BrianHechinger[m | Just decided to look into pipewire out of curiosity. No ffado support. 😠| 15:26 |
tarrasque[m] | > Studio-controls is meant to replace cadence and if there are features you find missing you are welcome to ask for those features on the studio-controls upstream site on github. | 15:41 |
tarrasque[m] | Studio Controls was one of the defining factors in my tentative to switch to Ubuntu studio. Unfortunately, they do not work. Doesn't seem able to start Jack. I found no logs, no serious documentation about the tools. I also opened an Ask Ubuntu question with no answer till now. | 15:41 |
Eickmeyer | tarrasque[m]: Studio Controls is an upstream project and not Ubuntu Studio exclusive. The person that asked you to post on the upstream site was the developer himself. | 15:45 |
tarrasque[m] | Ok. Could you please explain to me what's an "upstream site" and how to post there? | 15:46 |
Eickmeyer | tarrasque[m]: Go to It's pretty self-explanatory. | 15:48 |
Eickmeyer | You've been given that link more than once. | 15:48 |
tarrasque[m] | Really? It's the first time I use this Matrix chat app and i might have missed, but all I see in the visible history are referrals to this "upstream site", but no link. | 15:51 |
Eickmeyer | Ok, I guess that's true, but regardless, there's the link. :) | 15:53 |
Eickmeyer | (I thought somebody linked it for you) | 15:54 |
tarrasque[m] | Thank you | 15:57 |
tarrasque[m] | I opened a ticket. Unfortunately I don't have much else to say except "it does nothing" because the tool does not show any popup message and I don't know where it logs if it does. | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerks will likely guide you through that. | 16:24 |
OvenWerks | tarrasque[m]: You probably have email ;) but, the first thing to try with any software is to make sure you have the latest version. | 18:09 |
OvenWerks | tarrasque[m]: Always include the version of the software you are using in a bug report so the developer knows if this is a bug that has already been fixed. | 18:10 |
OvenWerks | tarrasque[m]: in ubuntustudio there is a small app called ubuntustudio-installer. Running that and selecting "Enable Backports PPA". | 18:12 |
OvenWerks | tarrasque[m]: then do a standard software updates using Discover (you may have to click on the updates button in the lower left) | 18:14 |
OvenWerks | tarrasque[m]: if you are already running studio-controls 2.3.0 then please set your logging level (in system tweaks) to extra, then restart jack. Then attach ~/.log/autojack.log and (if it exists) ~/.log/autojack.log.1 These two files can put in one zip file if you prefer. | 18:21 |
tarrasque[m] | > tarrasque: Always include the version of the software you are using in a bug report so the developer knows if this is a bug that has already been fixed. | 20:56 |
tarrasque[m] | you're right. I was writing from my work pc so I didn't ave that info at the time. Studio controls is version 2.2.8 | 20:56 |
tarrasque[m] | afret enabling backports it's updating it to 2.3.0 | 20:58 |
BrianHechinger[m | OvenWerks: so I've been looking into the whole FireWire pipewire thing. Looks like they aren't going to be using ffado? This could be bad for us. 😠| 20:59 |
OvenWerks | BrianHechinger[m: the offcial line is that FW is supported in ALSA. I supose we could bug the ALSA guys with bug reports... | 21:53 |
OvenWerks | BrianHechinger[m: however, there may be any number of other reasons to continue to use JACK as the sound server. So I will be looking into user defined pw-jack bridging. I suspect this is already possible but that the parameters used to start that module are less than well understood. | 21:55 |
BrianHechinger[m | Yeah, unless we get the ALSA guys to fix all the firewire issues we don't have a choice but to stick with JACK. It's a real shame. PipeWire really does look nice. | 22:13 |
BrianHechinger[m | The crappy part is from what I read the FFADO guys basically offered to do whatever it would take to get it working with PipeWire but the PW guys never responded. :( | 22:14 |
OvenWerks | BrianHechinger[m: I think they don't want to support jack backends of any sort. Supporting one means requests to support all. | 22:27 |
BrianHechinger[m | If the backends want to do the work I don't see the problem. I guess our best bet is to just harass the ALSA guys if we ever hope to be able to use PipeWire. Or switch to USB! (never) | 22:30 |
OvenWerks | BrianHechinger[m: The solution, I think, is to learn how to set up jack as a device in PW. | 22:31 |
BrianHechinger[m | That sounds a tad convoluted, no? | 22:35 |
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