
ahasenackmy personal gmail email was unsubscribed from ubuntu-security-annouce, due to bounces12:35
ahasenackI wonder if it's related to that DKIM issue that affected ubuntu mailing lists a few days ago (or still is?)12:36
ahasenackit didn't send me a copy of the last bounce, so I don't know the reason12:36
webchat68Hi. I'm doing a CIS hardening in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but the packagest usg-cisbenchmark and usg are giving me different audit results. Which one should I be using?13:50
ebarrettowebchat68, usg is the one we currently support 14:00
webchat68ebarretto Does it have a ruleset-param.conf file too?14:13
ebarrettowebchat68, that would be the tailoring files 14:22
webchat68ebarretto alright, thanks for the info14:50
ebarrettowebchat68, hope it helps :)14:51
blahdeblahahasenack_: seems likely - see discussion in #canonical-sysadmin23:05
ahasenack_yeah, saw it23:06
ahasenack_hopefully it's resolved23:06

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