
Guest8897Hello world18:46
Guest8897How do I reset the cloud-init first boot tracker? I've built a custom AMI with Packer, and now when I deploy that AMI in AWS, the userdata I provide is ignored. I start that userdata file with `#! /bin/bash`. However I've noticed that If I prefix that with another line containing `#cloud-boothook` it will run my userdata on every boot. Which makes18:48
Guest8897sense, but it's not what I need.18:48
Guest8897I'm still digging through the docs to understand how cloud-init works, but so far I haven't found the answer to my question18:49
holmanbGuest8897: Hello and welcome to the project! A couple of notes: I see a space between the "!" and "/" in your shebang line. If you copied that direct you'll probably want to fix that. Also, if you run `cloud-init clean --logs --reboot` it will remove artifacts and reboot with (and cloud-init will run as if it's the first time with the config).19:14
henkon https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#users-and-groups what does »Module frequency: per instance« mean? I understand "once-per-instance" and "always" but not what "per instance" could mean. is that explained anywhere in the docs?20:51
falcojrhenk: it means once-per-instance and an unfortunate inconsistency in our docs. It should be fixed in the next 2 weeks or so20:57
henkfalcojr: ah, I was hoping so, thanks21:09

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