[05:32] Didn't it go from khtml (=konqueror) to webkit (=epiphany) to blink (=chrome)? Different forks from the same origin... [08:06] bug #1967163 fixed [08:06] Bug 1967163 in mypaint (Debian) "mypaint crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/mypaint/lib/mypaintlib.py: cannot import name '_mypaintlib' from 'lib' (/usr/lib/mypaint/lib/__init__.py)" [Unknown, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1967163 [08:13] software-properties-gtk crash on tab additional drivers bug, also fixed on my side [10:09] hi all. i had some trouble upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04 yesterday and wanted to try it again today on a VM. now on my fully upgraded VM i get "authenticate 'jammy.tar.gz' against 'jammy.tar.gz.gpg'" [10:10] Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server. [10:14] * alkisg googles what kind of upgrades involve jammy.tar.gz and sees some arm images... [10:14] do-release-upgrade -d [10:14] That downloads a .tar.gz?! Since when?! [10:14] since always [10:15] * alkisg tests in a vm... [10:15] https://p.haxxors.com/jfvvass4.txt is the full output [10:18] Ah OK it's so fast that I never noticed that part. For me it correctly verified the file and continued [10:18] very strange [10:19] i installed the VM from the latest desktop iso [10:19] did all package updates and now it cant upgrade [10:19] it "worked" yesterday on my thinkpad. but as i said i had an error i wanted to investigate [10:20] ravage: http://termbin.com/s989 [10:20] Check if your md5sums are the same as mine [10:21] now it gets really strange [10:21] tried the command again and it worked [10:21] maybe there is a bad mirror somewhere [10:21] Yeah [10:22] I've noticed glitches with mirror updates in the past as well, they don't appear to be atomic [10:22] ok then. will carry on and see if i get to my real error :) [10:23] germany has too many mirrors and i dont know if they are all in the archive rotation. too lazy to test the file on all of them now [10:33] still breaks the DE and goes to a blinking cursor. but that was also not the bug i wanted to check [10:33] * ravage tries again on a screen in console [10:56] firefox migration to snap failed again like yesterday with timeouts. will keep going manually [10:57] y [10:58] but my actual error with a svg file from the yaru gnome-shell theme did not occur. [10:59] all in all i would describe my upgrade experience as "leaves much to be desired" :) [12:01] ravage: saw a few upgrade bugs passby on -announce [12:05] ravage, was your upgrade from focal to jammy, or impish to jammy... [12:08] focal->jammy [12:09] thats the only upgrade i need really. i could try from impish [12:11] I know there will be no official upgrades until the point release but the wiki article at least mentioned it [12:12] So i thought I give it a try [12:13] firefox/snap issue is I believe fixed with impish->jammy, but not yet for focal->jammy, why I asked. [12:14] I think the biggest problem is that the DE gets killed at some point [12:17] at this stage upgrades should surely be tested :p [12:18] i will reinstall my work laptop anyway. and i had backups. no big deal so far. [12:18] was just a little difficult to mount my borg backup from a half upgraded system :D [12:20] lets fire up the 21.10 VM and see how that goes. im feeling lucky today [12:20] lol [12:21] bug #1967479 [12:21] Bug 1967479 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snaps lost connections during 22.04 upgrade" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1967479 [12:22] +1 :) [12:22] bug #1967517 [12:22] Bug 1967517 in Ubuntu "Black screen after ubuntu 22.04 beta ugpgrade" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1967517 [12:22] wow nice [12:22] :D [12:22] think i saw a few flavours upgrade bugs too [12:24] bug #1965652 [12:24] Bug 1965652 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "machine froze when upgrading impish->jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1965652 [12:57] 21.10 does the snap migration before you can do the actual upgrade to jammy [13:04] but the DE crashes too [13:05] yikes ravage [13:07] love my zfs snapshots :D [13:07] back to 21.10 in 2 seconfs [13:08] *seconds [13:09] cool