
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== itu is now known as Guest2938
skirandoI'm trying to install xubuntu 20.04 on a MPG B550I GAMING EDGE WIFI mother board.13:36
skirandoIt works but network driver RealtekĀ® 8125B 2.5G LAN is not installed. lshw -C network says network unclaimed13:36
skirandoI downloaded the driver on the net but installation seems to require dkms.13:36
skirandodkms is not included in xubuntu 20.04 installed version13:36
skirandosudo apt-get doesn't work since I have no network.13:36
Guest17I'm trying to install xubuntu 20.04 on a MPG B550I GAMING EDGE WIFI mother board.13:53
Guest17It works but network driver RealtekĀ® 8125B 2.5G LAN is not installed. lshw -C network says network unclaimed13:53
Guest17I downloaded the driver on the net but installation seems to require dkms.13:53
Guest17dkms is not included in xubuntu 20.04 installed version13:53
Guest17sudo apt-get doesn't work since I have no network.13:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:54
Maikso it's best not to copy/paste more than 3 lines :)13:55
justaguy70Aloha everyone. How do I disable login sound in Xubuntu?14:40
justaguy70I tried to google it but no luck.14:41
Maikuhm... as far as i can remember xubuntu doesn't have a login sound enabled by default14:42
justaguy70Yeah, it did not but I installed the Chicago95 theme and now I have the old Windows95 login sound each time :D  And no idea how to disable it...14:44
Maiknot sure either how to do that, sorry14:46
justaguy70The Chicago95 thingy brings lots of memories by the way :)  https://imgur.com/JLFtBO5.png14:46
justaguy70Ah, got it. Menu -> settings -> session and startup -> application autostart -> unclick startup sound14:49
christianHello 15:13
christianI'm trying to install xubuntu 20.04 on a MPG B550I GAMING EDGE WIFI mother board. 15:13
christianIt works but network driver RealtekĀ® 8125B 2.5G LAN is not installed. lshw -C network says network unclaimed15:13
christianI downloaded the driver on the net but installation seems to require dkms.15:13
christiandkms is not included in xubuntu 20.04 installed version15:13
christiansudo apt-get doesn't work since I have no network.15:13
christianHow can I copy and run dkms from an other Pc ?15:13
=== Guest2938 is now known as itu
gnrpchristian: What does it say, exactly, why it is not working?15:17
gnrpthe installation, I mean15:17
christianXububtu works but I have no network15:20
gnrpI mean, when you try to install the driver, what is the error message?15:21
christianI'm unable to install the driver since on askubuntu they say you need to have dkms15:22
gnrpchristian: Ah, so you haven't tried yet15:24
gnrpchristian: Go to packages.ubuntu.com15:24
gnrpthere you can earch for packages15:24
gnrpe.., here is dkms: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/dkms15:24
gnrpyou can also download the packages there and you can see the dependencies15:25
gnrpyou can download that on a ocmputer with internet access, copy it to a usb flashdrive, and then bring it to your other computer15:25
=== genii-core is now known as genii
gnrpwith `dpkg -i $PACKAGE` you can install $PACKAGE (e.g., dkms_2.8.1-5ubuntu1_all.deb)15:26
gnrpchristian: Furthermore, do `/sbin/ip l` to check which network devices are there. You could paste themand we coul dhave a look15:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:27
=== theo is now known as Guest7381
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
=== BuckarooBanzai8 is now known as BuckarooBanzai
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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