nsmlzl | I get the following errors when I run "git submodule update --init --recursive" (under Ubuntu 20.04): | 00:32 |
nsmlzl | gettext: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 00:32 |
nsmlzl | envsubst: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 00:32 |
nsmlzl | Git clone of the repository was not a problem. What should I do? | 00:32 |
tomreyn | nsmlzl: hmm, this sounds like you may have installed third party packages or packages not meant for 20.04 | 00:37 |
tomreyn | a package providing the file libiconv.so.2 does not seem to exist on ubuntu 20.04 | 00:38 |
oerheks | from libiconv-hook1 | 00:39 |
tomreyn | https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/amd64/libiconv-hook-dev/filelist does not have this file | 00:40 |
tomreyn | oops thats -dev | 00:40 |
oerheks | ok, my query was libiconv .. | 00:41 |
tomreyn | https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/amd64/libiconv-hook1/filelist | 00:41 |
tomreyn | right, nsmlzl's system is special | 00:41 |
nsmlzl | I am using the oem kernel (linux-oem-20.04d)? Might this be connected? | 00:44 |
tomreyn | no | 00:44 |
tomreyn | show the output of: apt policy git gettext libgettextpo0 | 00:45 |
tomreyn | on a pastebin | 00:45 |
wr | when i have snap installed can i install programs out of snap files? | 00:46 |
oscurochu | what DE does ubuntu have? | 00:46 |
tomreyn | oscurochu: defaults to gnome-shell (with ubuntu modifications, though you can also have the vanilla one) | 00:47 |
tomreyn | !flavors | oscurochu | 00:47 |
ubottu | oscurochu: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours | 00:47 |
oscurochu | so ubuntu doesnt use unity anymore? | 00:47 |
wr | oscurochu, gnome i guess | 00:48 |
oscurochu | i didnt know i've been on gnome this whole time | 00:48 |
wr | oscurochu, but you can have any you want | 00:48 |
Bashing-om | !unity | oscurochu | 00:48 |
ubottu | oscurochu: Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity | 00:48 |
oscurochu | how do i remove unity? i heard it has spyware | 00:50 |
tomreyn | who told you that? | 00:50 |
wr | oscurochu, it's not spyware | 00:50 |
oscurochu | i want a regular gnome shell | 00:50 |
wr | oscurochu, no DE is spyware | 00:50 |
tomreyn | wr: what do you mean by "install programs out of snap files"? | 00:51 |
wr | tomreyn, of a file | 00:51 |
wr | tomreyn, of a snap file | 00:51 |
tomreyn | hmm, i don't think i'm getting the question still. maybe try a full sentence, give some background. | 00:52 |
oscurochu | https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.en.html | 00:52 |
wr | tomreyn, how do you install this https://dl.leap.se/CalyxVPN/linux/calyx-vpn_0.21.6-18-gae09609_amd64.snap | 00:52 |
tomreyn | wr: i found this about snap offline installations - but i don't know whether it is still possible / supported: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/offline-snap-installers-and-possibility-to-update/275/2 | 00:54 |
nsmlzl | tomreyn: here the output https://pastebin.com/Ht0y7szq | 00:54 |
tomreyn | is the calyx-vpn package not available from snap stor? | 00:54 |
tomreyn | oscurochu: did you actually read this? | 00:55 |
oscurochu | yes | 00:56 |
oscurochu | did you? | 00:56 |
tomreyn | oscurochu: the intro text, nad i think i read it fully a long time ago | 00:56 |
leftyfb | oscurochu: ubuntu no longer contains Unity. Regardless, that article was about the Amazon search that was included in ubuntu for a short period of time and removed. This was years ago. | 00:56 |
oscurochu | ok | 00:56 |
tomreyn | which the intro text states, more or less | 00:56 |
sarnold | "oh no the 'search amazon' widget searches amazon!" | 00:56 |
wr | tomreyn, i guess not | 00:57 |
tomreyn | nsmlzl: this looks fine, so there must be another issue. maybe show also the output of apt policy and apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 9999 | 00:58 |
ogra | wr, sudo snap install --dangerous /path/t👋your/package_amd64.snap ... | 00:59 |
ogra | bah ... emoji plugin | 00:59 |
tomreyn | <wr> ok --dangerous option | 00:59 |
ogra | wr, --dangerous allows installation from local unchecked/unsigned snap files | 00:59 |
tomreyn | looks like wr learnt this here before | 00:59 |
ogra | oh | 01:00 |
wr | ogra, --dangerous or --classic wont work | 01:00 |
ogra | it definitely should | 01:01 |
wr | ogra, the classic one will give "error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap" | 01:01 |
ogra | if you combine it with --dangerous ? | 01:01 |
tomreyn | wr: which ubuntu version are you running again? | 01:01 |
wr | ogra, combined works :) | 01:02 |
ogra | --dangerous means do not check anything i know this is a dangerous and likely unsafe package ... so it should not fail with a signature error | 01:02 |
ogra | phew 🙂 | 01:02 |
wr | ogra, i now need to create a ln -s, for the launcher? | 01:03 |
ogra | if it is properly packaged it should just show up in your menus (or gnome search) | 01:04 |
wr | ogra, it shows on menu, but does not open, maybe missing something | 01:05 |
ogra | well, ask the packager ... nobod can tell for such a package | 01:06 |
ogra | *nobody | 01:06 |
ogra | (packages that go to the snap store run throuhg a ton of checks before they are allowed in ... a snap you download from somewhere on the internet is about as safe as any windows msi you can download anywhere and only the packager knws what is in it) | 01:08 |
wr | ogra, yep | 01:08 |
nsmlzl | tomreyn: "apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 9999": https://termbin.com/73mq | 01:08 |
nsmlzl | "apt policy | grep ',local\]$'" did not generate any output. | 01:08 |
tomreyn | nsmlzl: i didn't mean to suggest running the latter, just "apt policy" | 01:09 |
nsmlzl | tomreyn: ah, apt policy generated this output: https://termbin.com/kpch | 01:11 |
wr | ogra, how do i search on snap to see if a package exists? | 01:13 |
tomreyn | nsmlzl: hmm, that's lot's of third party repositories. hopefully none of them replace any ubuntu packages with incompatible ones. | 01:13 |
ogra | wr "snap help" shows all commands and tools ... you want "find" i guess | 01:13 |
nsmlzl | tomreyn: yeah, I will have a look at them. Thank you for the help! | 01:14 |
tomreyn | nsmlzl: you're welcome. maybe also try and make sure your system is fully updated by running sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 01:17 |
tomreyn | no warnings or errors should be printed there | 01:17 |
Sven_vB | hi :) is there an easy way to have a text file displayed in terminal (like cat) but with wider tab width than 8? | 01:28 |
Sven_vB | I probably need tab width 30 | 01:28 |
Sven_vB | using focal | 01:28 |
Sven_vB | "easy" as in easier than doing sed regexp magic | 01:29 |
sarnold | Sven_vB: I'm almost scared to find out what you're doing... but check out the tabs(1) program | 01:32 |
sarnold | Sven_vB: I haven't got a clue if it actually works, I've never heard of it before tonight :) but I found it referenced in the tput(1) manpage.. which you might also find interesting. | 01:33 |
Sven_vB | sarnold, thanks! I'm trying to convert a tab-separated values table to fixed number of spaces for print | 01:33 |
sarnold | Sven_vB: hmm, and what exactl are you hoping changing the terminal tab settings will do? | 01:34 |
Sven_vB | my idea was to copy my terminal's rendered output into a text file | 01:34 |
Sven_vB | I see now how I could have asked for conversion from file to file. | 01:35 |
sarnold | probably you'd just copy-paste the tab chars :) heh | 01:35 |
sarnold | it might still be fun to try.. | 01:36 |
Sven_vB | worked as expected. thanks! | 01:37 |
Sven_vB | … except that "reset" doesn't reset it. | 01:37 |
sarnold | Sven_vB: vim's got insanely detailed tab handling that you might find helpful .. it's pretty danged complex, since it's grown over a few decades to handle every situation under the sun.. https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Converting_tabs_to_spaces | 01:37 |
sarnold | try tabs -8 | 01:37 |
Sven_vB | oh, nevermind, I cated the new file. :D | 01:38 |
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hard | hi | 01:56 |
Sqaure | Is it easy adding dual boot after you installed ubuntu? Ie, adding windows | 02:51 |
Bashing-om | Sqaure: Well - when you install Windows after Ubuntu ... Windows wipes ubuntu's boot code. | 02:57 |
Sqaure | oh noes | 02:57 |
Sqaure | pretty intrusive | 02:57 |
Bashing-om | Sqaure: One can with a bit of effort then re-install the boot code. To Windows there is no other operating systems :( | 02:59 |
Sqaure | Hmm | 02:59 |
Sqaure | Bashing-om, im hearing windows 11 was just released. Maybe they fixed it there? Microsoft has gotten a bit softer last years | 03:00 |
Bashing-om | Sqaure: I have not had hands on Win11 - I am not qualified to make a guess here :( | 03:01 |
rdr | it works if you keep them on separate drives with their own efi's | 03:10 |
rdr | does anyone know if ubuntu kylin has a channel here? | 03:10 |
Bashing-om | rdr: - /msg alis list - says no :( | 03:18 |
supercom32 | So I updated to Kernel 5.8.0-63-generic and I noted that one of my docker containers which uses hardware acceleration failed to start. It says ` error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/dri/renderD128": no such file or directory`. Sure enough, this no longer exists. Has the path changed? | 03:21 |
Sven_vB | Sqaure, reinstalling Ubuntu's boot loader is easy if you have a SuperGrub Disk at hand. it can auto-detect installed Ubuntus and boot them. once you're back inside, ask us how to reinstall your bootloader. | 03:21 |
Sven_vB | without SGD, the easiest way would probably be to backup Ubuntu's EFI files, install windows, and then use a windows EFI tutorial to add Ubuntu's EFI files onto windows' EFI partition. | 03:23 |
ezekiel4u | can anybody tell me if talking about hwlp to learn a programming language is in the rules? | 04:22 |
herackle | Hello! I'm trying to use virt-install to create a new vm on my ubuntu machine. The install seems to be proceeding but I get this error: Error setting up logfile: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/username/.cache/virt-manager' | 04:22 |
herackle | My username is added to the group libvirtd so I'm not sure what this permission issue is about | 04:22 |
herackle | Any help? | 04:22 |
ViperXL75 | hey guys. Using Ubuntu 20.04LTS here. I'm facing a problem that the machine needs to have a device connected to HDMI before I'm able to see the desktop through VNC. If I restart the machine without anything connected to the HDMI, I'll just have a black screen in VNC. Then i need to connect HDMI first in order to get my display back. Is there a way to tell GDM3 to ignore the error of not detecting HDMI and force it to just load t | 05:09 |
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alkisg | ViperXL75: video=HDMI-1:1920x1080e in the grub cmdline | 05:45 |
alkisg | Where HDMI-1 is the actual output name, use xrandr etc to see it | 05:45 |
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morganu | morganu | 06:05 |
morganu | How should I close chrome so it will remember its state and reopen as it was with all windows and tabs? | 06:07 |
morganu | 20.04 | 06:07 |
morganu | nevermind. please delete above question. solved. | 06:10 |
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webchat85 | Hi everyone | 07:02 |
webchat85 | I was wondering if the installation of the HWE kernel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS can lead to the installation of OEM Kernel packages for specific hardware platforms. | 07:02 |
webchat85 | Does anybody have experience with this? | 07:02 |
alkisg | webchat85: judging from its "Depends" line, it doesn't seem likely | 07:09 |
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webchat85 | I also don't understand. but at the company we have a couple of people that have the OEM kernel installed through this package: oem-somerville-charmander-14-meta/focal-updates | 07:44 |
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ViperXL75 | alkisg: A looooooooooooooot of thanks. I'm gonna try it. :) | 07:47 |
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alkisg | webchat85: it could be related to the installer, ubiquity (or even the installation image) | 07:49 |
webchat85 | we are setting up the machine with a minimal server image over cloud-init. the hwe kernel gets installed right there. afterwards we add desktop packages etc. through ansible. at no point do we install an OEM kernel explicitly. it's really weird. | 07:57 |
lavaball | in firefox i get this: Exception... "SQLite database operation failed because a constraint was violated" nsresult: "0x80630003 (NS_ERROR_STORAGE_CONSTRAINT) it's an 18.04 box though. works fine on 20.04. | 08:56 |
lavaball | both have libsqlite3-0 though. | 08:56 |
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Mrokii | I have a failing internal hard drive (ext4, not an ssd) for which testdisk can't find any partitions. I have a replacement drive meanwhile, but I'm wondering if ddrescue is the best tool to try to recover files from the missing partitions. Are there any other, better suited tools? | 10:24 |
Mrokii | Just to mention it, the hd should contain just one partition, spanning the whole drive. | 10:25 |
yurtesen | Can anybody tell me why the rsyslog.conf in Ubuntu has "$PrivDropToUser syslog" and "$PrivDropToGroup syslog" by default ? | 10:38 |
alkisg | yurtesen: you can file a launchpad bug report though with the rsyslog issues you mentioned in #debian, so that the decision for that ^ is re-examined | 10:38 |
yurtesen | alkisg: I am not sure if I know how to get relevant people involved. I have a bug related to this: 1964881 | 10:39 |
yurtesen | #1964881 | 10:39 |
yurtesen | I can make a bug report. But my bug reports seem to be largely ignored in general. I must be doing something wrong. | 10:40 |
alkisg | That's pretty much all we can do, the rest is up to sponsors :) | 10:40 |
alkisg | If bugs get a lot of traffic and are deemed important, then it's more possible that some dev will handle them | 10:41 |
yurtesen | alkisg: that approach does not help fixing the problem. This is not an issue which require actual development. It will easily be missed and backlogged. | 10:45 |
ogra | yurtesen, probably ask in #ubuntu-server for a sponsor ... there are likely more tomcat users than here (and some ubuntu-server devs too) | 10:46 |
yurtesen | ogra: the issue is probably not only effecting tomcat, any package which uses rsyslogd and expects files created to be owned by a certain user would be effected. | 11:05 |
yurtesen | ogra: also in #debian channel alkisg mentioned there can be other problems as well if rsyslogd is not run as root. | 11:06 |
alkisg | True, for example users are not notified for emergencies due to insufficient rights | 11:12 |
alkisg | Only emergencies that go through jorunald are visible | 11:12 |
lavaball | in firefox i get this: Exception... "SQLite database operation failed because a constraint was violated" nsresult: "0x80630003 (NS_ERROR_STORAGE_CONSTRAINT) it's an 18.04 box though. works fine on 20.04. both have libsqlite3-0 though. | 11:21 |
moon-r-ack | Hi all. Does anybody know why the MySQL packages at repo.mysql.com are newer for Focal than for Hirsute? | 11:31 |
moon-r-ack | It seems in that repo, Focal has mysql-client 8.0.28 and Hirsute has 8.0.27, I don't get why | 11:34 |
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ogra | moon-r-ack, thats a question to ask the owners of the repo ... but hirsute is EOL and unsupported anyway so this is moot after all | 11:50 |
moon-r-ack | ogra, ah, that might be the answer as-is | 11:53 |
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twinsenbrim | window merge | 12:45 |
moon-r-ack | Can I upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04 when the release comes next month? | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | moon-r-ack: yes, when the upgrade path opens | 12:52 |
Mrokii | moon-r-ack: You should be able to, yes. | 12:52 |
moon-r-ack | Thanks | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 12:57 |
bittin | hi | 12:59 |
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iffraff | Hi, My os is making a sort of chime noise every ~ 10 seconds. Just started happening on reboot. How the heck can I figure out what that is and kill it? | 13:27 |
Maik | iffraff: which version of Ubuntu? | 13:28 |
Maik | 20.04 LTS or 21.10? | 13:28 |
Maik | And which desktop? | 13:29 |
iffraff | 21.10 default desktop I guess | 13:29 |
Maik | hmmm... weird. I had 21.10 for a while but never experienced that. | 13:30 |
iffraff | yea, i've had it for a while too and it just started. I don't think it's a 2010 problem so much as something is going on and I need it to end ;) | 13:31 |
iffraff | so I ran some bash commnad and I see this when the sound plays | 13:32 |
iffraff | event.description = "On AC power" event.id = "power-plug" | 13:32 |
iffraff | I guess maybe my power cord is dying or something? | 13:32 |
lotuspsychje | iffraff: journalctl -f spamming things? | 13:33 |
iffraff | actually there is more detail, but that seemed relivant | 13:33 |
iffraff | not really sure? actually don't really know what that means :) | 13:34 |
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iffraff | I've switched cargers from the dedicated charger that came with it to a usb c plugged into a thing that delivers idk like 37 amps or something. | 13:36 |
iffraff | the sound is definitely the sound of the cord being plugged in and then unplugged. i.e. that is the chime that is sounding. I guess that usb c wall thing is not cutting it. | 13:37 |
zprd | hi, I installed virtualbox, asked me a secureboot password, then reboot, vms refuse to start because of modules not loaded. is this normal behavior? | 13:55 |
amazoniantoad | I'm trying to install dosemu but I get a "no installation candidate" response. | 14:37 |
amazoniantoad | Can anyone help me figure out what to do? | 14:37 |
alkisg | amazoniantoad: it's been dropped, the last ubuntu that had it was 18.04: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dosemu | 14:40 |
amazoniantoad | alkisg, thanks. I grabbed the deb from the old repository and I'm trying to just manually install. It appears to have worked but throws some dependency issues during install | 14:41 |
ioria | https://launchpad.net/~dosemu2/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 14:41 |
amazoniantoad | thanks guys | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | amazoniantoad: there seems to be a dosbox-staging snap too, if thats related to what you want/need | 14:41 |
alkisg | dosbox can work better in some cases | 14:42 |
lucjayjay | hey anyone here who can help me with curtin/autoinstall storage partitioning for a dual boot setup ? | 14:42 |
lucjayjay | we dont really see a solution how to achieve dual boot with cloudinit | 14:43 |
lucjayjay | since our devices have different disk/partition sizes and one needs to hard code sizes in the config | 14:43 |
semitones | oerheks, blkid is giving me the same results as normal user and with sudo (moving convo here in case its more relevant) | 16:57 |
oerheks | nope, my system gives unmounted drives too, with sudo blkid | 16:57 |
oerheks | and the snaps | 16:58 |
oerheks | 21.10 | 16:58 |
oerheks | also, 21,.04 the home folder is private, no longer world readable | 16:59 |
oerheks | this might be of influence on blkid? | 16:59 |
semitones | so maybe if I had a more complicated current state (like a USB drive inserted but unmounted) it might read differently | 17:00 |
semitones | I am in 20.04 | 17:01 |
Arsimael | That moment when you go nuts because your GTK applications liik like shit in Plasma, and then you realize: "You haven't setup the GTK Theme correctly" | 18:00 |
vsuojanen | ubuntu 22.04 user, how can I report chromium bugs? | 18:26 |
Guest62 | if my ssd does not have partition table and it fails to format to msdos before formating to ext4 or nfts | 18:26 |
Guest62 | what do I do | 18:26 |
Guest62 | it might be physically broken | 18:27 |
leftyfb | Guest62: why wouldn't you just create a partition on it and format that? | 18:27 |
vsuojanen | what partition tool are you using? | 18:27 |
sarnold | vsuojanen: try ubuntu-bug chromium-browser -- does that do the trick? | 18:27 |
Guest62 | it does not have the table | 18:27 |
Guest62 | gparted | 18:27 |
oerheks | vsuojanen, join #ubuntu-next for 22.04 support and bugs | 18:28 |
oerheks | !bug | 18:28 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 18:28 |
leftyfb | Guest62: so create a table? | 18:28 |
Guest62 | it gives error | 18:28 |
leftyfb | Guest62: maybe that with that then | 18:28 |
Guest62 | ? | 18:29 |
leftyfb | Guest62: what error? Also, you should be monitoring with "dmesg -Tw" in a terminal while you are doing this to see if there's any hardware/kernel messages about the drive | 18:29 |
vsuojanen | sarnold: i have snap verison chromium 99.0.4844.84 installed from Ubuntu Software | 18:31 |
tomreyn | vsuojanen: snap info <packagename> should provide a "contact" | 18:33 |
tomreyn | this *can* be where you're supposed to direct support requests to. | 18:33 |
Guest62 | https://github.com/NVlabs/instant-ngp | 18:34 |
vsuojanen | tomreyn: thanks, I see | 18:34 |
leftyfb | Guest62: ? | 18:35 |
oerheks | Guest62, does that help fix your drive? | 18:35 |
Guest62 | anybody have tried it | 18:36 |
Guest62 | looks amazing | 18:36 |
Guest62 | I think my drive is dead | 18:36 |
Guest62 | tnx for mesg | 18:36 |
tomreyn | Guest62: feel free to post any related logs to a pastebin (or termbin.com) and post the url here for a second opinion. (and please note this channel is just for ubuntu support.) | 18:38 |
Guest62 | where do I get NVIDIA CUDA toolset for ubuntu | 18:44 |
Guest62 | https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=Ubuntu&target_version=20.04&target_type=deb_network | 18:44 |
leftyfb | Guest62: I thought you were having trouble partitioning and formatting a drive? | 18:45 |
Guest62 | forget about it, I am on next issue | 18:45 |
oerheks | !info nvidia-cuda-toolkit | 18:45 |
ubottu | nvidia-cuda-toolkit (11.3.1-4, impish): NVIDIA CUDA development toolkit. In component multiverse, is extra. Built by nvidia-cuda-toolkit. Size 60,955 kB / 120,723 kB. (Only available for amd64, ppc64el, arm64.) | 18:45 |
oerheks | it is in our repos? | 18:45 |
Guest62 | holy snap | 18:46 |
Guest62 | so cool | 18:46 |
oerheks | after that, you need to do more steps, tons of guides like https://linuxhint.com/install-cuda-ubuntu/ and https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux | 18:47 |
Sven_vB | hi :) does focal have a meta package that depends on a newer lowlatency kernel, like currently the latest 5.8.x? | 18:47 |
oerheks | Sven_vB, HWE? | 18:47 |
oerheks | !hwe | 18:48 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 18:48 |
Sven_vB | sounds good, thanks! | 18:48 |
dortal | hi | 18:59 |
xbox | cinecalidad | 19:07 |
leftyfb | xbox: ? | 19:10 |
Mrokii | Hello. I'm currently using PhotoRec to try to rescue data from an hd. The problem is that the system/journal thing is clogging my system HD with logs, and I don't have that much space. Is there a way to disable logging completely, at least temporarily? | 19:36 |
jhutchins | Mrokii: You could shut down the syslog daemon, but that won't fix systemd. | 19:41 |
rfm | reading https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journald.conf.html apparently "Storage=none" turns it off | 19:46 |
oerheks | good find | 19:46 |
Guest62 | where do I get cmake 3.22.2 | 19:50 |
Guest62 | specifically for ubuntu | 19:50 |
oerheks | Guest62, launchpad? | 19:51 |
oerheks | and 3.22.2 does not exist, next jammy gets 3.22.1 | 19:51 |
dortal | back | 19:51 |
oerheks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake | 19:51 |
Guest62 | https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases | 19:51 |
sarnold | Guest62: even jammy has an older release https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake | 19:51 |
mwt | I seem to have a separate clipboard for snap and normal apps | 19:51 |
Guest62 | Installed CMake version 3.23.0 is unable to build this project. You must | 19:51 |
Guest62 | Â install the latest stable version 3.22.2 instead. | 19:52 |
sarnold | Guest62: so if you need something newer, you can download and build it yourself | 19:52 |
mwt | Anytime know why? | 19:52 |
oerheks | Guest62, go ahead, if you don't want support | 19:52 |
sarnold | mwt: is this the 'usual' PRIMARY vs SELECT difference? or is this something else? | 19:52 |
Guest62 | 3.22.2 on ubuntu | 19:52 |
mwt | I don't know | 19:52 |
Guest62 | I have newer unfortunately | 19:52 |
Mrokii | rfm: Thanks! | 19:53 |
Mrokii | jhutchins: And thanks as well. | 19:53 |
mwt | sarnold: all I know is I can copy things in a snap and only can paste in another snap | 19:53 |
mwt | This is a fresh install | 19:54 |
mwt | I'm having to use vscode as my only snapped terminal | 19:54 |
sarnold | mwt: does anything change if you use shift+insert vs middle-click vs control+v vs control+alt+v ? there's several linux clipboards and they do different things.. | 19:56 |
jhutchins | rfm: Thanks, it's good to know there's a mechanism for that. | 20:02 |
mwt | sarnold sorry my znc server went down for a few minutes there | 20:14 |
mwt | actually shift+insert seems to have fixed a sync permanently | 20:15 |
mwt | I don't know why | 20:15 |
mwt | but pressing those buttons has made the Control+C and Control+V clipboard work correctly for now | 20:15 |
Guest62 | how do I downgrade g++ gcc from 11.3 to 10 | 20:30 |
Guest62 | ? | 20:30 |
Guest62 | Build cuda_11.3.r11.3/compiler.29920130_0 | 20:30 |
Guest62 | can't live with 11.3 it needs older version | 20:30 |
rob0 | what does? | 20:32 |
oerheks | first you want a higher cmake, now a lower gcc .. interesting | 20:32 |
oerheks | Guest62, on what linux are you working? | 20:32 |
Guest62 | cmake is okay | 20:32 |
Guest62 | I got 3.22.3 building it | 20:32 |
Guest62 | but I can't really use nvcc compiler with | 20:33 |
Guest62 | g++ 11.3 | 20:33 |
Guest62 | ubuntu 21.10 | 20:33 |
oerheks | !info gcc-10 | 20:37 |
ubottu | gcc-10 (10.3.0-11ubuntu1, impish): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-10. Size 18,509 kB / 52,220 kB | 20:37 |
oerheks | still available though,.. | 20:37 |
dortal | hi | 20:38 |
leftyfb | dortal: hello. What can we help you with? | 20:40 |
dortal | hi | 20:41 |
dortal | scortal of dortal here. | 20:42 |
Niklas_E | I installed a program that I think broke the mysql service files (system.d) | 20:44 |
Niklas_E | is there anyway to recreate them? | 20:44 |
leftyfb | dortal: stop | 20:44 |
oerheks | reinstall mysql would recreate them | 20:46 |
oerheks | what weird program does that? on what ubuntu version? | 20:46 |
Niklas_E | it was shinibi | 21:07 |
KenwoodFox77 | I'm trying to use sphinx in a ci/cd job, and i need the svg extensions, so i installed imagemagick and enabled them, but it looks like imagemagick dosent come with helvetica font, so im running into some issues with certian graphics. Im using the stripped down ubuntu:latest docker container, i was just wondering, does anybody know what package | 22:06 |
KenwoodFox77 | provides helvetica? Thanks! | 22:06 |
oerheks | helvetica font in linux? The simple answer is to buy the font right from the official distributor, Linotype. They sell individual variants for $26, | 22:08 |
oerheks | choose a clone https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Metric-compatible_fonts#List_of_metric-compatible_fonts | 22:08 |
KenwoodFox77 | They sell fonts? | 22:08 |
KenwoodFox77 | It builds fine locally, im just using arch (btw) and i dont know witch package provides helvetica like mine on arch | 22:09 |
oerheks | oh, how would ubuntu support know? | 22:09 |
oerheks | there is no licenced helvetica | 22:09 |
oerheks | good luck with arch | 22:09 |
KenwoodFox77 | Not sure :c sometimes packages provide resources not in the name | 22:09 |
oerheks | it is not in the microsoft-fonts0installer | 22:10 |
KenwoodFox77 | Ok, thanks for the info~ Ill try and see if i can switch fonts or maybe break apart the docker container that built the svgs in the first place | 22:11 |
oerheks | choose a clone.. | 22:11 |
KenwoodFox77 | oerheks yeah :/ thats what i tried first, and ghostscript and a few others | 22:11 |
KenwoodFox77 | clone of what/ | 22:11 |
oerheks | see that arch wiki | 22:11 |
KenwoodFox77 | I'm sorry, you lost me, im working with ubuntu | 22:12 |
oerheks | same solution, i guess | 22:13 |
KenwoodFox77 | I dont follow, sorry, thanks for the advice though, if its licensed i bet i can figure out how to stop the offending container from using it | 22:13 |
KenwoodFox77 | Then i wont have to convert it | 22:14 |
KenwoodFox77 | Got it! Aparently the package `inkscape` provides it, or at least something similar. I have a feeling inkscape dosent actually provide it and its just installed through a dependency somewhere but, a solution is a solution :3 thx for the help | 22:26 |
=== ajfriesen9 is now known as ajfriesen | ||
oerheks | I don't think inkscape provides helvetica. | 22:35 |
linuxghost | Wow, I can not believe I finally got this application working | 22:45 |
usuario | hi all | 23:49 |
usuario | need help | 23:49 |
oerheks | :-) | 23:49 |
Bashing-om | !ask | usuario | 23:49 |
ubottu | usuario: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:49 |
usuario | when I want to print a document of about 200 pages, my ubuntu consumes all my RAM. It takes 10 minutes to start printing and at a short time the printing without finishing it | 23:50 |
usuario | I don't know why that happens. | 23:53 |
sarnold | sometimes printing things can be very inefficient; a few wild guesses, you could try converting the file to a different file format first, or you could try printing ranges of the file, like pages 0-50, then 51-100, etc | 23:54 |
oerheks | is it an usb or network printer? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems | 23:55 |
usuario | network | 23:56 |
oerheks | if that job contains large images, i am not wondered | 23:57 |
usuario | only text oerheks. | 23:59 |
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