
Maximalistcan you talk about 21.10 here?02:02
Bashing-omMaximalist: You were in fact miss-directed to this channel - 21.10 is currently supported in the main channel.02:04
PaulW2UAnyone with a two screens care to look at bug 1965505 ?10:25
ubottuBug 1965505 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Changing the position of the dock moves applications to first workspace" [Low, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196550510:25
lotuspsychjenot me sorry PaulW2U 10:25
PaulW2UProblems don't occur here with a single screen10:25
lotuspsychjemaybe tarzeau got multiple?10:25
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: did you pull the recent updates?10:27
lotuspsychjei just fixed my orange dots bug installing updates10:28
PaulW2UYes, I'm up-to-date10:28
lotuspsychjewas also a left to bottom issue10:28
PaulW2UI had too many problems to worry about orange dots :)10:29
PaulW2URunning two screens has always caused me problems while running development release but jammy worse then any of the others10:30
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: so if i hookup my tv to my laptop, changing dock to bottom would derange apps from workspaces?10:32
PaulW2UIf you configure laptop to show different workspaces, yes.10:34
lotuspsychjei got 6 workspaces active with that indicator you showed me once10:34
lotuspsychjeok lets try10:34
lotuspsychje_PaulW2U: apps seem to keep in place here10:37
PaulW2UTo be clear, you need the "multi-monitor" set-up and not for both screens to show the same workspace.10:37
lotuspsychje_ok lets c10:38
PaulW2UI have workspaces 1 to 4 on an external monitor and an additional workspace on the laptop monitor10:38
lotuspsychje_wich workspace are you on when testing?10:41
PaulW2UWorkspace 1 on external monitor10:41
lotuspsychje_cant seem to reproduce on intel graphics PaulW2U 10:44
lotuspsychje_showing dock on 2 screens and tested meft bottom right10:45
PaulW2Uok, hopefully someone else will read this later and will be able to reproduce. Thanks for trying anyway.10:45
noentHeya. I have a question about a missing package: libengine-tpm2-tss-openssl. It was in Jammy a few weeks ago, but has now disappeared. Where can I find more information about this? I was very happy to see it in jammy which meant that I could stop installing it from bullseye-backports...12:07
noentI already found tpm2-openssl which seems to be a successor, but there isn't even a man page in that package12:07
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
PaulW2Unoent: removal info for your package can be found on bug 195941414:30
ubottuBug 1959414 in tpm2-tss-engine (Ubuntu) "Please remove tpm2-tss-engine from Jammy" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195941414:30
noentPaulW2U: thanks. When is the removal of libssl 1.1 happening/planned?14:38
PaulW2UNo idea, I just searched Launchpad for some info re your package :)14:39
noentoh :P14:40
oerheksFound my first bug; jammy daily; while installing, choose 3rd party things.. "Some is Proprietary" > Some are Proprietary17:31
oerheksaction photo :-)17:44

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