
lotuspsychjegood morning to all01:48
MetamorphosisJoin the Free Software Foundation (FSF) on Friday April 01 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT for the Free Software Directory IRC meetings, in the #fsf Libera.chat moderated by the FSF staff!04:17
yurtesenI made a very trivial debdiff for bug #1964881 and having trouble finding a sponsor. Does anybody have suggestion on how to solve this dilemma?05:03
ubottuBug 1964881 in tomcat9 (Ubuntu) "Logging/Log rotation does not work for catalina.out" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196488105:03
ducassegood morning07:17
yurtesenducasse good morning08:59
ruzerI just replaced windows with ubuntu18:01
ruzerwhere can i find cool backgrouds for desktop18:02
leftyfbruzer: google18:02
leftyfbruzer: pictures aren't OS specific 18:03
ruzerI think buying a pc installed windows is bad 18:04
ruzerthey come with h/w optimiztion for windows only18:05
ruzerlesson- buy pc not the OS18:05
leftyfbruzer: not usually. Also, to each their own. All OS's have their use cases18:05
ruzerH/w manuf are biased towards windoes18:06
ruzermost of the pc comes preinstalled with ms windows18:07
oerheksyeah, but some put mac osX on their machines :-D18:08
ruzermac only apple does18:08
leftyfbruzer: https://system76.com/ 18:09
ruzerthe intel rst thing was annoying during ubuntu installation18:09
ruzerthat's what I am saying18:09
leftyfbruzer: https://frame.work/18:09
leftyfbruzer: https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/overview/cp/linuxsystems18:09
ruzermine asus18:10
leftyfbruzer: https://ubuntu.com/certified18:10
ruzerleftyfb: I know there are systems for linux specifically but the share is very low in the market18:11
leftyfbruzer: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/d/linux-laptops-desktops/18:11
ruzerms windows dominates the desktop18:11
leftyfbruzer: ok? 18:11
ruzeryeh boi18:11
ruzeri think my battery is draining fast as compared to ms windows18:12
oerheksi think windows abuses the desktop, win7 machines are perfect for linux18:12
leftyfbruzer: that would be good to ask for help with in #ubuntu 18:12
ruzerIs it ok or it will settle with time18:12
ruzerokk leftyfb 18:12
ruzerleftyfb: so what we do here18:13
leftyfbruzer: discuss, mainly around ubuntu. I personally don't see the point in complaining about other OS's. It's not very productive. 18:14
oerhekswindows should support snaps.18:15
ruzerI am not comparing, I am just saying the facts leftyfb 18:15
ruzerWindows has monopoly on desktop, and it is bad18:16
leftyfbruzer: what are your proposed solutions?18:17
leftyfbwhat's the point of the complaining if you don't want to work on solutions to the problem?18:19
ruzerwho said I am complainig18:19
ruzerleftyfb: you were there too18:30
ruzerleftyfb: hi18:39
leftyfbsarnold: can we do something about this person? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wBHZwbtk8d/19:48
oerhekskiddo has the time of his life :-D19:53
goddardwow wayland session feels so much smoother21:12
goddardand different scaling for monitors21:12
oerheksgoddard, yes.21:13
goddardim just doing simple things like scrolling in firefox and it is so buttery smooth21:13
oerhekson what gpu?21:14
goddardlaptop intel/nvidia 308021:14
goddarddoing on-demand so i believe intel is running it21:14
goddardbut i have an extra monitor not sure if it runs off the nvidia gpu21:14
oerhekssystemsettings > details > about21:16
oerheksintel i guess21:17
goddardon demand really is nice21:17
goddarddon't need to worry about nvidia strangeness but can still use it for games21:17
goddardi tried to game on intel xe 21:18
goddardit was okay but lots of games not supported21:18
goddardoerheks: what is your goto?21:36
goddardwhat hardware do you prefer for desktop?21:37
goddarddo you game?21:37
oerheksi am building a new i7 right now, i stick to AMD for now. 21:37
oerheksnvidia support and wayland is a no go21:37
oerheksan ancient HD8770 is good enough for 2 monitors and youtube21:38
oerhekscurrent ATI4550 :-D21:38
goddardwow that is pretty interesting 21:39
goddardATI haven't used one of those in awhile21:39
goddardAMD is better for sure as long as you don't need CUDA for work or something21:40
oerheksno mining for me :-D21:40
goddardI've been mining for months21:40
goddardkind of annoying having the fans always running21:40
goddardfeel like i am in a server room 21:41
goddardI really just wanted to do it so I could pay for my graphics cards to do ML tasks locally21:42
goddardBeen messing with Mycroft and also various server software that uses it21:42
sarnoldleftyfb: sheesh. I was hoping he'd mellow out a bit23:16

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