
jrwrenso apt doesn't let you say install at least this version... which would be nice in a dockerfile if you know previous versions have a security vulnerability15:52
jrwrendoes dpkg have a way to assert that a version is newer?15:53
jrwrenI'd like Depends format so I can say openssl>=1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.1515:53
jrwrendpkg --validate-version maybe? but I'm not sure how to use it.15:55
jrwrendpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg -s openssl |awk -F': ' '/^Version/{print $2}') ge 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.15 does exactly what I want. 16:21
jrwrenthank #ubuntu-servr16:21
jrwrenthank #ubuntu-server16:21

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