
blonchkman[m]OvenWerks Eickmeyer I downloaded and examined the source. A huge thank you for offering me this diagnostic script. Now I'm going to sleep, but I'll try tomorrow. 00:06
blonchkman[m]OvenWerks, Eickmeyer Output of  [adevices.sh](https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hBsfpbvZjV/) and [log of a jackd startup attempt](https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dbBnW5j7v6/) with qjackctl. Jack can't seem to access the hardware. And my current knowledge does not allow me to know why.13:59
blonchkman[m]I'm using pastebin for the first time and just realized that pastebin.ubuntu.com is not public read. I will try to find another service that allows access without logging in.14:19
tomreynblonchkman[m]: echo Hello World | nc termbin.com 999914:22
blonchkman[m]OvenWerks, Eickmeyer Output of  [adevices.sh](https://termbin.com/phbp) . No login, thanks to  tomreyn 15:41
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
OvenWerksblonchkman[m]: thats a bit confusing  ;) jack is using PCH,0,0 (default) as it's master device. Is that the way you have qjackctl set up? Have you ever used a jack program before starting qjackctl? qjackctl is set by default to run jackdbus but jackd is running. jackdbus can not start while jackd is running. Maybe try one of two things... use studio-controls to start and then stop jack or just do 21:45
OvenWerksa: killall -9 jackd jackdbus21:45
OvenWerksthen you can use qjackctl21:46
OvenWerks(to start jack with your usb device)21:46
OvenWerksStudio-controls makes sure jackd has been killed brfore it tries to start jack because that has been a problem encountered by so many people when they used qjackctl. I would call it a bug with jackd but there are now so many applications that rely on jackd working this way, it is hard to remove21:48
craigbass76where's Audacity save tracks? I'm having a hard time getting my laptop to play nice with a Scarlett box, so I'm going to try on my main recording rig downstairs, but want to make sure I get everything copied right.21:49
craigbass76I don't see anything in ~/.audacity-data that looks likely21:49
OvenWerkscraigbass76: audacity should just save mp3, wav, ogg, whatever, files21:50
craigbass76Hrmmm. Any idea where? That's what I meant by nothing looks likely in the .audacity-data dir21:50
OvenWerkscraigbass76: when you do a save, the file dialog should show you the directory you are saving in. maybe try open recent.21:51
craigbass76OvenWerks: that's got the aup file. What about the individual tracks? ~/filename_data/eff/d1f doesn't have any audio files in it21:52
OvenWerkshuh it seems to want to go to Documents by default21:56
craigbass76Is there a way to set it in Audacity? Haven't found that yet either... I know the audio is there for the grabbing though, I can hear it when i hit play!21:59
OvenWerkscraigbass76: it saves the tracks as au files22:00
craigbass76Ahh, that's my issue. I was looking for a wav or flac. They're probably the ones in ~/songname/ then22:00
craigbass76rsync, here we come!22:01
OvenWerksit looks like they are saved as a file with songname.aup and then a directory in the same place called songname_data22:02
OvenWerksSo if ~/songname/ has these two things in it that would be the place22:03

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