
lotuspsychjegood morning03:48
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
ducassegood morning07:29
yurtesengood afternoon12:03
semitonesDo you think ubuntu will ever switch to flatpak, like they did with Mir->Wayland, and Unity->Gnome312:57
EriC^^semitones: i think unity an mir going from them was about the phone-endeavor shutting down, they wanted initially to make phones and mir and unity were a big part of it, afaik13:09
semitonesand I guess snaps still make a lot of sense for them for containerized apps in servers, regardless of what is happening on desktop13:10
EriC^^no idea what flatpaks are tbh13:16
semitonesit is the implementation of containerized apps that the other distros use, like Steam OS13:17
EriC^^i see13:18
leftyfbsemitones: to be clear, other distro's support flatpak in the same way ubuntu supports it, just like snap. I don't know of a single distro that is only based on flatpak. They all have some underlying package manager it's built on that isn't flatpak. SteamOS is based on Debian which uses deb/dpkg but also support flatpak, just like ubuntu 13:20
semitonesi thought the other distros installed flathub by default, where ubuntu installs the snap store by default13:20
semitonesflathub or other software centers, i don't really know13:21
leftyfbsome do, some don't. Just like snap13:21
ograsemitones, snaps are massively used commercially by canonical customers since 2015 (long before flatpak even existed), i doubt you will see them, go away as long as customers pay for it 13:46
leftyfbunlike flakpak, there's an entire OS built on only snap for packages 13:47
ograalso there is the whole Ubuntu Core product line that is completely built from snaps (kernel, rootfs, even the bootloader is a snap there), that is commercially successful in industrial, IoT, embedded, robotics, digital signage etc etc ... 13:47
ograheh leftyfb beats me ๐Ÿ™‚13:47
leftyfbI have 38 snaps installed on my main worksation. zero flatpaks 13:48
ograflatpaks are a noce delivery mechanism for some desktop apps ... but totally not comparable to snaps which are a whole packaing ecosystem 13:48
leftyfbfull disclosure, only 19 of which I installed myself13:50
ogramy laptop has 110 snaps .. desktop 82 ... 13:50
ograand my house has about 20 UbuntuCore systems running ... one controlling the heating system of the house, one as my TV running kodi and a few DVB cards ... etc etc13:51
leftyfblol, Kolusion just got banned from #linux for being Kolusion.13:54
ograoh my13:54
leftyfbhe's also been banned from freebsd13:56
leftyfbprofessional victim that one13:56
leftyfbooo   tomreyn , you banned them yesterday in #u ?13:58
ograyes, and they complained in #u-devel13:59
ogra(see backlog there)14:00
leftyfbI'm not in there, no backlog for it in my logs14:00
ograwell, they joined and called people in #u retards ... then complained for being called out offensive ๐Ÿ™‚14:01
leftyfbseems to be one of their goto words14:02

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