
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
MarcosCodas[m]Hi! My name is Marcos and I represent GDevelop, a free and open-source no-code game engine. I'd love to speak with someone about the possibility of including GDevelop as part of Ubuntu Studio. Can someone please tell me the best way to go about this? 19:40
MarcosCodas[m]Thank you!19:40
semitonesAlso if anyone has time, I may have found a bug in the 21.10 live USB: the WiFi stops connecting because it can't find the secrets it needs20:04
florin15[m]I found that after some time , a warning shows up in studio controls that , real time permissions are not properly installed ..and I cannot fix it20:14
florin15[m]I did ușe the fix etc etc , but nothing happened 20:15
Eickmeyersemitones: 1) Can't reproduce, 2) Not likely to fix because the live ISO for non-LTS releases are frozen in time and don't receive updates.20:59
semitonesTo reproduce: login to WiFi, it asks to make a new keyring. Make some changes to display preferences, log out, and log back in. I haven't tried reproducing it myself yet. Just wondering if it exists in the development versions too21:00
EickmeyerMarcosCodas[m]: That's out-of-scope for Ubuntu Studio's live CD. If you want it included in the archives, that would be a request to ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com21:01
Eickmeyersemitones: That's because the login keyring is lost when you log-out as all settings are temporarily in RAM on the live CD. It doesn't write anything unless installed.21:01
MarcosCodas[m]Eickmeyer: Thank you! I'll reach out and see where we go from there. 21:02
Eickmeyersemitones: hink of the live ISO as a demo of what it looks like when you install. It's not mean to to be used consistently.21:02
semitonesI had to cycle login to enable the display scaling. Is there any way to get WiFi back, or should I only try WiFi after logout cycling21:03
MarcosCodas[m]Eickmeyer: If I could just ask, what do you mean out of scope? Out of the scope of the flavor, you mean? Or just from a technical POV?21:03
semitonesI'm not using it consistently just trying to see if it will work on my hardware21:03
EickmeyerMarcosCodas[m]: Out of scope for the flavor. It's for multimedia creativity.21:03
Eickmeyersemitones: Ok, but what you're experiencing is expected behavior on the ISO.21:04
semitonesOk, it's just kind of user unfriendly if you've got a high dpi screen. Thank you for your help anyway21:04
Eickmeyersemitones: Also, everything you're experiencing we can't do anything about as we don't develop the Plasma desktop. Those packages are handled by the Kubuntu team.21:05
MarcosCodas[m]Eickmeyer: May I try to appeal the concept of multimedia, perhaps? Video games are non-linear multimedia by definition. 21:06
MarcosCodas[m]Please see: "Video games class as multimedia, as such games meld animation, audio, and, most importantly, interactivity, to allow the player an immersive experience." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia#Creative_industries21:06
semitonesThey are probably doing what they can already :)21:06
EickmeyerMarcosCodas[m]: Please don't argue with me on this. I'm the project leader of Ubuntu Studio. We are not interested in changing the scope of the project at this time to include programming and game design.21:07
MarcosCodas[m]Eickmeyer: Thank you for your hard work. I've been a user for a long time. I did not want to argue, merely to help weigh the concept to try and understand your definition. Thanks again for your time. 21:08
EickmeyerChanServ: 21:12

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