[02:42] diddledani: oh crikey! sorry to hear that, no worry - no urgency at all, hope things improve! === chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson [20:07] it could be worse; you could be maintaining an energy suppliers website [22:46] EDF have at least managed to put up an apology page/redirection to a form; they previously had a very very raw error output page [22:49] their staff must not have had the energy for some time [22:49] * daftykins ducks [22:53] this is your annual reminder that all news must be ignored for around 36 hours as april fools descends upon us [22:55] absolutely! [23:00] are you telling me the trained russian tank llamas aren't real? [23:07] that's a government secret [23:13] total myth, can't offically deny the alpaca rumours mind