
=== paride3 is now known as paride
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzergood morning05:29
lotuspsychjemorning cpaelzer 05:34
cpaelzerhi lotuspsychje05:38
mirespacegood morning08:24
lotuspsychjehey mirespace 08:49
mirespacehi lotuspsychje09:08
rbasakcpaelzer: when did you push the python-tempita team subscription change? I'm a bit puzzled why the script did the reverse of what you intended, unless you only pushed it this morning?09:37
cpaelzerrbasak: I pushed it this morning, then I saw the mail and realized I pushed to the wrong branch, then I fixed my mistake - I expect it will be removed next night09:40
rbasakAh no problem. Nothing broken in the script then. Thanks! :)09:40
athosgood morning!10:53
athoswow, lots of changes in gnome after my last full upgrade here10:56
ahasenackkanashiro: when building rclone, do you recall it being an ftbfs in focal?12:10
ahasenackor you didn't touch focal12:11
ahasenackI even found a missing build-dep12:11
ahasenackbut now tests fail12:11
kanashiroahasenack, I was working on a custom build but I do remember the FTBFS in focal12:20
ahasenackkanashiro: does this ring any bells? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/593729634/focal-rclone-build.log13:06
ahasenacklast line is a huge go install command line13:06
ahasenackbut I don't see the actual error13:06
ahasenackhm, found something, many lines up:13:08
ahasenack /usr/lib/go-1.13/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: signal: killed13:08
ahasenackit's like a murder mistery13:08
ahasenack"who killed link"13:09
ahasenackand why13:09
ahasenackok, out of memory13:09
* ahasenack gives the vm more ram13:09
brycehgood morning14:52
lotuspsychjebug #1966968 tested on both jammy -server & desktop17:44
ubottuBug 1966968 in glances (Ubuntu) "Glances Web UI shows a blank page on Ubuntu 22.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196696817:44

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