
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
lotuspsychjegood morning02:46
ducassegood morning08:32
=== waveform_ is now known as waveform
scortalgood afternoon14:36
lotuspsychjewelcome scortal 14:39
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
daftykinsplease stop that, this is not how to use IRC15:39
scortalIRC ftw}15:48
daftykinsok, troll confirmed 15:52
Eickmeyerscortal: I've been watching you. The IRC guidelines for Ubuntu channels apply here too. One of the guidelines is "Don't be annoying".15:52
mahmoud_Hello, I am curious about the switching in Barcelona government from Windows to Linux and open source, are there any signs in schools and offices?19:58
Bashing-omUWN: Issue725 now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue725 :D21:01
ograwheee !21:06
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk

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