
philipp64hi. is there an openssl-3.0 package for 20.04?18:31
mdeslaurphilipp64: no, only 1.1.1f18:32
mdeslaur3.0.1 is in jammy though, which comes out soon18:33
philipp64okay. so if I want to port various apps over to openssl-3.0 and my development host is 20.04 LTS, then I'll have to build Openssl from source I guess...18:34
philipp64no plan for a backports?18:34
mdeslaurwell, it's not a drop-in replacement, so you'll have to build it and install it in an alternate location18:34
philipp64I'm a little surprised since a lot of CI/CD uses Ubuntu LTS as a platform...18:34
=== Nokaji_ is now known as Nokaji
philipp64well, one of the things people would be putting through their pipelines is ports of their projects to openssl-3.0...19:08
ahasenack22.04 will be an lts with openssl 3, they can use that20:21
philipp64how far out is that?20:37
philipp64Ah, that's how that works.20:38
philipp64never connected the dots20:39
konstruktoid[m]And if you run code in production on LTS, then it's probably a good thing your CI/CD is using the same20:46
philipp64will the .deb for openssl3 (or whatever) build on 20.04?21:50
tewardi could probably find out but backporting that wont work ;)22:36
tewardphilipp64: ^^ because 20.04 has older software versions22:38
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
=== philipp64_ is now known as philipp64
philipp64I don't need built apps to link and run with openssl 3... I just need to have the headers and libraries to build against from source for other projects.23:09

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