^M | hi guys there is a way to install that on this system ? https://pastebin.com/mscBU2Ta | 00:09 |
^M | ubuntu 20.04 | 00:10 |
^M | sudo dpkg --print-architecture | 00:10 |
^M | arm64 | 00:10 |
^M | uname -m | 00:11 |
^M | aarch64 | 00:11 |
sarnold | ^M: you'd need to add the i386 architecture to your dpkg, and add archive.ubuntu.com to your apt sources | 00:14 |
Ravage | i dont think his CPU is capable to run i386 instructions | 00:15 |
sarnold | ^M: it might be easier to just run an i386 vm, I *think* qemu-system-x86 might be able to do that for you | 00:15 |
sarnold | Ravage: indeed, but it might still be useful to install the files for whatever reason | 00:15 |
Ravage | maybe ^M can enlighten us what he is actually trying to do here :) | 00:16 |
^M | Ravage: i am trying to run open game panel on my server :D | 00:17 |
^M | sarnold: you think that should do the work ? sudo apt-get install libgcc1-i386-cross | 00:17 |
Ravage | about 0% of games will run too :) | 00:18 |
^M | you think that there is no way ro run that? | 00:18 |
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Ravage | im sure you can host the panel part but i dont think the agent or the games it will install work | 00:26 |
^M | yes the agent is the important part | 00:30 |
^M | and if it does not work it is not worth it | 00:30 |
genii | sarnold: Yes, could run an i386 qemu instance and install everything into that, but it would probably be painfully slow | 00:32 |
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sarnold | genii: *so* very slow.. aarch64 isn't exactly a speed demon most of the time.. | 00:40 |
genii | Yep | 00:41 |
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shadow3d | Hello, I want to use st-link to debug my stm32 MCU in ubuntu20.04, but can't connected... The details of the command I tried as here(https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Bj4SHYccj/) | 02:01 |
shadow3d | Can someone help me that why I can't connect successfully? | 02:02 |
lotuspsychje | shadow3d: what i usualy do to catch errors, is keep a journalctl -f open, and plug out/back your hardware device | 02:14 |
lotuspsychje | shadow3d: if you cant get your device working, you might consider filing a new !bug | 02:14 |
lotuspsychje | i dont see existing bug reports right away | 02:15 |
shadow3d | Thanks, I try "journalctl -f" and plug out and in my stlink, but seems nothing error | 02:41 |
lotuspsychje | shadow3d: journal logs should always spit out new lines after plugging devices | 02:47 |
shadow3d | lotuspsychje: Yes, I see some log about my stlink(sorry for my network always disconnect...) | 03:19 |
Guest89 | Hi folks, I want a mirror ranker program for Ubuntu like reflector in arch Linux | 03:45 |
Ravage | Guest89: https://github.com/jblakeman/apt-select | 03:49 |
Guest89 | Ravage thanks man for your response | 03:51 |
Ravage | in general the usual list by country works fine. i dont use any special list | 03:52 |
Guest89 | actually I have a little issue with ROS installation | 03:52 |
Guest89 | https://prnt.sc/I-reJ03l69X6 | 03:53 |
Guest89 | I have no idea about the reason of this issue | 03:54 |
Ravage | seems to be a problem with their repo | 03:54 |
Ravage | you did try "apt update" ` | 03:55 |
Ravage | ? | 03:55 |
Guest89 | I tried to install ROS in different machine with the same instructions and it works correctly | 03:55 |
Guest89 | yes I did apt update | 03:55 |
Ravage | and can you show the output of that too? | 03:56 |
Guest89 | apt update doesn't has any errors at his output | 03:57 |
enigma9o7[m] | I just tired to ping packages.ros.org and it responds fine (apperantly redirected to ftp-nyc.osuosl.org) | 04:01 |
Ravage | the log suggests that the repo is not up to date with the package metadata or his local data are not up to date | 04:02 |
cluelessperson | is there a way to install ubuntu FOR someone so when they logon it just prompts them to setup an account? | 04:02 |
Ravage | if the apt update doesnt fix it he has to contact their support i guess | 04:02 |
cluelessperson | ah, that seems to be oem install | 04:03 |
tomreyn | cluelessperson: that's right | 04:05 |
Guest89 | https://prnt.sc/CuThgG78BxPP | 04:06 |
cluelessperson | tomreyn, my brother's wife is in the hospital with apendicitus so I'm trying to preload this crap laptop so she at least as internet/netflix. | 04:06 |
Guest89 | Ravage I have no error with apt update | 04:07 |
cluelessperson | real quick before I bike there. | 04:07 |
tomreyn | cluelessperson: bring your smartphone and charging cable to have a chance to bring it online in case it won't have internet out of the box. | 04:08 |
tomreyn | also charging cable for her in case she doesn't have one, yet - most commonly forgotten item when preparing for hospital time. ;) | 04:09 |
cluelessperson | tomreyn, the oem setup seems to have wifi, so I think it'll have it. | 04:09 |
tomreyn | *should* work then, yes (though the installed kernel may differ from what the installer runs) | 04:10 |
Ravage | cant you just setup the account for her and tell her the password? i mean the OEM way will probably work but is it really worth it? | 04:13 |
cluelessperson | Ravage, I could I suppose | 04:13 |
cluelessperson | Ravage, yeah, I'll probably just setup the user account anyway | 04:14 |
cluelessperson | I don't want her to be intimidated | 04:14 |
cluelessperson | I probably just need it to work asap | 04:14 |
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epa1 | Hello. Could anybody please recommend me a way to remote control a Ubuntu Desktop Workstation, preferably low bandwith and with audio support. I dont think X forwarding is low bandwith.. | 05:19 |
gry | epa1: there is x2go and vnc. | 05:21 |
Maximalist | how can I disable SSH capabilities on my instance? should i just 'ufw deny 22'? | 06:49 |
tomreyn | Maximalist: you could stop the ssh server? | 07:07 |
dxford | hello | 07:13 |
wez | hi | 07:13 |
dxford | i am new to irc | 07:13 |
dxford | love to have some suggestions | 07:14 |
wez | dxford: Join an IRC spefic channel :) | 07:14 |
dxford | can you suggest me any channel names? | 07:15 |
dxford | hi guys | 07:17 |
tvrron_ | Hi | 07:26 |
gry | Hello tvrron_ | 07:31 |
wez | dxford: #irssi #libera to name a couple :) | 07:32 |
wez | yay gry is here! | 07:32 |
tvrron_ | Hi gr33n7007h | 07:33 |
gry | hello wez | 07:33 |
gr33n7007h | o/ | 07:33 |
gr33n7007h | i'm guessing that was a tab failure :p | 07:34 |
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wez | gr33n7007h: Probably, but hello to you as well :) | 07:47 |
gr33n7007h | o/, hello wez :) | 07:48 |
marko71 | Hi | 10:33 |
wez | Hi | 10:34 |
moha | https://p.teknik.io/CgCyY --> This is an script to automatically extend the root of Linux (in LVM format), but it does not work on a fresh ubuntu with sda1 (1M), sda2 (1G, boot), and sda3 (/, LVM); may take a glance and give me some tips to customize it to work on Ubuntu? | 10:42 |
moha | It's existed on lines 55 and 59! | 10:45 |
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Reventlov | Hello. | 11:57 |
ThinkT510 | greetings | 11:58 |
Reventlov | I'm still searching for a way for ubuntu to get its hostname through DHCP (option 12). While the machine hostname is sent by the dhcp server, the hostname is not changed on ubuntu server ( Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS ) | 11:59 |
ogra | Reventlov, https://netplan.io/reference/#dhcp-overrides ... you want the use-hostname directive set in your netplan config ... | 12:05 |
semitones | I am trying to understand ssh on ubuntu. In my ~/.ssh, I have id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub, and I expect ssh to automatically use those. But when I look at ssh-add -L it says the agent has no identities | 12:37 |
semitones | maybe I am interpreting ssh-add -L wrong | 12:38 |
semitones | does it only work automatically if you made it without a passphrase? | 12:43 |
cbreak | semitones: run ssh-add | 12:52 |
cbreak | that will add the key to the agent | 12:52 |
Matt|home | usb flash drive broken. bad superblock. tried formating with disk utilities, doesn't seem to work. i just need all data wiped off this disk and for it to automatically mount/unmount again. it's on /dev/sdc | 13:35 |
Matt|home | what do i need to do | 13:35 |
zai100x200 | hey, anyone followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 for disk encryption here? | 13:36 |
matsaman | what if anyone has | 13:36 |
zai100x200 | I have some doubts, mainly because this is not officially supported way for disk encryption | 13:36 |
zai100x200 | a future upgrade may break things, this is my main concern | 13:36 |
zai100x200 | what do you think guys? | 13:36 |
matsaman | Matt|home: I usually use sgdisk -Z /dev/whatever, but you need to be very careful you get the right /dev/whatever | 13:37 |
matsaman | Matt|home: then new partitions with parted (or cfdisk for help), mkfat or mkntfs | 13:37 |
Matt|home | i am 100% confident it's /dev/sdc | 13:37 |
Matt|home | just run that command? | 13:37 |
matsaman | Matt|home: sgdisk will wipe out the partitions, yes | 13:38 |
matsaman | other mentioned commands would be required to 1) make new partition, & 2) make new FS | 13:38 |
Matt|home | okay. lots of warnings. do i need to format it with fdisk or can i just use the gui utility | 13:38 |
matsaman | using just cfdisk and mkfat/mkntfs would probably be almost as good, though | 13:38 |
matsaman | cfdisk, delete stuff, save/exit cfdisk, cfdisk again, new partition, save/exit cfdisk, mkfat/mkntfs, fatlabel/ntfslabel | 13:39 |
Matt|home | https://pastebin.com/5anuGnGy | 13:39 |
Matt|home | those are the warnings | 13:39 |
matsaman | Matt|home: if you run it again, any warnings? | 13:40 |
Matt|home | nope | 13:40 |
matsaman | golden | 13:40 |
Matt|home | i need to get it recognized on my xbox 360. does that require a specific format? | 13:41 |
matsaman | 360 is pretty old | 13:41 |
matsaman | it would probably prefer fat, but | 13:41 |
Matt|home | or can i just format it with the dos whatever format that comes default with the utility | 13:41 |
matsaman | might support ntfs. More recent xboxes do support NTFS | 13:41 |
matsaman | usb sticks really have FAT in mind in general | 13:41 |
Matt|home | let me give it a shot | 13:41 |
matsaman | it's down to what size files you want to put on it, mostly | 13:41 |
Matt|home | 700+ | 13:41 |
matsaman | many-gig files you'll probably want NTFS | 13:41 |
Matt|home | MB | 13:41 |
matsaman | well, size of each individual file | 13:42 |
matsaman | okay then FAT should be fine | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:42 |
matsaman | hi blue | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | hi matsaman | 13:42 |
rawpenguin | 22.04. firmware update issue. How to solve it? : https://pastebin.com/tfsDHfrK | 13:42 |
Matt|home | it's still not getting automounted goddammit.. i _just_ fixed it | 13:42 |
matsaman | Matt|home: just? | 13:43 |
matsaman | rawpenguin: paste seems malformed | 13:43 |
Matt|home | matsaman : after running sgdisk what do i need to run. fdisk and select FAT ? | 13:43 |
rawpenguin | https://pastebin.com/8N7rXMnC | 13:45 |
Matt|home | okay let's see if _that_ works | 13:45 |
matsaman | Matt|home: yeah fdisk or cfdisk | 13:45 |
matsaman | Matt|home: then mkfs.fat on the /dev/foo# | 13:45 |
matsaman | Matt|home: and then probably fatlabel | 13:46 |
Matt|home | no. still not auto mounting. | 13:46 |
matsaman | Matt|home: mounting in what, "Files"? | 13:46 |
Matt|home | yeah | 13:46 |
BinarySavior | hi, ubuntu 21.04 was upgrading to 21.10 and I accidentally pressed alt+f4 on the upgrade window and the OS crashed, how can I resume the upgrade or restart it or revert it? | 13:46 |
matsaman | you want it to mount without interaction? Just when you plug it in alone? | 13:46 |
Matt|home | yes if possible. what happened was i was forced to take it out while it was being written to | 13:47 |
Matt|home | shit | 13:47 |
Matt|home | partition type linux, /dev/sdc1 , 1 gig.. what else do i need to do | 13:48 |
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matsaman | Matt|home: mkfs.fat /dev/whatever# | 13:50 |
matsaman | I don't know if automounting without interaction is very common anymore | 13:50 |
matsaman | you can 100% tell your system to do that | 13:50 |
matsaman | but I wouldn't expect it to have been a default, not for years and years | 13:51 |
Matt|home | alright | 13:51 |
Matt|home | let's see if that worked | 13:51 |
matsaman | if the behavior changed seemingly suddenly, then | 13:51 |
matsaman | it could be you had a specific line in fstab or some other configuration somewhere | 13:51 |
matsaman | targeting that specific previous/old filesystem or device | 13:51 |
Matt|home | it works. OKAY. let's try this one more time - last time i tried writing to the drive it just froze up | 13:51 |
matsaman | cool | 13:51 |
Matt|home | im transfering a 733MB video file to the usb device. it's frozen at 725.6 MB , same as last time. im looking at it and the goddamn LED is blinking indicating a read/write option | 13:53 |
Matt|home | just like last time | 13:53 |
rawpenguin | matsaman: https://pastebin.com/8N7rXMnC | 13:53 |
Matt|home | cancel operation, it's still blinking. | 13:53 |
Matt|home | goddammit | 13:53 |
Matt|home | alright let's see if this worked.. | 13:54 |
rawpenguin | matsaman: trying to get past that one. tried to delete the linux-firmware*.deb file from /var/cache/apt/archives, but that didnt work | 13:55 |
BinarySavior | nvm i was able dpkg --configure -a, then update-manager -c to finish the process luckily | 13:57 |
Matt|home | thanks for your help matsaman | 13:58 |
rawpenguin | should i just ignore some of the errors that come with ubuntu 22.04 for now? like now when the firmware wont update? | 14:04 |
matsaman | Matt|home: 👍 | 14:05 |
matsaman | Matt|home: the way those little drives work is that usually they're still writing even after the system seems to be done operating | 14:06 |
matsaman | Matt|home: that's why you have all these GUI features for "safe" "eject" and whatnot | 14:06 |
matsaman | Matt|home: it basically just waits till the writing is done | 14:06 |
matsaman | the slower the drive, slower the interface, the more tedious it becomes | 14:07 |
DevAntoine | Hello, our CI is using Ubuntu Xenial with PHP 7.4 but it seems that libargon2 is missing: php: error while loading shared libraries: libargon2.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 14:07 |
DevAntoine | Thing is: it seems that this package doesn't exist for this (old) version of Ubuntu | 14:07 |
DevAntoine | apt-cache search .*libargon.* returns nothing | 14:07 |
DevAntoine | Is there a way to install it? | 14:07 |
matsaman | DevAntoine: what about apt-file | 14:07 |
DevAntoine | matsaman: never heard of it | 14:08 |
matsaman | DevAntoine: real useful, give it a try | 14:08 |
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Matt|home | next step.. getting the 360 to play it.. | 14:09 |
DevAntoine | apt-file returns nothing :( | 14:10 |
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Maximalist | tomreyn: thank you | 14:59 |
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heller | anyone familiar with sshpass? | 15:42 |
leftyfb | heller: the answer to that question doesn't solve your issue. Please just state your issue and someone might be able to help you | 15:42 |
heller | sshpass -P ssh heller@ uptime | 15:42 |
heller | sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory | 15:42 |
heller | anyone got ideas why i'm getting that error? | 15:43 |
heller | rather it should ask for password | 15:43 |
leftyfb | heller: why are you using -P | 15:46 |
heller | for testing | 15:46 |
heller | i get the same error with '-f passwdfile' | 15:46 |
leftyfb | heller: testing what? | 15:46 |
leftyfb | heller: -P does not mean "prompt for password" | 15:46 |
heller | sshpass -f passwdfile heller@ uptime | 15:46 |
heller | sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory | 15:46 |
heller | leftyfb: true actually :P | 15:47 |
heller | byt anyway, same error with -f | 15:47 |
heller | sshpass -p test heller@ uptime | 15:47 |
heller | sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory | 15:47 |
heller | Seems to give the same error even with -p | 15:47 |
alkisg | heller: add ssh to your command: sshpass -f file ssh user@server command | 15:51 |
heller | oops, heh. Well still issues. No output | 15:52 |
heller | Just hangs on next line | 15:52 |
leftyfb | heller: no output or the "No such file" error? | 15:52 |
heller | yeah | 15:52 |
leftyfb | multiple choice question | 15:53 |
heller | sorry, neither | 15:53 |
heller | ahh wth | 15:53 |
heller | i added -v and its asking for my key | 15:53 |
heller | i mean key passphrase | 15:53 |
alkisg | Which Ubuntu version is that? | 15:53 |
heller | well actually its debian :P | 15:55 |
alkisg | Hehe, then come to #debian then, and tell us the version so that we can test | 15:55 |
leftyfb | :/ | 15:56 |
leftyfb | heller: why did you ask here? | 15:57 |
heller | well i was here and i thought it was some simple issue | 15:59 |
jhutchins | Burn the heretic! | 16:00 |
heller | hehe | 16:00 |
heller | sorry :) | 16:00 |
jontyms2 | Is there any way to setup a ethernet interface as a client (like a vm) | 16:00 |
leftyfb | jontyms2: huh? | 16:01 |
jontyms2 | *wait let me rephrase that | 16:01 |
jontyms2 | 1. I have 2 ethernet interface, one is connected to the wider network, one is connect to another machine | 16:02 |
jontyms2 | 2. I am netplan | 16:02 |
jontyms2 | 3. I was wondering If the 2nd ethernet port can be used to share the network connection | 16:03 |
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leftyfb | jontyms2: yes | 16:04 |
enigma9o7[m] | Yes. | 16:04 |
jontyms2 | I googled and DDGed and couldn't find I guide can someone point me to a guide? | 16:05 |
jontyms2 | grammar is the best | 16:05 |
enigma9o7[m] | I just did it in the network gui, there's an option to share connection.... | 16:05 |
leftyfb | jontyms2: https://imgur.com/a/5y3cZU1 | 16:05 |
leftyfb | "Shared to other computers" | 16:05 |
enigma9o7[m] | On the ip4 settings tab, change it to "Shared with other computers" | 16:06 |
enigma9o7[m] | and ip6 | 16:06 |
jontyms2 | I am running ubuntu server and I already have a bridge network setup (for my vms) with netplan so I was hoping to use that | 16:07 |
leftyfb | enigma9o7[m]: there is no advantage of selectng ipv6 | 16:08 |
jontyms2 | *insert joke about ipv6* | 16:08 |
leftyfb | jontyms2: I'm no sure how NM does it in the background, but when I need that I install and setup dnsmasq on the sharing server and a couple lines of iptables for routing | 16:09 |
leftyfb | jontyms2: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/jnS8SBP5Rn/ | 16:10 |
leftyfb | sorry, 3 actual iptables rules, not 2 | 16:10 |
jontyms2 | so it looks like iptables are the only way | 16:10 |
leftyfb | jontyms2: for netplan, stick this script in /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/startnat.sh | 16:11 |
jontyms2 | ok, should I set the external to the bridge network? | 16:13 |
jontyms2 | Thanks for your help leftyfb enigma9o7[m] /s I should plugin and monitor and keyboard to the server and try this out | 16:20 |
enigma9o7[m] | Yeah in my case, I have two desktop computers near each other with lan ports. One of them I use a usb wifi to connect to my home network, and I have a cable between them to provide network connection to the other machine. As soon as setting the first one to shared, the other one immediately has internet. But for some reason I can't ssh to it from other computers (besides the one its plugged into). I have to ssh into the one its | 16:23 |
enigma9o7[m] | plugged into, then ssh into it, if i want to get to it from rest of network... | 16:23 |
jhutchins | enigma9o7[m]: Did you use a crossover cable? | 16:30 |
enigma9o7[m] | nope. the lan adapters must be smart enough to do that on their own | 16:31 |
enigma9o7[m] | they're just whatever is built into the motherboard tho | 16:31 |
alkisg | enigma9o7: internet connection sharing usually works by creating a dhcp server that assigns IPs in a different subnet. It's like your "wifi one" is a router, and the "other one" is behind the router | 16:32 |
alkisg | enigma9o7: to see if that's the case, run `ip a` on the "wifi one" | 16:33 |
alkisg | If it has 2 Ips on different subnets, then it's doing that. | 16:33 |
bluefox83 | ok, well...this is where everyone went to. | 16:34 |
cousteau | Hi! Is it pronounced "youboontoo" or "ooboontoo"? I need to know if it goes with "a" or "an" | 16:59 |
leftyfb | cousteau: type "ubuntu pronunciation" into goole.com | 17:00 |
cousteau | OK, sheesh | 17:00 |
jontyms2 | it's pronounced centos | 17:01 |
cousteau | With a soft g or a hard g? | 17:02 |
leftyfb | cousteau: I say that because the top result is a media file that plays audio with the correct pronunciation | 17:02 |
cousteau | Ah OK, sorry, I thought it was a "just google it" type of answer | 17:02 |
leftyfb | cousteau: well, you would have found the answer immediately if you had done just that ;) | 17:03 |
cousteau | (which kinda annoys me because lately my experience with Google is that the first result is ALWAYS wrong) | 17:03 |
cousteau | Thanks! | 17:04 |
cousteau | So, "an Ubuntu machine" and not "a Ubuntu machine", right? | 17:06 |
leftyfb | cousteau: depends if you choose to speak proper English or not | 17:06 |
cousteau | Well, if the u were pronounced as in "university" or "ubisoft" it'd be "a Ubuntu machine", that's why I was asking | 17:08 |
* ogra always pronounces ubuntu like "ubuntu" ... | 17:19 | |
dobbicorp | Giovanni: may i just call you Giorgio? | 17:29 |
leftyfb | dobbicorp: do you have an ubuntu support question? | 17:32 |
jhutchins | cousteau: You're not supposed to talk about it out loud. | 17:38 |
enigma9o7[m] | Grammar is still important when thinking. | 17:46 |
devilboy | Hello friends | 19:22 |
devilboy | ubuntu software center - categories: won't load, only 3 dots in a bot can be seen. | 19:22 |
devilboy | bot-box* | 19:22 |
devilboy | any solution to this? ubuntu 20.04.4 | 19:23 |
mostafa | devilboy: i have the same problem some times. | 19:24 |
devilboy | mostafa, never worked for me :/ | 19:24 |
devilboy | mostafa, worked :P lol, it just takes 5-7 secs to load. | 19:30 |
ueberall | Hi. I have a number of mount points which are both mounted (mount fails, already mounted, listed in /proc/mounts) and unmounted (unmount fails, because "... not mounted") at the same time. "fuser -mv <mountpoint>" tells me USER=root, PID=kernel, ACCESS COMMAND="mount <mountpoint>". How can I force the kernel to let go of those entries in /proc/mounts? | 20:03 |
ueberall | (Yes, if I comment out the entries in question in /etc/fstab and reboot, they're gone. I'm trying to prevent a reboot, though.) | 20:04 |
ueberall | "mount --move ..." does not work for me. | 20:06 |
Guest70 | hi im using ubuntu stable live boot (on usb) i installed arduino but i get the message. In order to upload code an arduino board over USB, you need to add your user to the dialout group. Open a terminal window, run the following command and reboot your computer. | 20:09 |
Guest70 | > sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USERcommand | 20:10 |
Guest70 | sadly this wont work because of being in a live sitation. can i restart a service to get the same result? | 20:10 |
sarnold | Guest70: you could also just run the command with sudo | 20:11 |
sarnold | Guest70: the usermod thing is in case you want to run the command as your usual user account periodically | 20:12 |
Guest70 | dont i need to reboot before the command having result? sorry brb dog | 20:12 |
Guest70 | thanks i will try it! | 20:17 |
ueberall | Guest70: As an alternative, try "su - $USERcommand" after the usermod (see https://superuser.com/a/354475/183106) | 20:23 |
Guest70 | ty all it worked have a good night! | 20:27 |
marcmance | what would cause apt to not resolve names? regular name resolution works fine | 20:30 |
sm1 | marcmance: care to explain a bit more | 20:35 |
marcmance | apt update fails due to name resolution, but I can ping the source | 20:36 |
sarnold | :( | 20:36 |
marcmance | where does apt get its dns? | 20:36 |
sarnold | I'd guess standard nsswitch stuff | 20:36 |
sm1 | did you mess up the /etc/ package lists maybe? | 20:36 |
leftyfb | marcmance: ( sudo apt update ; host archive.ubuntu.com ) | nc termbin.com 9999 | 20:37 |
marcmance | sorry no netcat on this machine | 20:38 |
ioria | marcmance, sudo apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update | 20:38 |
marcmance | same error | 20:38 |
leftyfb | marcmance: all versions of ubuntu have netcat installed by default | 20:38 |
ioria | marcmance, any proxy ? | 20:38 |
marcmance | no proxy | 20:39 |
sarnold | marcmance: how about socat? telnet? | 20:39 |
ioria | marcmance, paste the errors, please | 20:39 |
leftyfb | marcmance: please pastebin the output of: cat /etc/os-release; sudo apt update ; host archive.ubuntu.com | 20:40 |
marcmance | ok - I have it - it was a permission problem with /etc/resolv.conf | 20:40 |
marcmance | I 644 it and it works | 20:40 |
leftyfb | marcmance: this isn't ubuntu is it? | 20:41 |
marcmance | debian | 20:41 |
marcmance | close enough | 20:41 |
leftyfb | !debian | marcmance | 20:41 |
ubottu | marcmance: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 20:41 |
leftyfb | marcmance: please don't ask for support for Debian here | 20:41 |
marcmance | yeah yeah | 20:41 |
marcmance | apt is apt | 20:41 |
marcmance | dont be a hater | 20:41 |
leftyfb | marcmance: and yet.... | 20:41 |
marcmance | https://askubuntu.com/questions/91543/apt-get-update-fails-to-fetch-files-temporary-failure-resolving-error | 20:42 |
ioria | marcmance, for the record /etc/resolv.conf is 777 | 20:42 |
marcmance | really? | 20:42 |
ioria | yep | 20:42 |
marcmance | why would it need to be world writable? | 20:42 |
leftyfb | sort of | 20:42 |
leftyfb | the link is 777 | 20:42 |
leftyfb | the systemd-resolved is 644 | 20:43 |
leftyfb | which doesn't apply to Debian | 20:43 |
leftyfb | and nc is not installed on Debian which we use all the time to gather error messages and info | 20:44 |
leftyfb | marcmance: so please, do not ask for support for other OS's here | 20:44 |
leftyfb | it's not the same | 20:44 |
marcmance | why does systemd-resolved not apply to debian? I use it all the time | 20:55 |
marcmance | netcat could be installed if my apt worked | 20:56 |
marcmance | you guys need some love man, lots of haters | 20:56 |
leftyfb | marcmance: At least on the Debian containers I have installed, resolv.conf does not link to the systemd-resolved sub resolver. But plain and simple, the OS's are not the same and we cannot support them here. Regardless of your opinion on how similar they are. You were told this over a year ago | 20:58 |
leftyfb | sub/stub | 20:58 |
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=== EricFan1 is now known as EricFan | ||
jaafar | Anyone know where to find old xenial packages? The obvious places are all failing me | 21:15 |
Jeremy31 | old releases? | 21:15 |
jaafar | that's right | 21:16 |
leftyfb | !eol | jaafar | 21:16 |
ubottu | jaafar: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 21:16 |
jaafar | Sure | 21:16 |
jaafar | but where can I find them? | 21:16 |
Jeremy31 | Check the EOL upgrades link | 21:16 |
sarnold | jaafar: there's a lot of stuff on http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ -- launchpad page for the source package in question will have way more history than this, if you need it | 21:16 |
jaafar | The .deb's | 21:16 |
leftyfb | jaafar: https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ first result on google for "ubuntu old releases" | 21:16 |
jaafar | Yes, I've looked at those and I can find a xenial image, but not the package repo | 21:16 |
leftyfb | jaafar: that is literally the package repo | 21:17 |
sarnold | jaafar: that's it :) | 21:17 |
jaafar | I need specifically linux-tools-4.4.38-4.4.38 | 21:17 |
leftyfb | jaafar: https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ you need to upgrade or contact Canonical for ESM support | 21:17 |
jaafar | leftyfb: your link sends me to a page where I can get the full release, that is, download the .iso | 21:17 |
jaafar | not the .deb for a specific package | 21:18 |
jaafar | packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to have xenial anymore | 21:18 |
leftyfb | jaafar: https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ you need to upgrade or contact Canonical for ESM support | 21:19 |
jaafar | Guys | 21:19 |
jaafar | If you don't know, just say so | 21:19 |
sarnold | jaafar: all the debs go under the ubuntu/pool/ directory http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/ | 21:19 |
jaafar | sarnold: THANK YOU | 21:19 |
sarnold | jaafar: I don't see that specific package there, so head to the launchpad source package page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+publishinghistory | 21:19 |
jaafar | From the first page it looks like there's no xenial | 21:21 |
leftyfb | jaafar: it is no longer supported | 21:21 |
sarnold | you gotta look beyond the first page of things, man, hehe | 21:22 |
jaafar | I found a decent source for my debs: launchpad | 21:38 |
jaafar | https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/ARCHNAME/PKGNAME/VERSION | 21:38 |
jaafar | If anyone else needs this | 21:38 |
ghost | Hello I recently install a fresh copy of ubuntu 21:10 (comming from ubuntu 18.04). My system will randomly freeze if I leave it idle | 22:32 |
Nemo9 | hi | 23:03 |
Nemo9 | anyone here? | 23:25 |
genii | Nemo9: If you have a support question, best to just ask it | 23:27 |
genii | ..as he leaves :) | 23:27 |
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