
guivercubuntu-bug isn't opening firefox for me on jammy daily (lubuntu)... anyone else have that?01:53
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Leokolb> Yes can confirm - get firefox :not found error.. (re @ubuntu_bridge_Bot: (irc) <guiverc> ubuntu-bug isn't opening firefox for me on jammy daily (lubuntu)... anyone else have that?)05:42
guivercthanks @Leokolb05:47
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: regarding your workspaces bug, the only thing journal spits on my side are these anymore; apr 03 11:26:06 R00TB00K gnome-shell[3657]: Object 0x7fee900b92d0 of type IBusText has been finalized while it was still owned by gjs, this is due to invalid memory management09:27
lotuspsychjei wonder if you also get these and result into so many memory is crashes?09:27
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: Could be. I see up to 10 of those errors in my journal every time I start an application09:54
PaulW2UAnd another crash when trying to replicate bug 1967661 (why I logged out so suddenly) 09:58
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: i cant to see to make it crash on my side10:22
PaulW2UI suppose that's good. I spent the whole of yesterday re-installing and setting up so surprised I'm still seeing so many problems10:24
lotuspsychjethats on intel graphics right PaulW2U ?10:26
PaulW2UIt is10:26
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: what about an htop running while you drag to worskspaces?10:31
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: or additional extensions that might crash gnome?10:34
PaulW2UMight try those later...10:35
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