thats only for uefi which i dont have so i should only need one partition for "reserved for bios-assume this is where bootloader is installed, but how big 1MB or 500MB?"13:26
hey_blokeand then i should have two ext4 partitons one primary and one extended, the former housing "/" and the latter /home. is this correct?13:28
alkisghey_bloke: for BIOS, you only need a single / partition. If you want to use a separate home, then OK you can use 2 partitions13:35
alkisgYou don't need a separate smaller partition for anything13:35
hey_blokeso if i make one ext4 primary and one ext4 extended and install onto / and /home im good to go in theory even with bios?13:37
hey_blokesorry, install onto "/"13:37
alkisgYou're good to go ONLY with BIOS. While if you had UEFI, you'd need an ESP partition13:38
hey_blokeprimary being the os and extended being the /home13:38
alkisg(a fat32 partition to host the grub.efi binaries etc)13:38
hey_blokehow big13:38
alkisgSure, either two primaries or one primary and one extended is fine13:38
alkisgYou don't have UEFI13:38
hey_blokeno i dont13:39
alkisgSo you don't need it13:39
hey_blokebut when i look at what partitions are there using the installer it has made an efi system partition so im confused13:40
alkisgDidn't you say you created these manually?13:40
hey_blokeguided installation with seems to have three partitions one is 1MB another is 513MB fat32 and the third is ext413:42
alkisghey_bloke: what's the output of `sudo fdisk -l | nc termbin.com 9999`13:42
alkisgIf you partitioned your disk using GPT when you're on BIOS, you might confuse the installer13:42
hey_blokei have done that13:43
hey_blokeso re that confusion if i revert to the old format ms mbr or whatever will it fix that installer confusion13:44
alkisgOr use manual partitioning, since you already know what you want to do13:46
hey_blokewhat you mean like Gparted or fdisk13:46
alkisgOr the installer itself, it has a "something else" option that lets you do manual formatting13:47
alkisgE.g. https://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation13:48
hey_blokethank you thats perfect13:51
BluesKajHi folks14:13
Ronalds_Mazitis_Invite me to #programming14:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_asked this on #web14:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_nobody is there, stop bullying me irc14:33
lotuspsychjeRonalds_Mazitis_: this is also not the channel to vent such14:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_you or me or ubuntu14:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_I seriously gon flip shit if yall keep stupidity online14:35
Ronalds_Mazitis_it's not my fault \14:35
=== Jubes0 is now known as Jubes
Protocol2Stupid question, how do I add a custom repository again?15:47
KBarProtocol2: `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name`15:48
Protocol2Aaah thanks! I thought I copied it correctly but I missed a dash. Thanks!15:49
Ronalds_Mazitis_invite me to #programming15:54
Ronalds_Mazitis_i WANT TO PROGRAM UBUNTU15:54
Ronalds_Mazitis_libera chat15:54
tomreynRonalds_Mazitis_: please stop, this is not the topic of this channel, #ubuntu. final warning.15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_I want to program ubuntu15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_final warning15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_this is topic about #ubuntu15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_stop #lies15:57
KBarRonalds_Mazitis_: join #ubuntu-dev15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_there is only me there15:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_stop #lies again15:58
KBartomreyn: thanks15:59
Savagehello there... I am a new linux user who still prefers the windows UI and i was wondering what customisation settings i could use to get as close to a windows look possible16:33
Savageim running linux mate by the way16:33
jhutchinsSavage: There are a lot of ways to approach that, but you might consider learning what kinds of customizations and even defaults are available in Linux, finding out what you can do with it.16:35
jhutchinsSavage: In other words, rather than finding ways to make it look and work like Windows, find out how to make it work for you.16:35
jhutchinsSavage: What particular Windows features are you looking for?16:36
Savageooh i see16:36
Savagethat would be a more reasonable approach i suppose16:36
webchat83good day17:10
jhutchinswez: Glad to hear it.17:12
jhutchinsHmmm... not so good that he stayed on line.17:14
frost-corehow do i know if i run uefi or efi?17:16
frost-coreor are they just, THE same thing17:16
jhutchinsfrost-core: Strictly speaking, efi is a sub-set of uefi, but they're really the same thing, and nobody's careful about usage.17:19
frost-corei just want to see if there are any limitations with efi17:20
frost-corei currently run efi here17:20
jhutchinsfrost-core: "U" is for "universal", applied when the hardware it was designed for was expanded.17:20
frost-corealso, i see that uefi has a nice gui17:20
jhutchinsfrost-core: It's pretty unlikely that you run efi on a system that's less than three racks.17:20
frost-corebut efi does not17:20
jhutchinsfrost-core: The GUI is not standard.17:20
jhutchinsfrost-core: I'll bet that there are several thousand pages documenting the whole thing.17:21
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:21
Maikfrost-core: you said you're on Arch, then why not ask there or over at #linux for general linux questions? You know this is a Ubuntu support channel17:29
frost-coreMaik : this is my other pc17:29
frost-corei am now using it as normal17:30
frost-coreits fine17:30
Maikyou never mentioned having another PC.... but ok17:30
JoeBkI was just looing at the install stuff for ubuntu on the web.  I think they need to update the procedure for creating the flash drive to include Ventoy which is a much better way to create the bootable install drive.17:34
jhutchinsJoeBk: You could create a page that lists tools to create bootable flash drives, with links to each and a brief description of what each one offers.17:35
jhutchinsJoeBk: That page could then be linked to the install instructions, and could be maintained independently.17:36
JoeBkjhutchins, I don't do web stuff.  If I did I would get on it.18:19
jhutchinsNo reason not to take notes and poste them on blogger.com.18:21
jhutchinsThis stuff only works if everybody pitches in.18:22
=== Jubes1 is now known as Jubes
ednashI am on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and I want to switch to Ubuntu 21.10 _Minimal_18:55
ednashCan I do that without having to reformat and fresh install?18:56
Maiknope, at least not Minimal18:56
Maikednash: and why switch from LTS to non-LTS?18:57
ednashI found a few old packages18:57
Maikthe next LTS release is around the corner, April 21st18:57
ednashActually that's a good question18:57
ednashWhat gets updated if I stay on an LTS?18:57
Maikso i'd wait until then18:57
ednashYeah... just read about that. I was trying to get ahead and see how the update process looks like18:58
ednashAs I have today afternoon to tinker with18:58
Maikabout "old" packages..18:58
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:59
lotuspsychjeednash could install 21.10 and let the install preserve his /home ?18:59
ednashSo question - will Ubuntu 21.10 have newer packages than 20.04? With a six-months cycle, would it be a lot more fresh?18:59
frost-corehello guys18:59
frost-corei am running ubuntu 21.10 here18:59
frost-corei have an annoying issue18:59
frost-corewhen i press a number on my numberpad19:00
Maikednash: it will have newer packages than 20.0419:00
frost-coreit does not work19:00
frost-corebut 219:00
Maikbut it's only supported until July19:00
frost-coreis like down arrow19:00
ednashfrost-core: did you try pressing the Numlock?19:00
ednashMaik: what is the process to upgrade when support ends?19:01
ednashis it difficult?19:01
frost-corethere is no numlock key19:01
frost-coreits like in delete key19:01
ednashor rather i should ask, does it require a fresh install?19:01
frost-coreunder it says num lock19:01
Maikhow do you mean ednash?19:01
ednashfrost-core: probably you are using a laptop? if it has an "Fn" key (usually lower left) try pressing Fn + Delete19:01
Maikyou can upgrade in place or choose to do a fresh install19:02
enigma9o7[m]Sounds like a laptop, you probably have a Fn key.19:02
frost-corei have an fn key19:02
frost-corealso im on laptop19:02
ednashMaik: oh cool i will update in place then19:02
frost-corethank you19:02
frost-coremy issue is fixed19:02
ednashdoes updating in place just preserve all my packages, or also install new stuff that i don't have / didn't want (like say mail client etc.)19:02
enigma9o7[m]just updates packages you have, and their dependencies19:03
ednashnice! then i might just want to do that19:03
ednashdon't see any downsides...?19:03
ednashexcept that i will have to upgrade19:03
ednashmore frequently19:03
ednash(which is probably exactly what i want if i want newest packages)19:03
ednashe.g. cmake is years old19:04
enigma9o7[m]We're not that long away from the next LTS either...19:04
lotuspsychjeednash: snaps, !backports,..19:04
ednashyeah don't like snap that much. though that's what i'm using19:05
ednashit crowds lsblk with many loop devices19:05
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging19:05
frost-corehow do i get gestures in lxqt?19:06
frost-coreim running 21.10 as said, and i upgraded19:06
ednashfrost-core: You can use touchegg.19:07
frost-coreive heard of it19:07
frost-corebut idk how to install it19:07
frost-coreand configure19:07
ednashI'm reading this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1140108/how-can-i-use-multitouch-gestures-under-lxqt-with-a-touchscreen19:07
ednashInstallation instructions are here: https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg19:07
ednashSpecifically for Ubuntu: https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg#ubuntu-debian-and-derivatives19:08
ednashYou need to just type those 3 lines19:08
ednashon a console19:08
ednashThen it should just show up as a desktop GUI application, and you can configure it https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg#configuration19:09
frost-corean issue19:09
lotuspsychje!info touchegg19:09
ubottutouchegg (1.1.1-0ubuntu4, impish): Multitouch gesture recognizer. In component universe, is optional. Built by touchegg. Size 47 kB / 170 kB19:10
lotuspsychjeits just on the repos ednash19:10
ednashyeah but the git says better install from there ppa19:10
ednashbut frost-core i think it may be simpler to do what lotuspsychje says19:10
ednashjust type this single line and you're done -19:10
ednashsudo apt install touchegg19:11
ednash...on a console (it will ask for your password)19:11
frost-coreim not a new to linux user19:11
frost-corei already know that19:11
ednashoh my apologies19:11
frost-coredont worry,19:12
frost-corewhen running touchegg from terminal, nothing19:14
ednashmay be i will hold out till the LTS update comes in April!19:15
ednashthank you enigma9o7[m] lotuspsychje Maik19:15
=== ednash is now known as ednash_afk
lotuspsychjeednash: adviced to wait till 22.04.1 releases to upgrade from 20.0419:16
ednash_afklotuspsychje: what's 22.04.1? do you mean i should wait until all issues with 22.04 are hammered out and ignore the update prompt till then?19:18
tomreynactually there will be no prompt until roughtly around the 22.04.1 release19:18
tomreyn(and LTS upgrades won't be supported until then)19:19
tomreyn22.04.1 is the first "point release" after 22.04(.0)19:19
tomreynfrost-core: i did not follow the conversation, but if http://paste.debian.net/1232430/ is a problem you're currently facing, then this is a result of a (temporary?) server error/misconfiguration on the server providing the apt repository you were trying to configure. or the command you ran just could not work the way you did - but we don't know which command produced this output)19:22
=== ednash_afk is now known as ednash
ednashi see makes sens tomreyn19:42
ednashwill those on non-LTS 21.10 also get the prompt to update to LTS 22.04.119:43
Maik21.10 is set to upgrade to every release19:44
Maikso it will prompt to 22.0419:44
ednashso yes then19:44
ednashoh i see19:44
ednashas i am planning to install steam, wondering if i should get on the 21.1019:44
ednashto avoid potential complications that can arise if i don't have up-to-date packages19:45
Maikbut... if you don't change it in after the upgrade to 22.04 it will prompt you again when 22.10 comes out. However you can change it to upgrade to LTS releases only19:46
lexarand thats why when you freeze stuff the tension is higher and it starts to exhibit the same effects19:47
ednashthanks Maik sounds good19:47
ednashinteresting... looks like nvidia driver is (nearly) the latest one even though i am on 20.0419:47
ednashprobably it comes from a different PPA? i have 510.47.0319:48
ednashnvidia page says latest is 510.54, so probably not very far off19:48
ednashi wonder if dist upgrade is anything more than switching the default PPA for ubuntu and running an upgrade19:51
alkisgapt-get dist-upgrade is a simple upgrade of packages. Maybe you mean `do-release-upgrade` instead20:07
=== diskin is now known as Guest7100
=== diskin_ is now known as diskin
DiagonI have posted an SE question regarding /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dump-* files, here: https://superuser.com/questions/1707250/uefi-variable-storage-removing-sys-firmware-efi-dump-files-when-kernel-variab21:17
Diagon"UEFI Variable Storage (removing /sys/firmware/efi dump files) when Kernel Variables CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS & CONFIG_EFI_VARS both =y as in Ubuntu 20.04"21:18
tomreynDiagon: looks like a uefi firmware bug, look for a vendor upgrade21:50
wezjhutchins: I went to bed :)22:04
wezbut I think you meant someone else and tab completed to me cause they left.22:05
jhutchinswez: Right.22:10
=== Vercas2 is now known as Vercas
=== de-facto_ is now known as de-facto

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