[00:19] Eickmeyer: I am not opposed to upgrading Calamares. I am a little short on cycles though. [00:20] kc2bez: Yeah, I'm not 100% convinced we need to, especially because I found the fix I was looking for. [00:21] OK, I trust whatever direction you want to go with that. [00:22] a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/1904266 could also be applied if resources/cycles allow :) [00:22] Launchpad bug 1904266 in calamares (Ubuntu) "calamares data entry; cursor jumps to end of field making editing difficult" [Undecided, Confirmed] [00:23] I had that in the back of my mind too guiverc [00:24] that bug is petty & not worth stressing over [00:25] I don't disagree but if we can roll it in with something else that is good. [06:47] i've upgraded lubuntu-artwork 22.04.2 et.al to a ~recent install & on reboot I expected change; alas I've not seen any.. I can't rule out i've changed something (used the install for support & thus mucked stuff up that's impacted what I'm looking for, I can see I used it for xorg/sddm things in support thus box isn't clean install & can't rule out my-error/my-box issue.. but I do see lubuntu-default-wallpaper.jpg is a water-blue jellyfish [06:47] in lximage-qt (my background is 2110-waves still for some reason) [07:17] [telegram] I could select the new Jammy wallpaper on an update (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) in lximage-qt (my background is 2110-waves still for some reason)) [07:19] I believe I could too, i expected it to auto-change... maybe my expectation is wrong (if I 'install using existing partition' on a CHANGED wallpaper the changed wallpaper survives, if it wasn't changed it'll change.. maybe i'm remembering the effects of 'upgrade via reinstall' or 'install using existing partition'.... [07:19] if so I'll see that in a day or so when it's on ISO & I re-run that QA-test on d780 etc. [07:20] thanks @Leokolb.. We'll see new wallpaper in day or so on ISO I expect [07:21] [telegram] NP [08:27] I think it doesn't automatically update because it is a symbolic link. It behaves a little strangely. We've encountered that in the past too. [10:12] as long as it shows on fresh installs I'll be happy... if it doesn't update - we can say that is 'respecting your old wallpaper you may love' [10:20] I agree with that. [18:00] [telegram] Todays Jammy Lubuntu ISO did not update correctly on the cdimage.ubuntu.com site @kc2bez just to inform [18:23] [telegram] Thanks. I can try to trigger a rebuild [18:26] [telegram] @kc2bez @teward001 in regards to some planning for Ubuntu Testing week is it possible for me to get access to the CodiMD instance? [18:28] [telegram] I have no issue with that. @teward001 manages the accounts there for that so I will leave the logistics up to him. (re @franksmcb: @kc2bez @teward001 in regards to some planning for Ubuntu Testing week is it possible for me to get access to the CodiMD instance?) [18:51] [telegram] I pushed the magic rebuild button. (re @Leokolb: Todays Jammy Lubuntu ISO did not update correctly on the cdimage.ubuntu.com site @kc2bez just to inform) [19:06] [telegram] yep - currently building tks @kc2bez (re @kc2bez: I pushed the magic rebuild button.) [19:32] [telegram] need your email addr to create the user but then yeah i'll send your creds over to you. send me a direct message on telegram (re @franksmcb: @kc2bez @teward001 in regards to some planning for Ubuntu Testing week is it possible for me to get access to the CodiMD instance?) [19:38] [telegram] TY. DM sent [20:44] [telegram] Strange the rebuilt ISO again dated 21.03.22 see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/ (re @kc2bez: I pushed the magic rebuild button.) [20:47] [telegram] my link should be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20220323.1/ @kc2bez [21:10] [telegram] Strange.