[00:19] jailbreak, use today's lubuntu daily & you'll get both (oops); we'll fix that though [00:19] damn.... not what I wanted to hear. snap is cancer [00:19] Maik: yeah makes no sense [00:20] I guess I'll be trying debian or mint then :-S [00:20] snap browsers provide greater security protection though; as browser is confined with limited access to your / fs [00:20] yeah but slow down, not a good thing [00:21] you tried opening chromium after a reboot with snap? even on quick systems it's long [00:21] slower to start yeah, but having used chromium as snap since mid-2019 it's about equal speed wise [00:21] I use this: #!/bin/bash /snap/chromium/current/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome $* && exit [00:22] opens instantly, hopefully there's a way to do something like that with FF [00:28] the initial run of a snap is slower (it's got a confined space to setup; ie. added security cost), but as stated once it's running I find it about equal; and I'm on a 2009 dell desktop here (ie. hardly a modern box; pre-intel-i series era; ie. c2q, but I find same on i5 etc) [04:37] anyone got a bug ID handy of system problem detected on ubuntu-advantage-desktop-deamon? [04:37] second day it popups for me on -desktop [06:40] jailbreak: you can get firefox.deb from the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [23:04] alkisg: is that supposed to stay? [23:10] sounds like Firefox are really planning to force people to use old insecure versions (not just this snap thing but also the fission changes that eat all your RAM) [23:28] Ubuntu should just rename Firefox to Ubuntu Browser and see if Mozilla really prefer that more...