=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [06:05] good morning [07:44] Hey guys, I tried to change the default port on my SSH config. Thought it worked, got sick, came back to it and it is back to port 22 but it is closed. [07:45] The /etc/ssh/ssh_config doesn't have a port option. I can't seem to Search-Fu my way back to what I did. Forgotten the specifics. [07:46] Ignore above, I was being blind. [08:31] good morning === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [15:23] sdeziel, hi! Do you actually mean 1:9.18.0-2ubuntu2 in your comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+bug/1909822 ? According to d/changelog that Ubuntu revision only removes a "debugging enabled by default" flag in nslookup [15:23] Launchpad bug 1909822 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "named fails to listen dynamic ipv6 address on startup" [Undecided, Incomplete] [15:24] paride: what I'm saying is that Jammy's fixed, not specifically by this specific bind9 version [15:25] sdeziel, oh I see, thanks for clarifying [15:25] paride: I edited my comment to be less ambiguous [15:27] paride: I can also confirm that Focal's broken and there, neither automatic-interface-scan nor interface-interval paper over the problem... bind9 simply never notices late showing IPs