[07:10] Has anyone tried jammy-live-server-amd64.iso? I'm trying to install it with 2 "custom partitions" (ext4+swap), and it keeps crashing... [07:14] Meh, it appears it can't handle ext4+swap; by leaving the defaults partitioning, it continued [07:26] ...and it created a GPT disk even though it was already formatted in MBR and booted in BIOS mode :/ [07:46] there is nothing wrong with GPT in general :D [07:47] i can test the live iso. but maybe you can just file a report with the logs it creates? [07:56] alkisg: swap 2G and rest ext4 works here [07:57] ravage: thank you for testing; was that MBR/BIOS? [07:57] it only lets me select GPT buy es its not UEFI :) [07:57] *yes [07:58] I also didn't like the part where it didn't allow me to reuse an existing partition, it wanted me to format it... [07:59] im not a big fan of the installer in general :) [07:59] I ended up installing on a temporary disk, squashfs'ing it, then moving it to the proper destination [07:59] but i did not try that right now [07:59] my new jammy installer for my servers is a bash script from PXE to avoid it :D [07:59] Yeah I think it's a long way from filing bug reports to fix minor issues... [08:00] The old-style installer isn't available anywhere now, is it? [08:00] E.g. mini.iso or netboot.iso? [08:00] it is not :( [08:00] #$(#*&(#$*& if you'll allow me that language :D [08:00] :D [08:01] * alkisg has piled up several lines of code to undo all the new style stuff, from netplan to snap... [08:01] im back to debootstrap :D [08:01] ravage: what are you using for server networking? E.g. netplan, ifupdown, nm, networkd? [08:02] i left netplan in place for now [08:03] yaml is a good config format in general as long as you dont have to manually edit it on the console at the datacenter [08:03] and i dont have to do that myself often :) [08:04] The reason for netplan to exist never made sense for me; a third "common" format as a layer above nm or networkd; eh, just choose one of them and create a converter, don't create a third format... [08:08] yes. most of my servers are debian anyway. they keep adding reasons to stay there :) [12:04] lotuspsychje: if you want to try photoqt ? [12:04] ravage: do you have some automatic for partitioning/filesystemwriting apart from debootstrap? [12:05] alkisg: we also have a pile of undoing all the new style stuff .. would like to compare/see yours [12:06] ravage: i wasn't able to persuade my management yet to move back to debian :'( maybe next LTS (24.04) [12:07] i was wondering if there's people using/buying ubuntu-advantage, who they are, and how they're happy with it? [12:36] tarzeau: for now it only does some basic partitioning. only dynamic part is that it will create a RAID1 if 2 drives of the same site are found [12:36] ravage: no md, lvm, xfs, btrfs support and any combination of them? [12:37] ^ because that's what i'll be needing, but i plan to do it myself anyways, and also release it as part of revised ruptime implementation [12:41] the raid1 is lvm [12:41] but i dont plan to replace all partitioning schemes of the debian installer [12:42] i have these two things: [12:43] https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/diskcom (well not really related to the partitioning part, but i have fun with it) [12:43] http://www.aiei.ch/gnustep/install.txt hopelessly outdated, but i'd build on that [12:44] https://github.com/alexmyczko/ruptime for rdisks (not yet implemented) it'll print all storage devices, sorted by speed (read speed, but that's enough for me) [16:11] tarzeau: photoqt launcher is a default gear here [16:12] the app itself looks great [18:26] lotuspsychje: have fun :)