
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> 4TZ06:16
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> Hello Team. I know 22.04 is not out yet. But i see this error when installing the daily iso06:17
IrcsomeBot<zoxan0998> Hello everyone I installed Kubuntu 20.04 yesterday after rebooting I have a black screen the panel works07:00
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> Can you see the mouse cursor? (re @zoxan0998: Hello everyone I installed Kubuntu 20.04 yesterday after rebooting I have a black screen the panel works)08:21
IrcsomeBot<zoxan0998> Yes (re @Pixel: Can you see the mouse cursor?)08:56
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> If you open System monitor (ksysguard), can you see a running process called "plasmashell" ?08:58
mparilloDaily ISO Install Error? Does it look like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/196574610:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1965746 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Installer Crashes on JJ Daily ISO" [Undecided, New]10:54
=== aaron is now known as straightea
IrcsomeBot<José> Y33A15:51
IrcsomeBot<oktaya> that was dumb15:54
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hi everyone in kubuntu 20.04 bios is not loading 🤔15:58
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> I think it has nothing to do with Kubuntu (re @llzxlxzll: hi everyone in kubuntu 20.04 bios is not loading 🤔)18:37
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> and i too but after this os that problem (re @Technopat_Official: I think it has nothing to do with Kubuntu)18:39
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> the last time I had this issue was a broken SSD (re @llzxlxzll: and i too but after this os that problem)18:40
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hh did u repair it! (re @Technopat_Official: the last time I had this issue was a broken SSD)18:42
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hh did u repair it? (re @Technopat_Official: the last time I had this issue was a broken SSD)18:42
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hh have u repair it? (re @Technopat_Official: the last time I had this issue was a broken SSD)18:42
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hh are u repair it? (re @Technopat_Official: the last time I had this issue was a broken SSD)18:44
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> Nooo, when a wheel is broken, I throw away the car to the garbage (re @llzxlxzll: hh are u repair it?)18:45
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> hm (re @Technopat_Official: Nooo, when a wheel is broken, I throw away the car to the garbage)18:45
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> Nooo, when a wheel is broken, I throw away the car to the garbage !18:45
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> STOP TROLLING please (re @llzxlxzll: hh are u repair it?)18:45
MaikCould we tone it done and keep it nice please? Thanks in advance18:51
Alpha-CraftHi! I have a question about the Kubuntu 22.04 LTS release that should be coming soon: Which version of KDE Plasme will it be using? 2.24 as far as I know. Is it possible, that it will be using the newer version? (2.25)18:59
user|69Sorry for my Bad english19:02
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> ок (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|69> Sorry for my Bad english)19:02
user|69I just want to ask. Can you Upgrade kubuntu 20.04 to 20.10?19:03
user|69I mean can i Upgrade my kunbuntu or ubuntu to newer Version?19:04
Maikuser|69: 20.10 is EOL19:04
Maikuser|69: why switch from a LTS base to a short term supported version?19:04
Alpha-CraftIt should be possible to upgrade to a newer version (in that case it would be 21.10). If you try to use the release-upgrade command. (You might need a sudo before it) If there are some issues with any ppas you have to look what to do next.19:05
user|69Because i want the neuesten Update19:05
Maikuser|69: if you wait a while you can upgrade from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS19:05
Alpha-CraftAlso the next LTS version will be released soon so I would wait until that moment.19:05
user|69Does 22.04 exist?19:05
Maikuser|69: not yet19:06
Alpha-CraftIt will be released soon. 22th April I think.19:06
Maikuser|69: It will be release April 21st19:06
user|69okay thanks for the support19:06
Maikno problem19:06
user|69It was very helpful for me19:06
Alpha-CraftNo problem.19:07
user|69Have a nice day19:07
Alpha-CraftSo does someone know about the KDE version that will be used in the next release?19:07
Alpha-CraftIn the internet I read it was KDE Plasma 2.24 but I want to know if it could still change because a new version was released with many bugfixes.19:08
Alpha-CraftIs it possible that it changes to 2.25 at some point?19:08
Alpha-CraftSo we'll have to wait a long time for a new Kubuntu release, to get the new KDE Plasma version?19:09
MaikAlpha-Craft: would KDE Neon be something for you if you want a LTS base but the latest of KDE Plasma?19:09
Maiki gues itwould suite you better19:10
Alpha-CraftI don't know. I don't really want to migrate my system again, if it's not neccessary. I would have to reinstall all of my software and it would take a really long time.19:10
Alpha-CraftAlso I would have to re-customize everything.19:11
Maikyou know, like Debian, Ubuntu is all about stability and not the latest new stuff19:11
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:12
Maikthe beauty of the upcoming release is that it's a LTS release and even the plasma desktop is a LTS release19:13
Alpha-CraftThe backports are unstable. So that wouldn't be a good idea to use that. I already broke my system with it once and irreversibly.19:14
Maikthen stick to what we get19:14
Alpha-CraftI'll see what I can do and if it is possible to save some data and migrate it to the new system. I'll have to make some research on that topic. Thank you for your help!19:17
Maikno problem, you're welcome :)19:18
AuthentixI have some snaps installed. The snaps don't use the system cursor. Is there a way to change that?19:19
=== julien is now known as julien88
julien88Very new to Kubuntu21:04
julien88What is this place ?21:04
kirvesAxethis is the IRC channel that offers some support for users of Kubuntu :)21:05
kirvesAxethe links in the topic might also be helpful :)21:06
julien88You mean the FAQ ?21:09
kirvesAxethat, for example.21:14
julien88Thank you kirvesAxe21:33
user|54Hi. there. I am current using Kubuntu Jammy Jellyfish and I can made a l2tp connection, but can not ping to other site.21:57
user|54I already tried with Void Linux and works perfectly.21:57
user|54Things that I already do:21:57
user|541 - disable xl2tp servide: no effect21:57
user|542 - disable l2tp service: no effect21:57
user|543 - loaded the following modules in boot time: bsd_comp, ppp_async, ppp_deflate, ppp_mppe, ppp_synctty, pppoe, pppox, pptp, hdlc_ppp, pppoatm, l2tp_ppp: no effect21:57
Nick78Is anyone here?23:55
IrcsomeBot<llzxlxzll> yes (re @IrcsomeBot: <Nick78> Is anyone here?)23:57

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