
lotuspsychjegood morning05:46
leftyfbsarnold: tomreyn: all because I didn't respond to their pm's after trying to briefly help them in #u earlier: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/s9rGJQppRx/   Not the first time they've been booted either17:05
tomreynleftyfb: thanks for sharing - that's indeed not the first time. the right place to bring this up (so that everyone who should see it can see it) is #ubuntu-ops, if it's about #ubuntu, #ubuntu-irc for the wider ubuntu community (channels), #libera if it's private messages. 17:20
tomreyn(but for PM there's a good chance network ops may just suggest you /ignore it)17:21
leftyfb@tomreyn: no thanks. I’m not welcome in -ops. Every time I report something they end up blaming me and the offender gets nothing17:21
tomreynwere those personal messages, though?17:22
leftyfbYes. And I get it, not an Ubuntu problem if they have moved their ranting and profanity from an Ubuntu channel to pm. I’m letting a couple active #u know so when he joins again and starts spewing his garbage they are least known this isn’t the first time and they’re not just misunderstood and I’m not reporting them because I’m an anti-troll troll17:24
tomreynTheir chat on #ubuntu today seemed OT to me (how to set up a virtualbox installation which runs an ubuntu VM), but other than that, looked fine. Their part of the personal conversation (?) you had is a lot more ugly for sure.17:27
tomreynanyways, i should not be discussing this here.17:27
leftyfbIt’s because they didn’t get what they wanted, personal attention17:28
leftyfbAnd historically they don’t like being told what to do ( stay on topic)17:29
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