
=== Eickmeyer[w] is now known as Eickmeyer
rbasak_remoteI'll participate today as best as I can but I'm likely to appear and disappear on short notice so best not to wait for me.15:51
rbasak_remoteSeems web chat won't hold my session open :-(15:57
ubottuddstreet, rbasak, sil2100, teward, bdmurray, kanashiro, seb128: DMB ping16:00
* kanashiro waves16:00
rbasak_remoteWelcome kanashiro!16:01
sil2100I think this means we have a quorum!16:01
kanashirorbasak_remote, thanks :)16:02
sil2100Is anyone interested in chairing the meeting?16:02
ddstreetmaybe the opt-in chairing list should be updated if any new members are interested?16:03
kanashiroI could but I don't know how to manage the bot, maybe next time16:03
rbasak_remoteAs above I now need to run :-(16:04
sil2100Ok, I should be able to lead it then16:05
seb128hey, is meeting now?16:05
sil2100Sorry, am in another meeting as well, but I can start the meeting now16:06
sil2100seb128: yes!16:06
seb128sorry I'm a bit late, also I don't know what I'm doing, didn't get any 'onboarding' so I don't even know if new members start today :p16:06
ddstreetsil2100 you're in another mtg? you shouldn't have to chair16:06
ddstreetsil2100 i can chair if you are in another mtg16:06
ddstreetif you want16:07
sil2100ddstreet: ...could you? I'd be very grateful! I can, but I might sometimes be a bit distracted16:07
ddstreetsure i can chair16:07
sil2100If you could start and I could pick up in like 10 minutes16:07
ddstreet#startmeeting Ubuntu Developer Membership Board16:07
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:07:44 UTC.  The chair is ddstreet.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:07
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:07
ddstreethi all, so just for reference for the new memebers in case you didn't know the agenda is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda16:08
ddstreetalso before we start i guess it may be helpful for anyone watching to know there are new members, the current list is https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members16:09
ddstreet#topic Current Meeting Chair16:09
ddstreetwe don't normally discuss this one, but since there are new members, i guess i'll just mention if any of you would like to volunteer to take chairing shifts, the rotating list is opt-in16:10
ddstreetso feel free to add yourself to the list on the agenda page16:10
ddstreeti'll skip the long-term action items, as we usually do16:10
ddstreet#topic review of previous action items16:10
ddstreet#subtopic sil2100 update DMB KB to clarify new contributing developers should only be added to ~ubuntu-developer-members, not to ~ubuntu-dev nor ~ubuntu-uploaders (done)16:11
ddstreetlooks like it's done16:11
ddstreeti think right?16:11
ddstreeti did not actually check16:11
ddstreeti'll assume it is any move on :)16:11
sil2100Yes, I think I did that!16:11
ddstreet#subtopic sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:11
ddstreetcarry over?16:11
sil2100Carry over for now, it's a small item though16:11
ddstreet#action sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:11
meetingologyACTION: sil2100 update application docs and possibly DMB checklist, to make sure candidates have signed CoC before applying and before DMB approves (carried over)16:11
ddstreet#subtopic sil2100 to finalize xypron's Ubuntu Contributing Developer membership (done)16:12
ddstreetdone also16:12
ddstreet#subtopic sil2100 to announce xypron's Ubuntu Contributing Developer successfull application (done)16:12
ddstreetand that looks done too16:12
ddstreet#subtopic teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:12
ddstreetdon't think teward is here today? i assume carry over for this one16:12
ddstreet#action teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:12
meetingologyACTION: teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over)16:12
ddstreetnext is the applications16:13
ddstreet#topic fnordahl - per-package upload rights for the openvswitch and ovn packages16:13
ddstreeti think this is done now via the ML16:13
ddstreetso we just need an action to announce it and adjust ACL, any volunteers?16:13
ddstreetok well i guess i can16:14
ddstreet#ddstreet announce fnordahl successful application16:15
ddstreet#action ddstreet announce fnordahl successful application16:15
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet announce fnordahl successful application16:15
sil2100ddstreet: wait, so hm16:15
sil2100ddstreet: regarding this - I don't think we actually need to decide first16:15
ddstreeti thought it was 4 +1?16:15
sil2100ddstreet: so this is basically a PPU for 2 packages, but question is: should this be a personal-PPU or should we create a openvswitch packageset?16:16
sil2100Since I think it might be something more people would want to request PPU16:16
ddstreetah ok16:16
sil2100And I  think we had this concept that we try to check if there's some common use-cases16:16
ddstreetshould this go to ML discussion or just decide now?16:17
kanashiroseems sensible to me to create a new package set16:18
sil2100If possible, we could discuss it here - since I think a packageset makes sense here. Anyone else agrees/disagrees?16:18
ddstreeti had originally suggested to make them part of the openstack pkgset: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/jammy/openstack16:18
ddstreethowever fnordahl clarified they are 'standalone' as far as being possible to use without o7k16:19
seb128I don't feel like i know enough about the topic to have an opinion on whether it's likely to see more people applying for that specific 2 packages16:19
seb128my personal approach would be to add the person and convert to a set if we ever get another person interested by the same packages16:19
seb128but if sets are cheap I don't really an issue with creating one16:20
ddstreetthis might be a question better answered by people more familiar with the o7k and/or k8s areas?16:20
ddstreetre: packagesets, they are intertwined with seeding/germination, so i'm not sure if it's cheap or easy16:20
ddstreetor simple16:20
ddstreetbut i'm not actually sure16:21
rbasak_remotePlease not a packageset16:21
ddstreetalso i am pretty sure we (i.e. DMB) cannot create packagesets16:21
ddstreetso probably this is a question for the TB since they are the only ones who can create packagesets i think?16:22
ddstreetthe rules of what we can do aren't always completely clear16:22
kanashiroI like seb128's approach16:22
rbasak_remoteIt's just a bunch of extra admin. Personal packages were created for a specific exceptional case only. It's documented.16:22
rbasak_remoteThe DMB can decide for themselves on this one. It requires TB only because LP's ACLs aren't fine grained enough.16:23
ddstreetshould we take this to the ML or does everyone agree on one direction or another?16:23
rbasak_remoteBut really there's no point making a packageset just for one reason and it's never traditionally been done that way. Better to just follow the existing pattern.16:24
rbasak_remoteJust for one person16:24
seb128I'm +1 for just giving the ppu to fnordahl16:25
seb128if we have disagreement we should probably move that to the list?16:25
sil2100Ok, finally fully back16:26
ddstreeti think we have seb128 and rbasak_remote suggesting to just use ppu16:26
rbasak_remoteI think everyone's happy with PPU? Looks like that's what was applied for and approved anyway?16:27
ddstreeti think i'd concur with that16:27
ddstreetkanashiro sil2100 you both ok with ppu approach?16:27
sil2100Yeah, was reading backlog. I'm fine either way - if there's more people interested in getting the same PPU then I guess we can reconsider a packageset16:27
ddstreetsounds good16:27
ddstreetok i added the action for announcing, i'll add action for adjusting acl16:28
sil2100I was proposing a packageset as this is what we basically did for raspi for Dave16:28
ddstreet#action ddstreet adjust fnordahl PPU acl16:28
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet adjust fnordahl PPU acl16:28
sil2100Dave (waveform) was applying for PPU for some raspi packages and we decided it made more sense to have it as a packageset as more people might want to have the same upload rights16:28
sil2100So I thought this is our process - if a grouping makes sense -> turn into a packageset16:29
sil2100The raspi packageset also has only one uploader16:29
sil2100But I agree, it's faster this way16:29
ddstreetyeah, i don't really know what the specific process is, that probably would be a good thing to have a bigger discussion about and write down in official docs16:29
seb128that sounds a discussion we should have, but not here today16:29
ddstreetto figure out exactly when we shoudl create packageset vs ppu16:29
ddstreetshould i put an action for that?16:30
sil2100Can you assign it to me?16:30
ddstreet#action sil2100 start discussion on process/rules for when to create packageset vs PPU16:30
meetingologyACTION: sil2100 start discussion on process/rules for when to create packageset vs PPU16:30
ddstreetok lemme check agenda16:30
ddstreetoh wow that took longer than i thought, we do actually have another applicant today16:31
ddstreet#topic Athos Ribeiro application for MOTU16:31
ddstreetsorry for the delay athos :)16:31
ddstreetathos can you introduce yourself?16:31
ddstreet#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AthosRibeiro/MOTUDeveloperApplication16:31
athosHello everyone! I am Athos, I worf for the Canonical server team. Up until now, my main focus was to maintain our OCI images. For the kk cycle, I will be working on php and postgresql, the former being the main reason for requesting MOTU today :)16:32
rbasak_remoteAthos is a colleague on my team so as usual (for me in this situation) I intend to abstain unless everyone else is +3 and my +1 is need for quorum. So I might use this opportunity to drive home.  I'll be out ~20 minutes and then back to normal to vote if needed.16:33
kanashirosame for me ^16:33
kanashirobut I am not driving home :)16:34
ddstreetlet's open it for any questions then, though i assume you 2 on the same team know athos well enough not to have any questions :)16:34
sil2100Sponsorship miner link: https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Athos+Ribeiro&sponsoree_search=name16:34
sil2100I still need a moment to browse through the application16:37
seb128no question from me16:37
sil2100athos: since you are applying for MOTU with driving transitions in mind, can you tell me what is a transition in the Ubuntu archive? How does one trigger a transition?16:40
athosInterestingly, I haven't seen a formal definition of what a transition is around the docs :) My understanding if it is when you build a package that will have rebuilds for it's reverse dependencies depend on different binaries; or,16:43
athoss/understanding if/understanding of it/16:44
sil2100Can you give an example of how one could start a transition?16:46
athose.g., I am working on php-psr-log 3 right now, and it fails to migrate because civicrm in the archive depends on version 1 of that package; A simple rebuild of that package was tried in the past, but some metadata will need to change so the final binary package depends on the correct version of php-psr-log.16:48
athosThis transition started when php-psr-log 3 was built and pushed to proposed16:48
athosas discussed recently, it is nice to send an email in the devel list boore starting it so everyone is in sync :)16:49
* rbasak is back16:50
ddstreetsil2100 any more q? just checking as we're approaching the hour16:51
seb128(side note since I'm new and trying to figure out how things work around here, I will probably bring that up later/on the list/offband, but should we review the applications before the meeting? it feels suboptimal having a 10 min blank after the application summary for people to go read the reference)16:52
sil2100hmm, I could ask some more questions about the transitions16:52
ddstreetnot trying to rush, and i personally am able to stay past the hour16:52
sil2100seb128: we should! But it frequently happens that for instance I don't manage to do that in time, sadly!16:52
seb128I need to wrap at the hour sorry16:53
sil2100Ok, no questions then16:53
ddstreetok last call for q then before moving to the vote16:53
seb128don't let me sidetrack the remaining of the meeting with my remark, I will raise that later in another way, it's also one meeting so I don't know how much that's a unlucky instance or if we a process issue to address16:54
seb128still no question from me16:54
ddstreetseb128 i completely agree, and there was some ML discussion last year around this you might be interested in reading for past context16:54
ddstreetbut definitely i agree we should continue the discussion about it16:55
ddstreetok let's vote16:55
ddstreet#vote Grant Athos Ribeiro MOTU16:55
meetingologyPlease vote on: Grant Athos Ribeiro MOTU16:55
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')16:55
meetingology+1 received from seb12816:55
ddstreet+1 as before with ubuntu-server team acl, happy with technical work and process understanding, no concerns for MOTU16:55
meetingology+1 as before with ubuntu-server team acl, happy with technical work and process understanding, no concerns for MOTU received from ddstreet16:55
sil2100+1 (although be sure to familiarize yourself on how library transitions are started, thinking about sonames there!)16:56
meetingology+1 (although be sure to familiarize yourself on how library transitions are started, thinking about sonames there!) received from sil210016:56
ddstreetkanashiro rbasak around to vote?16:56
rbasakYes. Are we the only two left?16:56
rbasak(who are here)16:56
rbasakI think so?16:56
kanashiro+1 to reach quorum16:56
meetingology+1 to reach quorum received from kanashiro16:56
sil2100I think we have a + 3 situation and 2 people remaining that are from the server team16:56
rbasak+1 to reach quorum (see abstention note above)16:57
meetingology+1 to reach quorum (see abstention note above) received from rbasak16:57
meetingologyVoting ended on: Grant Athos Ribeiro MOTU16:57
meetingologyVotes for: 5, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 016:57
meetingologyMotion carried16:57
ddstreetcongrats athos!16:57
sil2100athos: congratulations!16:57
sergiodjcongratulations, athos!16:57
schopinathos: \o/16:57
kanashirocongrats athos :)16:57
sil2100DOes one of the newcomers want the action item of handling athos's application?16:57
ddstreetkanashiro as athos is on your team, do you want to take the action to announce and adjust acl?16:57
seb128congrats athos!16:57
kanashiroddstreet, sure, I can do that16:57
sil2100Might be a good training opportunity!16:57
ddstreet#action kanashiro announce athos successful application16:58
meetingologyACTION: kanashiro announce athos successful application16:58
rbasakDetails here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase#Actions_after_a_successful_application16:58
ddstreet#action kanashiro adjust athos ACL for MOTU16:58
meetingologyACTION: kanashiro adjust athos ACL for MOTU16:58
ddstreetok moving on, there is a delegated team application (submitted by me) but scheduled for the next meeting, so i'll skip it today16:59
ddstreetthere are also AOB items added for discussion by me, but we're at the hour so16:59
ddstreetdoes anyone want to continue discussion now or defer these to next meeting and/or ML?16:59
rbasakCan we bump them to the next meeting for discussion please?17:00
rbasakHowever I encourage ddstreet to raise them on the ML first.17:00
ddstreetok let's defer to next meeting, that's all then, thanks everyone!17:00
meetingologyMeeting ended at 17:00:20 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-04-04-16.07.moin.txt17:00
rbasakI already started a thread on one of them.17:00
sil2100Maybe let's continue on the ML and, if it goes too slow, we can move them to the next meeting17:00
sil2100ddstreet: thank you for chairing! Sorry for the late notice o/17:00
ddstreetno prob17:00
kanashiroddstreet, thanks for chairing17:01

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