
MaikChris98: unetbootin isn't recommended, if you're on a buntu machine try startup disk creator which is either already installed and if not install it from the repos00:05
Chris98thanks for your reply, Maik, will give it a try.00:06
Maiksudo apt install usb-creator-gtk00:06
Maikwith that you can flash buntu isos to a usb stick00:07
Maikanother option is Disks which has a restore image feature to flash a usb stick00:09
Maikand that works with any iso00:09
Chris98USB built. Booting. Looks already better. With unetbootin I didn't even see the little keyboard and the guy next to it, just before it starts the install. Let's see if it completes ok now ...00:12
Chris98Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot. Definitely, unetbootin is not (no more?) to recommand ....00:35
Maikglad it worked out well, you're welcome00:35
Chris98good night, bye00:36
xu-irc69wHi! the site in https://xubuntu.org/download/ has a error 404 download link.14:52
xu-irc69wthe error 404 link is >>> https://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/focal/release/desktop/xubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent14:54
xu-irc69wneed change to 20.04.414:54
=== genii-core is now known as genii
xu-irc6wHello, at https://xubuntu.org/download/ the wrong torrent for the LTS release is linked19:22
Maikbluesabre: ^19:51
krytarikMaik: Updated.20:25
Maikkrytarik: thank you :)20:34
krytarikI expected it to be a bit harder in fact.. >_>20:36

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