
tumbleweedLocutusOfBorg: did some more testing of the automake patch, see https://bugs.debian.org/1006784#2703:03
ubottuDebian bug 1006784 in src:automake-1.16 "automake: fixes for python3.10 distutils changes" [Important, Open]03:03
mwhudsonoh. tcl-tls really is what it sounds like07:32
LocutusOfBorgtumbleweed, sigh uploading again07:33
ahasenackhi all, is _netdev in /etc/fstab network mounts supposed to still work in jammy? Or is there a new way?12:49
ahasenackI'm having failures mounting glusterfs mount points during boot, and the logs say that DNS failed to resolve the hostname, which implies network isn't online yet12:50
ahasenackyet that's exactly the scenario the _netdev option in fstab is supposed to solve12:50
ahasenackthe generated mount systemd unit looks like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/3mCFf2vsC7/12:51
ahasenacknm, the glusterfs server is a special case13:17
ahasenacknormal client works13:17
cpaelzerHmm, has jammy changed who by default runs first on fork or thread creation?14:34
cpaelzermwhudson: ^^ in case you happen to know if there is a known glibc change related to my question above14:59
vorlonahasenack: I don't know of anything that has changed that would invalidate use of _netdev15:13
lvoytekvorlon: Would it be possible for someone on the release team to take a look at the ffe for the apparmor profile for swtpm? We were hoping to get it into Jammy soon. Thanks! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/swtpm/+bug/195063115:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1950631 in swtpm (Ubuntu) "[FFe] wrap swtpm in an apparmor profile" [High, New]15:49
ahasenacklvoytek: hi, try #ubuntu-release. I don't think there is a word to highlight the release team members, so just ask16:35
lvoytekwill do, thanks16:36
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mwhudsoncpaelzer: i don't think there have been any glibc changes in that area17:54
mwhudsoncpaelzer: there have been some extensions to posix_spawn and we just clone3 now but i doubt that's what you're seeing17:54

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