[01:48] PR snapd#11541 opened: kernel/fde: add PartitionName to various structs [07:22] morning [08:09] morning [08:15] PR snapd#11474 closed: i/b/network_{control,manager}.go: add more access to resolved [08:15] PR snapd#11518 closed: i/b/modem-manager: provide access to ObjectManager [08:17] hey everyone :) [08:17] spring is here :) [08:20] PR snapd#11503 closed: interfaces/docker-support: make generic rules not conflict with snap-confine [09:26] zyga[m], did the lawnmowers return from the south yet ? else it isnt spring 😛 [09:26] ogra: what? :D [09:26] it feels like spring here, we'll get 15C this week [09:27] 19 predicted for some parts of germany 🙂 [09:31] that is nice! I plan to spend some time working outside if I can === alan_g_ is now known as alan_g [11:26] PR snapd#11505 closed: cmd/snap-preseed, image: move preseeding code to image/preseed [11:51] PR snapd#10676 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns/change.go: sort needed, desired and not reused mount entries [11:56] PR snapd#11515 closed: snap-bootstrap: Partially revert simplifications of mount dependencies [11:56] PR snapd#11536 closed: overlord/state: add helper for aborting unready lanes [14:52] PR snapd#11520 closed: o/snapstate: avoid setting up single reboot when update includes base, kernel and gadget [14:52] PR snapd#11530 closed: tests/mounts-persist-refresh-content-snap: regression test for firefox crash [16:42] PR snapd#11542 opened: i/b/network-manager: split rule with more than one peers [16:57] PR snapd#11519 closed: snap/quota: additional validation in resources.go [17:02] PR snapd#11543 opened: asserts,interfaces/policy: slot-snap-id allow-installation constraints [17:13] PR snapd#11544 opened: quota: add some more unit tests around Resource.Change() [17:23] PR snapd#11394 closed: osutil/disks: calculate the last usable LBA instead of reading it [17:23] PR snapd#11545 opened: quota: add test for `Resource.clone()` [17:28] PR snapd#11541 closed: kernel/fde: add PartitionName to various structs [17:48] PR snapd#11546 opened: debug-tools/snap-debug-info.sh: add debug script [17:58] PR snapd#11547 opened: tests: Workaround lxd issue lp:10079 (function not implemented) on prep-snapd-in-lxd [20:59] PR snapd#11548 opened: release: 2.55 [23:49] PR snapd#11549 opened: gadget/install, kernel: more ICE helpers/support [23:54] PR snapd#11548 closed: release: 2.55