jugmac00 | jelmer: are you around? I had a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/1966702 - would you accept PRs on GitHub or only to the bazaar repo on Launchpad? The github repo seems to be a couple of commits behind. The fix and a test seem straightforward. The problem only appears when the optional package pygments is installed. The whole highlighting/pygment thing is currently untested, at least pygments is not installed in the | 18:07 |
jugmac00 | tox env. So I'd need to install it via requirements.txt (and then whenever you'd like to test the case it is not installed you'd need to mock `sys.modules`). Are you ok with this? | 18:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1966702 in loggerhead "Internal server error (HTTP 500) when viewing Mailman translation file" [High, Triaged] | 18:07 |
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