[02:59] If I would like to try to start contributing to KDE/Plasma, and Kubuntu is my daily driver, is there documentation somewhere on best practice for building and running upstream sources? Should I just follow upstream contribution docs, or is there some more Kubuntu-specific thing I can look at? [03:19] I think I'm gonna give it a shot with upstream instructions. They seem pretty sound. apt build-dep should be my friend. [07:13] tilgovi, the Kubuntu team would love to answer queries related to 'wanting to contribute', but with the hours-ago release, many are tired & thus can't currently respond sorry. [10:43] Upstream should be fine and I think they use KDE Neon which is also Ubuntu based. (re @IrcsomeBot: If I would like to try to start contributing to KDE/Plasma, and Kubuntu is my daily driver, is there documentation somewhere on best practice for building and running upstream sources? Should I just follow upstream contribution docs, or is there some more Kubuntu-specific thing I can look at?) [12:12] Hi all [17:45] plasma 5.24.4 is landing in jammy [19:04] \o/ hurray! [19:25] so in terms of plasma/frameworks/apps we have all the versions we should ship with. now mostly a case of cherry fixing bugfixes if they apply to us