[08:36] [telegram] QA ISO links now corrected and working again .. [09:04] :) & thanks @Leokolb [15:11] [telegram] Kubuntu Jammy daily 04-03-2022 crashes - can someone verfiy that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1963697 [18:41] [telegram] i can run a test in a vm in a bit and see if it crashes here @Leokolb [18:41] [telegram] been a little busy until now [18:42] [telegram] ok tks - (re @teward001: i can run a test in a vm in a bit and see if it crashes here @Leokolb) [18:46] [telegram] give me a few to zsync down the image. then i'm going to verify the ISO first before using the image just in case. (i'm thorough) [18:52] [telegram] @Leokolb confirmed hard crash during loading in a QEMU KVM environment. Boot is "Kubuntu" option in my env becasue it's well unique, crash dump shows a python Type Error [18:53] [telegram] Tks - can you mark the bug as affecting you as well? (re @teward001: @Leokolb confirmed hard crash during loading in a QEMU KVM environment. Boot is "Kubuntu" option in my env becasue it's well unique, crash dump shows a python Type Error) [18:58] [telegram] i can do even better [18:58] [telegram] i have python traceback for you [18:58] [telegram] attached to the bug [18:59] [telegram] not sure what error you had with your ubiquity crash but i reran ubiquity in the desktop session it dropped into, got the same trace, included it [19:01] [telegram] and i went one step further and apport-collect'd the bug as well [19:01] [telegram] (enjoy the apport dump xD) [19:02] [telegram] and it's a KDE Frontend bug it seems here [19:11] [telegram] @Leokolb Please understand that my response was a copy-paste with *every* ubiquity bug report lacking apport information. It was nothing against you, but that's standard procedure. [20:16] [telegram] No problem - i was aware of the copy-paste 😊 (re @Eickmeyer: @Leokolb Please understand that my response was a copy-paste with *every* ubiquity bug report lacking apport information. It was nothing against you, but that's standard procedure.) [20:16] [telegram] Thanks again @teward001 (re @teward001: i can do even better)