
MauroGaspari[m]Eickmeyer: OvenWerks RikMills I just published an article on Front Page Linux about beta week.15:38
MauroGaspari[m]shared some love for Ubuntu Studio and Kubuntu of course ❤️. Thanks for the hard work, hopefully we get more testing. 15:38
MauroGaspari[m]Michael from DLN is on Twitter spreading the word, feel free to retweet as much as you want 😅15:39
EickmeyerRetweeted from my personal and ubuntu studio accounts.16:28
Eickmeyer@MauroGaspari[m]: Audio is great, but there's more to Studio than audio. There're the video production, the graphics design, and the photography too.16:29
MauroGaspari[m]Eickmeyer: Yeah, it's very hard to condense in a sentence or two, since I have to cover all flavours in a post that can't be too long.16:30
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, I get that.16:30
MauroGaspari[m]but I plan to update my article on Ubuntu Studio with 22.04 so I will have a dedicated article for you, if ok with you guys16:30
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, absolutely!16:31
MauroGaspari[m]and we refined our strategy, Michael and I. We are now using embedded videos to replace the 300 screenshots that would be needed to show how to deal with Jack/Carla16:32
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, that's awesome.16:32
MauroGaspari[m]Happy to help out. You guys are doing all the work, I just make some noise about it 😄16:33

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