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FlorianBad | I'm writing some instructions in which non-tech-savvy people at some point will have to download the iso file of a live linux, something simple to boot straight from USB or DVD. If they end up on Ububtu's website, is it always the same green [Download] button that has both the install and the Live boot? | 00:34 |
FlorianBad | Or is there a specific image somewhere for Live boots? | 00:34 |
Guest70 | Has anyone used the Linux kernel "pwm-imx.c" this driver? | 00:35 |
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sarnold | FlorianBad: yeah, that big green button is probably right thing to use | 00:36 |
FlorianBad | sarnold: so the live boot option is always in the same main dvd? | 00:36 |
sarnold | FlorianBad: it should be, yeah :) | 00:37 |
FlorianBad | ok, cool | 00:37 |
zxt | xx | 00:38 |
sunnyday | imx_pwm_enable_v1 How do I use this function? | 00:38 |
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merc | !help | 03:06 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 03:06 |
merc | !ops | 03:06 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK DJones el Flannel genii hggdh ikonia krytarik mneptok mwsb nhandler Pici popey sarnold tomreyn Unit193 wgrant | 03:06 |
merc | My machine is in kernel panic | 03:06 |
Ravage | a kernel panic is not a channel emergeny .. | 03:07 |
Ravage | *emergency | 03:07 |
Ravage | please stop alarming ops | 03:07 |
merc | But my gf's nudes are stored on that Ubuntu Linux Machine!! | 03:08 |
Ravage | im sure the world is better off without them | 03:08 |
merc | but I am not | 03:09 |
merc | I need those or else I might hurt myself | 03:09 |
merc | So please help with errors, Ravage | 03:10 |
Ravage | not sure there is a channel for that on libera. but there are helplines. | 03:10 |
merc | No with errors on the PC | 03:10 |
Ravage | so far i dont see any useful information | 03:10 |
merc | Figure it out! You are the technician! | 03:11 |
Ravage | welcome on my ignore list | 03:11 |
merc | here is error | 03:13 |
merc | 33DFFEF5C711A8DD241EB1B2D91BD30CBD3189E61C83AB1A43C64C2805932CF557FBBC0D95587700176F526E8BB44DF5660B4075A1B4D685A63056578AE5A4EB7F4B458DFF950762A13FDB8CBAFAEF50856583D20B5F8E35F02CD32A2C7EAF2CA14A5585F40736AE8E078493D5BFED973526D2089ACF359438F65FC3FD94B5002AF2A1BEFB575748BAD034CCAC68BAA1FC18DB6967334CF5887E54A2953E16478B96C692F1967A38036F615DAB159EA3985F8FE82553F49284CABD4C79DA0FD284779B2FC827E1FA7C635037877D7FA7A30A8EB8FC27B19F9D1783767211BD3DD781E315D02696F7173 | 03:13 |
merc | 1A7F152749491ACA85CF25258299A5268371408713311CF0691131948E679C92862B1DC7802002B848DDEB6242306542D0A1B5EE4A0C857EAF8B9105BEF973EA2A1FC9C38A49A16661B1B6CC417C8427C90D1A20BCB9251FB1789249FC943344ABFD5633755DAEC6A5C7A0E5BAAE631F556EC00A29E0164CB0F298E8AAEBB5D30657A525BE41E010CF46E3E15D5FDFD0BF17FAFABFE7E46772172E5C07D4FFFC4321079C49B08019813898260732EE8DB1E70CEC6863532188553590879F4D2D8C322EACE9648D7EC2DB6FF9F9D0CCA2546F550D39DB7BBA39B6B9207F9F669726B9CDE72E974F64FA3 | 03:13 |
merc | 1CFC8DF331373CF11ADAAE2F15D255A6ABDD5B34114DAAC7DC638399C666F43F77839A9423DFE02321701E0376 | 03:13 |
jhutchins | Do we have any effictive tools like Mute, un-voice, or temporary kicks? | 03:14 |
jhutchins | Then again, if we ban enough people it certainly helps us get that beautiful dead air... | 03:15 |
krytarik | Well, most of the bans are temporary in nature too.. | 03:17 |
krytarik | And muting doesn't really improve things here either. | 03:18 |
krytarik | And we usually don't feel like trying and playing whack-a-mole for a while using kicks and eventually having to set a ban anyway.. | 03:20 |
krytarik | jhutchins: And speaking of dead air, would you prefer having it filled with behavior like this instead? | 03:22 |
jhutchins | If you're gonna listen to shortwave, you're gonna hear static. | 03:27 |
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webchat69 | how do I run remmina remote desktop client from an aws ubuntu terminal? | 03:28 |
webchat69 | from this page 5. Connecting to Ubuntu Desktop (https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/ubuntu-desktop-aws#5-connecting-to-ubuntu-desktop) I need to run remmina remote desktop client, but the instruction does not say how to run it. | 03:30 |
Ravage | webchat69: sudo snap install remmina | 03:32 |
Ravage | or https://remmina.org/how-to-install-remmina/ | 03:33 |
leftyfb | webchat69: you need to setup an entire ubuntu desktop in EC2 in order to run GUI applications running remotely in AWS | 03:34 |
leftyfb | webchat69: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/ubuntu-desktop-aws#1-overview | 03:34 |
leftyfb | webchat69: then you just install remmina like any other package | 03:34 |
MrMobius | is there any way to send myself a notification when my battery is getting low on a laptop running command line only? | 03:49 |
leftyfb | MrMobius: yes | 03:50 |
RootDet | Hi all, | 03:53 |
RootDet | I am having a problem with the desktop install. I have tried 20.0.4 and 20.0.3 lts. 3 different flashd rives, one is brand new out of the box, and now also 3 different target nvme disk, one i just bought today, but all new. I keep getting an error that the source file does not match the target | 03:54 |
RootDet | This seems to be rather or not i select the network option, or anything. I am at my witts end what to do, becausde there is anything else to replace here except motherboard. | 03:55 |
leftyfb | RootDet: redownload the iso's. Also, try a different usb port on the desktop | 03:55 |
MrMobius | leftyfb, great. can you point me in the right direction? everything I'm finding is notify-send, zenity, or other stuff GUI based | 03:55 |
RootDet | I've done that too, i tried rufus and blanche for the usb install | 03:55 |
RootDet | the checksum even matches | 03:56 |
leftyfb | MrMobius: what sort of notification do you want? | 03:56 |
leftyfb | RootDet: you tried different ports? | 03:56 |
RootDet | Yep. Case ports and direct ports on the motherboard | 03:57 |
leftyfb | RootDet: test your memory | 03:57 |
MrMobius | leftyfb, something on the screen? im not sure how this problem is usually solved. printing text into whatever tmux window im in probably wont work very well so im open to ideas | 03:59 |
RootDet | leftyfb what you think be the easiest way for that? | 03:59 |
RootDet | not sure if like memtest is built into the install cd or not | 03:59 |
Ravage | RootDet: https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm | 04:00 |
Ravage | memtest is included but does not work on UEFI | 04:01 |
Ravage | so just get the iso from the website and run it | 04:01 |
leftyfb | MrMobius: what is wrong with notify-send? | 04:06 |
leftyfb | MrMobius: if you want something to notify you in terminal sessions, use wall | 04:07 |
MrMobius | leftyfb, because there is no windows manager. the machine is command line only | 04:08 |
leftyfb | MrMobius: use wall | 04:08 |
=== martums599 is now known as martums59 | ||
pagios | CSR question, qhen i request a CSR what mainly happens is a private key is created with an optional pasphrase, a certificate is also created and sent along the CSR to be signed by the CA ? | 06:59 |
NeoFAT32 | Is it better to use xorg driver for Nvidia or the proprietary driver ? | 07:01 |
Heston | NeoFAT32, you'll get a massive increase in performance with the proprietary | 07:12 |
NeoFAT32 | Probably but I'm running a second screen on the motherboard GPU so it's an Intel HD Graphics. | 07:13 |
NeoFAT32 | Do you have a solution to improve its performances ? | 07:13 |
NeoFAT32 | Because if what they said was right, it's running it through the kernel. | 07:13 |
Heston | intel has open source linux drivers so it should be decent | 07:14 |
NeoFAT32 | So when I move a windows on this screen, it's working like I just installed windows without updating drivers. | 07:14 |
NeoFAT32 | What's that driver ? | 07:14 |
Heston | depends on your hardware. I dont remember the names | 07:14 |
NeoFAT32 | i915 ? 530 ? | 07:16 |
Heston | most likely i915, check lsmod | 07:17 |
NeoFAT32 | I find it clearly stupid to improve Nvidia drivers while most of computers are running Intel CPU/GPU. Quit strange that they improved Nvidia drivers before Intel ones, at least, it's using the kernel. | 07:17 |
NeoFAT32 | Yeah it's i915. | 07:18 |
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michagogo | Hi, I understand that execute permissions are required in order to traverse a directory - am I correct in assuming this means that I can safely control access to an SMB mount point by putting it in a parent directory and using ACLs to grant specific users/groups execute permission on the parent? | 08:35 |
Xeonvl | Ravage its definately still running at 800mhz. we try a different install today, if that fails we'll try another OS, I checked the MSRs last night, there seems to be no PROCHOT signal. I am suspecting the BIOS / some motherboard setting but we have very limited resources on the motherboard | 08:42 |
Xeonvl | I am gonna call the supplier, we already tackled two extremely difficult issues trying to get the system running | 08:42 |
Xeonvl | this is the third, we are really flying in the dark | 08:42 |
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scortal | hi | 08:58 |
bittin | hi | 09:05 |
llanhmod | Hi, I was checking for processes that would potentially be incorrectly holding /dev/console open. I found only Slack. https://bpa.st/5HAQ. Question is, where to find the initscript that launche Slack? | 09:24 |
llanhmod | oh wait... maybe I am mistaken | 09:29 |
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ice9 | bluetooth mouse sometimes disconnects even while using it, any idea? | 10:05 |
pupil | heloo | 10:12 |
pupil | Who want f*ck | 10:13 |
nikolam | I think bash has some but not being able to do echo on the terminal anymore, after using , for example, nslookup command and exiting out of nsllokup with Ctl+C | 10:17 |
nikolam | I think I observed it on multiple platforms.. | 10:18 |
StyXman | is it possible that the sound system is trying to configure volume levels? my coworkers are complaining my mic levels are too high, I set it low this morning but it moved under my eyes to a higher level the moment I started talking | 10:22 |
StyXman | hmm, it seems it's zoom's fault | 10:24 |
EriC^ | sybariten: hey, any luck? i didnt get any msgs if you sent earlier, the chat backlog was erased | 10:45 |
olspookishmagus | hello, I | 11:27 |
olspookishmagus | I'm looking for some tips on how to fdisk/parted a 4k BRAND NEW SSD disk for dualbooting Windows and Linux and have those OSes share a common partition | 11:28 |
olspookishmagus | IIRC whenever I did it I recall getting messages from fdisk for the partition NOT being physical aligned | 11:29 |
olspookishmagus | I found this and I'm looking on it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/156994/how-to-fix-partition-does-not-start-on-physical-sector-boundary-warning | 11:31 |
olspookishmagus | since I'll be installing Windows first, maybe I should just have Windows do "it's magic" and setup up the boot partition and it's own partition and then have Linux do it's magic | 11:37 |
oerheks | olspookishmagus, yes, that is the idea; windows first | 11:44 |
frost-core | hello | 11:50 |
frost-core | i need help | 11:50 |
frost-core | i booted an openSUSE usb | 11:50 |
frost-core | to resize the ubuntu partition | 11:50 |
frost-core | and then i resized using cfdis | 11:50 |
frost-core | cfdisk* | 11:50 |
frost-core | did write | 11:50 |
frost-core | then exited and booted back | 11:50 |
tomreyn | !enter | frost-core | 11:50 |
ubottu | frost-core: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 11:50 |
frost-core | now im on busybox | 11:50 |
oerheks | you better boot an ubuntu iso, why suse? | 11:50 |
frost-core | because thats what i had | 11:51 |
frost-core | in the usb | 11:51 |
frost-core | and i dont wanna reflash | 11:51 |
frost-core | please help | 11:51 |
frost-core | what do i do on busybox | 11:51 |
frost-core | ok lemme do it in one line | 11:52 |
frost-core | i booted a openSUSE usb then got to rescue mode, and then i booted up cfdisk to resize my ubuntu partition for another os, now i did write and did yes, and when i reboot i see that im on busybox | 11:53 |
oerheks | after resizing, one must edit grub with the new UUID's | 11:53 |
oerheks | and understanding your #ubuntu-offtopic talks, you are not even using ubuntu | 11:53 |
frost-core | this is another pc | 11:53 |
frost-core | do i chroot then i do update-grub | 11:53 |
Ravage | its always another PC :D | 11:53 |
frost-core | it does not say no such device | 11:55 |
frost-core | or anything | 11:55 |
frost-core | its just a normal boot until i see busybox | 11:55 |
frost-core | im bootin openSUSE | 11:56 |
oerheks | update grub does not help. you need to find the correct UUIDs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 11:56 |
oerheks | but look into the opensuze manuals, as you are technically NOT running ubuntu | 11:56 |
frost-core | when mounting it does alot of stuff, bad superblock, etc | 11:57 |
frost-core | wrong fs type too | 11:58 |
frost-core | ok then, how do i fix errors of a partition | 11:58 |
Ravage | if you made the partition smaller without adjusting the filesystem first you cut off important data and the filesystem is borked | 11:59 |
frost-core | :( | 11:59 |
frost-core | i do fsck and it says Abort | 12:00 |
frost-core | y | 12:00 |
Ravage | reinstall | 12:00 |
frost-core | :( | 12:00 |
frost-core | what is force rewrite | 12:02 |
tomreyn | frost-core: cfdisk is a partitionig tool. i think it cannot resize partitions, but delete and create new ones. is this what you did? | 12:10 |
frost--core | nope | 12:10 |
frost--core | i did the resize thingy | 12:10 |
tomreyn | what did you do? | 12:10 |
frost--core | and tried a bunch of things | 12:10 |
frost--core | until i removed 24gb | 12:10 |
frost--core | and made it a partition | 12:11 |
frost--core | now just write then busybox | 12:11 |
tomreyn | okay, i don't know what "the resize thingy" or "a bunch of things" are. | 12:11 |
frost--core | tomreyn : i tried different numbers | 12:11 |
=== pksato_ is now known as pksato | ||
frost--core | i chose the resize option | 12:11 |
tomreyn | this sounds like you have not planned this well, and reinstalling is probably the best option indeed. | 12:12 |
frost--core | :( | 12:14 |
frost--core | how can i recover stuff | 12:14 |
frost--core | is it possible even? | 12:15 |
tomreyn | it's impossible to know if you can't describe the exact steps (comannds) you took, in the order you ran them | 12:16 |
frost--core | tomreyn : i did just cfdisk | 12:18 |
frost--core | then followed the gui | 12:18 |
=== frost--core is now known as frost-core | ||
frost-core | its a lil hard to install linux alongside linux | 12:20 |
frost-core | in efi | 12:20 |
frost-core | i need to remount efi | 12:20 |
tomreyn | frost-core: resizing partitions is a potentially destructive action. next time you prepare for such, it may be wise to discuss your plans here before you enact them. wthe first recommendation you'd always get here with destructive actions is "backup your data". | 12:26 |
=== frost--core is now known as frost-core | ||
xheimlich | I'm often writing things like $ for pid in $(pgrep brave; do sudo renice -5 $pid; done | 12:34 |
xheimlich | is there some way to have processes started by a certain command or binary already reniced? | 12:34 |
xheimlich | short of aliasing which doesn't work eg from dmenu | 12:35 |
Ravage | run it with nice | 12:35 |
xheimlich | or cron jobs. for some reason I can never get cron to work, but that's neither here nor there. | 12:35 |
xheimlich | Ravage: yes. I've done things like alias code=nice +1 code | 12:36 |
xheimlich | but I'd like code (actually no, just brave-browser) to start reniced by some lower-level configuration that I don't know whether exists. | 12:36 |
xheimlich | (I don't usually launch GUI apps from the terminal) | 12:37 |
Ravage | create a bash script with the nice command. add it to your menu | 12:37 |
xheimlich | that's not a horrible idea. | 12:38 |
xheimlich | not what I wanted but fixes some of my issues short-term. | 12:38 |
xheimlich | There are other programs that open the browser though. | 12:39 |
Ravage | you can use alacarte or any other menu editor to create or edit items | 12:39 |
xheimlich | I don't use jupyter notebook, but things like that. streamlit. optuna-dashboard. | 12:39 |
Ravage | then call the bash script brave-browser and put it in .local/bin | 12:39 |
xheimlich | I should have prefaced that I don't use the default ubuntu gui? The Ubuntu login screen comes up if I quit spectrwm, but otherwise it goes directly into a tiling wm. | 12:40 |
xheimlich | anyway. there's the issue of other programs that open the browser. forget the menu for a minute. | 12:40 |
xheimlich | (what Ravage said actually fixes like 40% of my issues and I'm finding IRC support quite good, 5/5 stars.) | 12:44 |
Ravage | you can also try | 12:46 |
Ravage | sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-www-browser x-www-browser /your/custom/brower-runscript.sh 0 | 12:46 |
Ravage | to add your new launch script as a browser in the system | 12:47 |
Ravage | 0 should already make it default but it also appears in the system settings at default apps | 12:47 |
Ravage | so you can just select it at the default browser there | 12:48 |
xheimlich | hmm. I pasted this piece of conversation in my todo.txt if you don't mind. I'll be trying that soon, thanks! | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:58 |
remline | 'systemctl status --user graphical-session.target' reveals 'Active: inactive (dead)'. What should cause it to start? (I'm on i3 window manager). | 13:59 |
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sybariten | EriC^^: ah, ok. Well, i think i messed up. :-/ | 14:56 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: what's up? | 14:56 |
sybariten | EriC^^: I tgried using some BIOS reset choices in the BIOS .... which have very confusing names, if you ask me. And now it's doing a really weird BIOS loop, as it seems. It beeps upon start... it shows American Megatrends red triangle.... screen goes black and the monitor loses signal, then it soon beeps again, for a restart. Over and over | 14:57 |
sybariten | EriC^^: did you see the album of bios photos i sent the other day? | 14:58 |
EriC^^ | yeah i did | 14:59 |
sybariten | EriC^: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ne4Vw9YGVJLg2tBo7 same gallery is updated with a boot menu now at the end, i can get to that one (or to BIOS) . It seems to offer the USB memory both as a flash memory and a HD ? | 15:00 |
sybariten | I'm mentally preparing for if i need to open this machine and start looking at cables (which absolutetly shouldnt have come out of place all of a sudden) and removing some CMOS battery or something | 15:01 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: try starting the usb flash as UEFI | 15:03 |
EriC^^ | the picture before the last one is what it's currently showing? the triangle and stuff? | 15:03 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: it says B2 at the bottom, google says "b2 error means either problem with GPU or legacy ROM problem/setting in place." | 15:05 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: it says "Before anything else you may want to check that BIOS is set to UEFI mode, and that any legacy mode such as "Legacy ROM" is not enabled." | 15:06 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: try going to the 2nd menu "advanced" and look under "graphics configuration" | 15:07 |
EriC^^ | https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLWX7it3oO45BJrELoEPuuDsYTYoYtDL8ViE-IUoYyXgx7dnxvsR_fO2UvCTaSV4nOpj-Akim8LzG8JEBaN_63dMPMV8qdPnTcOmBAL6Z50MoylFT-yPe1TnzZtGFEvN8D7gflbEmg3lx-KjDakvi1oUog=w879-h659-no?authuser=0 | 15:08 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: or maybe 'internal device configuration' for lenovo it seems under "devices & i/o ports" menu | 15:09 |
sybariten | EriC^^: where did you see B2 ? | 15:13 |
sybariten | oh, right | 15:13 |
sybariten | by the megatrends... it never occurred to me that this might be an error. In fact that picture was taken before this loop thing i have now, and while i only had the "boot failure" thing, but still important to look into i guess | 15:14 |
EriC^^ | aha | 15:14 |
sybariten | i mean, i may still have that B2 thing, didnt look for it. messing with a monitor setup here so i shall not need to switch so much back and forth :) | 15:15 |
EriC^^ | gotcha | 15:17 |
sybariten | EriC^^: ok, phew. Between a diaper change and _another_ computer with display/BIOS issues, i now should have a better working situation.... | 15:59 |
sybariten | So, yeah, the B2 is still there now when i turn the computer on and see the Megatrends screen.... but shortly after that the dislay loses its signal and you can tell that the PC will do a restart. | 16:01 |
sybariten | I can go into BIOS... i have a handful of settings under graphics configuration | 16:02 |
howudodat | this isn't necessarily an ubuntu question, but I have a question on rsync. I use this command to copy files from my local dev machime to my web server. it changes the group owner to www-data but not the user. Any ideas? rsync -avogPO -M--fake-super --chown=www-data:www-data | 16:02 |
sybariten | there are also some choices under Internal Device Configuration, but they really sound unrelated to any problems, to me: audio condroller, well maybe HDMI codec then, bluetooth, lan controller, lan remote boot, wlan, multicard, high precision timer... | 16:05 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: anything about "legacy rom" anywhere in the options? | 16:07 |
sybariten | what i dont understand though is first, how I should as you say " try starting the usb flash as UEFI" and second, how i should "check that BIOS is set to UEFI". I cant really see any settings for that... | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | also what happens if you choose 'uefi usb' in the boot menu? | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: in the boot menu you showed press uefi usb option | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLVGquFVt6TPd1Odj6zI1pg7SPVq9mlG8ntox-Iy9zd47On5Z7cNK7fbe69HaYUtZhhCOLUf549HjLK6laRJuQEjYAB8NrdTFU6eIP0_pKoPAWAQIqbpeDOPBPlyInt4m1vBU_xmxuLiIKKyMD-UKsv64Q=w879-h659-no?authuser=0 | 16:08 |
sybariten | EriC^^: i dont think so but i'll go through them all. I wish i could find a bios emulator online to show you, sometimes they exist. Or at least screenshots of every single page, but i dont even know how to refer to this bios | 16:08 |
sybariten | ok illl try uefi USB in the boot menu | 16:08 |
sybariten | EriC^^: if i do the UEFI USB Flash MemoryPMAP choice, it doesnt really access the memory afterwards anyhow as it seems.... cause the usb memory has an LED, which doesnt light up then. It just waits a couple of seconds and does its restart... | 16:11 |
Sven_vB | hi :) do I understand correctly that Ubuntu focal's 5.4.x kernel is too old for the Dirty Pipe bug? | 16:16 |
Sven_vB | "too old" = unaffected | 16:17 |
oerheks | Sven_vB, yes | 16:17 |
Sven_vB | thanks! | 16:18 |
oerheks | regression took place after that, AFAIK | 16:18 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: does the pc have a gpu? maybe it needs reseating, also the ram perhaps, according to google 1 beep on american megatrends means 'dram refresh failure' which is bad ram, maybe reseating the gpu/ram might help | 16:24 |
sybariten | EriC^^: but you know what, i have a feeling the beep isnt really an error code, i feel like thats just how the machine always shows that it's been turned on | 16:25 |
sybariten | i may be wrong. But i do remember always having that beep as long as i've had the mahince.... | 16:25 |
jhutchins | I suppose you could pull a module and compare how it behaves just to confirm. | 16:26 |
jhutchins | Swapping modules between the slots is an effective way to reseat them (and move the error if you're able to track it). | 16:27 |
EriC^^ | oh ok sybariten | 16:28 |
sybariten | And i mean its quite obvious that i sort of changed/screwed everything when i chose "restore user defaults" and also "load setupd defaults" from the BIOS. Thats exactly when i set it into this loop of never booting the USB memory | 16:28 |
sybariten | jhutchins: ok | 16:28 |
sybariten | but what do you make of this? https://www.manualslib.com/manual/246285/Fujitsu-Lifebook-A3040.html?page=21 Not the same BIOS, but i definitely have the same situation; the "removable drives" has an exclamation mark. | 16:38 |
sybariten | Doesnt sound good if i want to boot ubuntu from usb | 16:38 |
sybariten | all usb ports enabled though, in the USB menu .... | 16:39 |
jhutchins | How old is the motherboard? Is there a "Secure Boot" option in the BIOS? | 16:39 |
sybariten | no i havent been able to find that jhutchins .... been looking for that before. And the MB seems to be from 2011 | 16:41 |
sybariten | oh well i think i need to get some air. I might come back later and see if anyone has any ideas. Thanks so far guys! | 16:49 |
clarkk | I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome 3.36.8. All of a sudden, today, gnome-shell has started using 100% CPU. When this happens, it takes 1 minute to do every single action, which means shutting down all my apps and rebooting takes about half an hour. I've had to do this three times today | 17:10 |
clarkk | Can anyone suggest what could suddenly cause this (I haven't made any changes), if there's anything that is most likely to be the cause, and how I can troubleshoot it? Have people been reporting similar issues a lot recently? | 17:10 |
clarkk | I've disabled all my gnome extensions, in case one of them has caused this, but I hadn't updated them in ages, so would be surprised if it's them | 17:12 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: in which order did you do the load stuff, it could be that the 'load user defaults' put some wrong stuff from a saved defaults, maybe try 'load optimized defaults' or so again? did you setup the pc initially? maybe there is some setting the person who assembled the pc had to use? | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: btw is this a laptop or pc? it might help to remove the battery, press the power button for 5-10secs to discharge everything and then reassemble | 17:14 |
=== Guest43 is now known as dsd311 | ||
dsd311 | I'm running ubuntu 20.04 and using ISC's kea dhcp v2.0.2 installed from ISC's cloudsmith repo. Currently the server is receiving the dhcp request but I'm getting the following error message even running as the service as root. failed to send DHCPv4 packet: pkt4 send failed: sendmsg() returned with an error: Permission denied | 18:03 |
dsd311 | I appreciate any suggestions. | 18:03 |
blei | how can I measure the cumulative disk IO for a process | 18:03 |
leftyfb | dsd311: why are you installing isc-dhcp-server from a 3rd party, unsupported repository? | 18:03 |
oerheks | looks like an ancient dhcp package? we are at 4.x now https://launchpad.net/dhcp/+packages | 18:04 |
oerheks | suggestionl use our packages | 18:04 |
leftyfb | I use isc-dhcp-server everywhere with no issues | 18:04 |
dsd311 | The 4.x chain is isc dhcpd not isc-kea-dhcp | 18:05 |
jhutchins | dsd311: That does not answer the question. | 18:05 |
leftyfb | dsd311: why are you using a dhcp server package that isn't supported here as opposed to the one available in ubuntu and supported here? | 18:06 |
oerheks | 2.0.2-1 landed in Jammy 22.04 a few hours ago. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-kea | 18:06 |
jhutchins | dsd311: You are running this as a server? | 18:07 |
dsd311 | I needed newer functionality than what was supported in the 1.8 build that was available in ubuntu previously. | 18:07 |
leftyfb | dsd311: what functionality? | 18:08 |
jhutchins | Probably the GUI. | 18:08 |
leftyfb | oh please no | 18:08 |
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BASHitup | That's what she said | 19:04 |
Intelo | What is the most light weigh git hosting platform ? gitlab is very resource hungry? | 20:14 |
Intelo | Is there a way to ping an external server on github actions (push, pull_request). That external server a) git checkout the branch, b) run linting, c) reply success or failure to github action so d) it can show a green/red tick? I could have done this by adding ssh key but I don't want it | 20:14 |
Intelo | [22:14:16] <Intelo> Thanks | 20:14 |
leftyfb | !ot | Intelo | 20:16 |
ubottu | Intelo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 20:16 |
oerheks | Not really an Ubuntu issue, Intelo | 20:16 |
oerheks | ask in the other channel ;-D | 20:17 |
sybariten | EriC^^: lets see.... first i did "restore user defaults", somewhat not really knowing what i did, then i _probably_ did save and exit, no and then i think i did "load setup defaults", and probably save and exit.... i believe that was the order | 20:30 |
bray90820 | So I am having an issue where the doick flickers uncontrolablly while watching full screen videos when some apps are open I'm running ubuntu 21.10 and an XFX Radeon RX 570 card | 20:31 |
oerheks | full screen, and some aps open, ,,, | 20:31 |
oerheks | ofcourse it would flicker | 20:31 |
sybariten | it is a PC, a mini version that has a smaller footprint than a mousepad. And i believe it's somewhat tricky to open, can't even see the screws upon a quick inspection.... sigh | 20:32 |
oerheks | there is a bug, that your aps try to use the screen, while you told one app to go fill screen and in control | 20:32 |
oerheks | sybariten, that is might be a lightweight pc, does not matter i guess | 20:33 |
bray90820 | oerheks: it's only certain apps | 20:33 |
oerheks | oops, mixed up | 20:33 |
oerheks | bray90820, on what desktop? | 20:33 |
bray90820 | Currently only seeing it with the virtualbox manager doesn't matter weather the VM is running or not | 20:33 |
sybariten | EriC^^: i dont think there is a load optimized defaults. Maybe I could find out some way to flash the bios to a factory version or something, with a usb stick. If not well then i'll just have to leave that machine at the moment... I found another old HP laptop to use as a test server | 20:34 |
bray90820 | ubuntu 20.04 gnome wayland and x11 | 20:34 |
bray90820 | Nope | 20:34 |
bray90820 | ubuntu 21.10 | 20:34 |
bray90820 | Sorry | 20:34 |
oerheks | i find only tricks to get vbox in full screen mode, not about the manager taking over | 20:37 |
bray90820 | It doesn't matter if teh VM is running even teh virtualbox VM manager open causes teh flicker | 20:37 |
oerheks | file a bug with this behavior? | 20:40 |
oerheks | !bug | 20:40 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 20:40 |
bray90820 | Ok | 20:41 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: alright, no battery thing to remove? | 20:43 |
sybariten | EriC^^: i'm guessing there might be one on the inside, prolly terribly crammed... i just gotta figure out where the screws to open the chassi are! | 20:44 |
sybariten | EriC^^: hey whaddayaknow, here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj_HM6rgGak so i guess they are under the rubber feet after all | 20:45 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: nice! | 20:50 |
eric | ello | 20:56 |
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MrMobius | any idea where to find the "Alternate CD" mentioned here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems | 21:03 |
MrMobius | there's nothing like that in the main or alternative downloads section for 20.04 | 21:04 |
sarnold | I don't think that's existed for a while now | 21:06 |
MrMobius | :S | 21:08 |
MrMobius | so would ubuntu server be the next best thing? | 21:09 |
MrMobius | or maybe MinimalCD | 21:14 |
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sarnold | MrMobius: yeah the server installer is probably smaller than the desktop installer, and it's certainly prepared to work on text consoles.. | 21:20 |
sybariten | EriC^^: hmmm i found a better video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiQqtYxDe14 - what would you guess, could it be the round metal thing at the top at around 03:10? That looks like a coin? | 21:29 |
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EriC^^ | sybariten: sorry back now | 21:50 |
EriC^^ | watching | 21:50 |
EriC^^ | sybariten: yeah that round metal thing is the cmos battery | 21:53 |
EriC^^ | you'd need to remove it, then short the bottom terminals with either of the metal clamps holding it in place | 21:54 |
Jeremy31 | A 2032 battery? | 21:54 |
jhutchins | MrMobius: Ubuntu is pretty much the opposite of a minimalist distro. | 22:06 |
jhutchins | MrMobius: What kind of hardware are you targeting that you want a small installation for? | 22:06 |
sybariten | EriC^^: alrite, thanks, i might look into that | 22:15 |
jhutchins | https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity/2022/03/03/nsa-releases-network-infrastructure-security-guidance | 22:24 |
MrMobius | jhutchins, netbook with 1.1ghz celeron. 4gb ram so i could run a gui though i ssh into a server from windows so just looking to replicate that locally | 22:25 |
jhutchins | MrMobius: I won't recommend other distros in this channel, but a basic install using one of the alternative desktpps like lxde or xfce would probably work pretty well. | 22:27 |
jhutchins | MrMobius: You want to avoid starting out with the default Ubuntu version of the Gnome desktop and the support it requires. | 22:28 |
jhutchins | MrMobius: Some will recommend the Server distribution of Ubuntu - if you don't choose any services, then add desktop components as required that can be pretty light. | 22:28 |
MrMobius | jhutchins, ok thanks | 22:31 |
knaccc | hey peeps, can anyone sanity check this please? : I have a list of spam CIDRs I need to check an IP address against. The simple way would be: for each CIDR in the list, apply the CIDR mask to the IP and check if the result matches the CIDR prefix. For performance, I want to do: for each possible mask between 0 and 32 bits, apply each of those masks to the IP and then check if the result matches any | 23:08 |
knaccc | of the CIDR prefixes | 23:08 |
knaccc | because that's a quick hashtable lookup | 23:08 |
knaccc | i wonder if i'm missing something obvious which means i should do it the slower but simpler way | 23:09 |
NeoFAT32 | Hi. | 23:11 |
NeoFAT32 | I cannot launch pulseaudio-equalizer. | 23:11 |
NeoFAT32 | Can someone help me, please ? | 23:11 |
NeoFAT32 | Agent !! | 23:11 |
Agent | heh | 23:12 |
knaccc | actually i just found the flaw in my method, never mind | 23:14 |
jhutchins | NeoFAT32: What did you try to do? How did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? | 23:21 |
NeoFAT32 | Hmmm | 23:30 |
NeoFAT32 | Sorry, I can't copy paste. | 23:31 |
NeoFAT32 | I'm using adiirc through wine | 23:31 |
NeoFAT32 | When I do it it makes the app bug and close | 23:31 |
NeoFAT32 | sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer | 23:31 |
NeoFAT32 | but i can't find it. | 23:31 |
sarnold | NeoFAT32: pulseaudio-equalizer is in universe on my focal machine; do you have universe enabled on your computer? | 23:34 |
NeoFAT32 | I don't know what's that. | 23:34 |
enigma9o7[m] | I think they mean they installed it but dunno how to run it/use it. | 23:35 |
NeoFAT32 | Yeah. | 23:35 |
NeoFAT32 | It's installed but it doesn't appear in the app list. | 23:35 |
NeoFAT32 | I mean in the app page. | 23:35 |
sarnold | oh | 23:35 |
Jeremy31 | NeoFAT32: try running> sudo apt update && sudo apt install pulseaudio-equalizer | 23:35 |
Jeremy31 | NeoFAT32: Ah you may have a different issue | 23:36 |
NeoFAT32 | :/ | 23:37 |
NeoFAT32 | So what should I do ? | 23:39 |
enigma9o7[m] | qpaeq | 23:41 |
NeoFAT32 | Oh damn. It's working ! | 23:42 |
NeoFAT32 | But how can I keep that window ? | 23:42 |
NeoFAT32 | Do I always have to enter this command ? | 23:42 |
NeoFAT32 | ^^ | 23:43 |
Maik | NeoFAT32: which distro are you using now? | 23:43 |
NeoFAT32 | ubuntu | 23:44 |
Maik | ok, wasn't sure because the last time you were on Mint iirc | 23:44 |
NeoFAT32 | Yeah I reinstalled it. | 23:44 |
NeoFAT32 | I really like mint but... I didn't know if the system was lagging due to the OS or not. | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | But I think it's the same. | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | So.... | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | I'm just lying to myself to keep Ubuntu to not reinstall Mint. | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | I spent 3 days trying to configure it all. | 23:45 |
Maik | know that we do not support mint here :) | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | Ok. | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | But it's Ubuntu that I'm using atm. | 23:45 |
NeoFAT32 | So do I have to use that syntax to launch it again ? | 23:46 |
NeoFAT32 | Everytime ? | 23:46 |
Maik | then it's all good | 23:46 |
NeoFAT32 | Wait, are you Maik from Spotchat ? | 23:46 |
enigma9o7[m] | You could create a shortcut or menu entry. I'm not familiar with it, I just checked what binary was in the package. | 23:46 |
NeoFAT32 | I can't even add it in favourites. | 23:48 |
NeoFAT32 | :x | 23:49 |
sarnold | NeoFAT32: there's a desktop file on https://askubuntu.com/a/1363515/33812 -- try copy-pasting that as described and see if that makes it easier to work with | 23:50 |
NeoFAT32 | Ok but I don't really know how to use all of that. | 23:51 |
enigma9o7[m] | Just read it. | 23:52 |
enigma9o7[m] | Carefully. | 23:52 |
enigma9o7[m] | The section you want says "create icon in applications menu" | 23:52 |
NeoFAT32 | So many times they were talking about .config/blabla in some tutorials, I don't know what's this | 23:52 |
NeoFAT32 | Ok but what's the .config ? Is that a folder ? | 23:52 |
enigma9o7[m] | Yes. | 23:52 |
enigma9o7[m] | but its talking about ~/.local/share/applications | 23:52 |
NeoFAT32 | Ok thanks you. | 23:52 |
NeoFAT32 | But about this folder how can I find it ? | 23:52 |
NeoFAT32 | I was in the root with hidden files activated but I couldn't find this folder. | 23:53 |
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enigma9o7[m] | although that instructions is having you launch it thru a script instead of directly, so better follow ti all if you want to use their way, if you dont understand it yourself. | 23:53 |
NeoFAT32 | Just tell me how I can understand all that ? | 23:54 |
enigma9o7[m] | In you rfile manager, there should be drop down option somewher eto enable hidden files&folders. Or just use ctrl+h | 23:54 |
enigma9o7[m] | You can understand by reading. | 23:54 |
enigma9o7[m] | Ask questions if something is unclear. | 23:54 |
NeoFAT32 | Do I have to create a file and copy all of that in a text file ? | 23:54 |
enigma9o7[m] | After you read it twice. | 23:54 |
enigma9o7[m] | Yes. | 23:54 |
NeoFAT32 | Jeez. | 23:55 |
NeoFAT32 | Are these people don't know how to make .deb ? such a patch or something like this ? | 23:55 |
sarnold | it could be that whoever packaged it doesn't use a desktop environment and can just run whatever they want without those .desktop files around | 23:56 |
NeoFAT32 | .local/share/... ? | 23:56 |
NeoFAT32 | Where's that path ? | 23:56 |
sarnold | ~ | 23:56 |
enigma9o7[m] | I would have thought they would include a desktop file in the deb package too, but they didnt. | 23:56 |
sarnold | perhaps no one's filed the bug report to ask for it | 23:57 |
sarnold | or submitted a patch with one | 23:57 |
NeoFAT32 | is that the root directory ? | 23:57 |
NeoFAT32 | I can't type it yet, I have a apple keyboard. | 23:57 |
NeoFAT32 | The sign. | 23:57 |
sarnold | ~ is understood by most programs to refer to your home directory | 23:58 |
NeoFAT32 | A thing is sure, Mint was more easy to use. I just had to right click on the folder to have the root access (sudo). | 23:58 |
NeoFAT32 | It seems like I have to use the syntax in the terminal on ubuntu. | 23:58 |
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