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cryocaustikhey all - for general security scanning/monitoring, would y'all suggest anything more than what Vuls does? Any alternative suggestions?00:51
sarnoldcryocaustik: there's also oscap, https://ubuntu.com/security/oval00:54
wezcryocaustik: Ah, yeah I use https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/userguide/image-scanning.html00:55
wezAnd for code I use yarn or npm audit for node / js and safety for python00:55
cryocaustikappreciate the suggestions; will check these out00:56
wezWhich is checked at build time by CI/CD.00:56
seifeslimeneI use ubuntu 20.04, it's lagging too much recently and the whole system freeze01:58
seifeslimeneI don't know how to start diagnose this issue01:58
sarnolda common cause of laggy systems is trying to run more programs than you've got memory for; check free -h output to get a feeling for how much room you've got to work with, watch the output of vmstat 1   to see how much disk io, swap io, you've got, and try to see if there's spikes when your system stutters02:02
leftyfbalso video drivers02:04
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jhutchinsI've found that watching to see if swap changes in top is a very easy way to guage dynamic memory load, while the mere momentary presence of swap really doesn't mean much.02:27
sarnoldthe nice thing about vmstat 1  is that you don't have to be watching top like a hawk, or remember what the number used to be, or write it down.. you just look for si and so, bi and bo columns, to easily see a history02:30
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
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Guest98Hi. How do I make the option "--unrestricted" stick in /etc/grub.d/10_header file? grub was upgaded today and the option was removed02:54
Guest98In order words, an upgrade to grub always undo any changes to /etc/grub.d/10_header?02:59
Guest98other words*02:59
jonathanIs anyone running the Beta with Nvidia GPU?  When the beta was release, Nvidia drivers were default, when installing fresh now, apt is patching and autoremove is removing nvidia drivers...  Has anyone else seen this?03:36
oerheksautoremove might remove older nvidia drivers, could be03:38
jonathanI'm installing fresh.  It definitely is 510 that is auto installed by default.  It's strange, because it shows that it's utilizing the nvidia packages, but autoremove is saying they're not.  May just be a "me" problem though.03:39
jonathanSorry, 510, the driver version.03:39
oerheksno idea there, join #ubuntu-next for jammy support, i guess during uk office hours03:40
jonathanI'll hop in there, thanks.03:40
FaTaL_ggwondering how I can find out why "proftpd" on the apt repo latest available is 1.3.6b, but thats from 2019.... the latest non release candidate is 1.3.7 (1.3.6e)03:55
oerheksi see we do get bugfixes https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2020-927303:57
oerheksand what the relation is between version numbers.. http://www.proftpd.org/03:59
Unit193Latest released version looks like the current uploaded version, as seen in https://github.com/proftpd/proftpd/tags04:03
Unit193!info proftpd jammy04:03
lotuspsychjeKandidaat:     1.3.7c+dfsg-1build104:04
FaTaL_ggyea, the relation for versions is .... tricky (for me to interpret)04:09
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FaTaL_ggbut I thought it would be 1.3.6e if I read it right04:09
FaTaL_ggbut when I do apt-get install proftpd, it returns: Note, selecting 'proftpd-basic' instead of 'proftpd'04:10
FaTaL_ggproftpd-basic is already the newest version (1.3.6c-2).04:10
FaTaL_ggIm on 20.04, and I regularly do update/upgrade04:11
lotuspsychje!info proftpd-basic focal04:13
ubottuproftpd-basic (1.3.6c-2, focal): Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Built by proftpd-dfsg. Size 2,122 kB / 5,248 kB04:13
lotuspsychjeyou got the version meant to be for your ubuntu release FaTaL_gg04:14
FaTaL_gglotuspsychje, is strange, there are fixes in 1.3.6 beyond 1.3.6c, that I do not have. So if I want them I have to build it seems?04:16
enigma9o7[m]!info proftpd-basic jammy04:17
ubottuproftpd-basic (1.3.7c+dfsg-1build1, jammy): Transitional dummy package for ProFTPD. In component universe, is optional. Built by proftpd-dfsg. Size 4 kB / 488 kB04:17
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_gg: its adviced you stick to package versions meant for your ubuntu release, if you need/want higher package versions, try installing higher ubuntu release(s)04:17
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_gg: see also !backports04:18
Unit193Well, next LTS will be out pretty soon, seems best to just wait for that at this point.04:22
FaTaL_gglotuspsychje, I agree in principal and practice. Im only questioning it because some of the fixed bugs are noteworthy (memory corruption, connection failures, and systemctl service restart issue due to pid file permissions).... seems "dumb" that these fixes would not be pulled in (which prompted my coming here). I can live until next LTS, I've dealt with it this long. But still curious why it04:23
FaTaL_ggwouldnt be included and updated.04:23
conjolotuspsychje, would you mind helping me please? i dont use cups and use ufw but only "sudo enable ufw". Im not advanced re firewalls or ports, but ufw seems to have a rule or profile for cups service(im unsure which)04:25
FaTaL_ggUnit193, yea, kind of what I was thinking before even asking the question. just strange (See 1.3.6d): http://proftpd.org/docs/NEWS-1.3.6d04:25
FaTaL_ggthose updates were released in 2020! .... so its been just about 2 years, and it was not updated in that time.04:26
conjo"sudo ufw app info CUPS" returns a brief description of what cups is and some of protocols supported then a mention of tcp/631, it doesnt state if the ports open04:26
oerhekssudo ufw apps list # see cups04:26
Unit193FaTaL_gg: As noted on the releases page, I don't see 'd' there.  http://proftpd.org/ also indicates the version in Ubuntu is current, well Jammy at least.04:27
conjowhen queried with sudo ufw status verbose or numbered no rules or profiles are shown other than what "sudo ufw enable", allows for which is outbound only04:27
conjoi feel stupid asking but that means no ports are open right? and no rules for cups exist right (tcp/631)04:30
FaTaL_ggUnit193, it is listed there, ctrl-f 1.3.6d (and even an e), and look at the release notes & NEWS.04:30
FaTaL_ggWe are also happy to release 1.3.6d to the community. This is a maintenance release, containing backported fixes from the 1.3.7 release. The RELEASE_NOTES and NEWS files have more information.04:30
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ubottuJammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.10:44
magic_ninja_workwhy might my sd card write speeds be going so slow?11:04
magic_ninja_workI have a quality samsung one with write speeds of 100mbps, and I tested it with gnome's disk tool, and got like 9mbps write speeds or such, and it does well, but when I try to use nextcloud or timeshift to write to it, I only get like 1 mbps11:04
magic_ninja_worksorry, I get like 90mbps11:05
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Guest69Does grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 accepts special chars like !#$%&?11:27
Guest81Hi guys. Came here from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019. I want to know if it is possible today to easily enable disk encryption during installing ubuntu ( with win10 already installed)12:22
esvGuest81, not during install.12:25
Guest81esv, can you give me a proper manual?12:25
esvnot really, I did a regular lvm install on a disk partition, then booted again on the usb disk and started mocking with it on a chrooted environment, I did not make notes of the process.12:27
semitonesi am trying to get my grub to be hidden and boot immediately, unless I hold down shift. It is necessary to put GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true to disable the overwrite in that script, correct?12:36
EriC^^semitones: no, that's just so it doesnt pick up other OS and add to grub menu12:38
EriC^^which ubuntu release are you on semitones ?12:38
semitoneswhat about the part that rewrites the timeout if it is zero. Has that been removed? I guess I can look in it12:38
semitones20.04 lubuntu12:38
EriC^^semitones: can you type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'  and paste the link here?12:39
semitonesEriC^^, so is the recordfail = 0 normally, and it is 1 if boot fails?12:40
esvhave you played with the GRUB_TIMEOUT_STLYE=hidden option?12:42
EriC^^semitones: ok, edit /etc/default/grub and set it to "GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden" and "GRUB_TIMEOUT=0" and also "GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=0"12:42
EriC^^then sudo update-grub12:42
semitonesi have all those already except GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT I have equal to 10. I figured this means, if the boot fails, it will reset the timeout to 10?12:42
EriC^^semitones: try to set it to 0, also you might need to edit cat /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober and add a comment # before "adjust_timeout"12:44
semitonesthanks I couldn't remember where that file was12:44
semitonesEriC^^, I can also just disable the entire OS prober if I'm not installing any OS, right?12:45
EriC^^it's on the last line for me btw12:45
EriC^^semitones: yeah12:45
semitonesThanks, I'll give it a try!12:46
EriC^^no problem12:46
BluesKajHi all12:49
ograesv, wow ... full disk encryption is a simple checkbox in the installed (in 20.04 at least) under the advanced partitioning options ... there is no need for anything else12:49
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semitonesif you have full disk encryption, what do you do if you need to recover data on a hard disk?12:51
esvogra, I did not want to encrypt my whole disk but a partition on it. The checkbox goes away when you select install on a disk partition12:56
ograesv, well, that is not full disk encryption then 🙂12:56
esvogra, you're right, but I believe that is the setup Guest81 was after.13:03
ograi doubt it13:03
ogra"I want to know if it is possible today to easily enable disk encryption during installing ubuntu ( with win10 already installed)"13:03
esvright, if he wanted to preserve the win10 environment, he'd had to do a multiboot setup on the same disk.13:04
ograthe in-installer setup is exactly designed for this use case (utilizing secure-boot and a proper UEFI key that can work well with pre-installed windows)13:04
esvwow, would be cool to test.13:11
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HY2022HYgiven a apt config 'deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main' what is the url to download the index of the repo?14:07
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ograHY2022HY, that would download the PAckages file ... like: https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/Packages14:16
HY2022HYthank you ogra14:34
luizquando sai o ubuntu 22.0414:55
mamonettiI'm having problems with a client that's trying to connect to a secure server using TLSv1.2 and apparently it can't find any match cipher15:32
mamonettibased on wireshark, it supports TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8, TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 and TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV15:32
mamonettihow can I add/enable support for these ciphers, even if it's globally?15:33
mamonettithe server machine is using ubuntu 20.04 btw, thx15:33
ioriamamonetti, ssh -vvv  user@ip15:38
mamonettiioria: actually it's the other way around, I have the server and the client app (I have no access to it) is the one that doesn't seem to support any of the ciphers offered by the server15:46
mamonettiI've tried this to listen at the server: openssl s_server -key server.key -cert server.crt -accept XXX15:47
mamonettiand I get this: 139654811542848:error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:no shared cipher:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:2283:15:47
ioriamamonetti, if you can access the client : ssh -Q cipher15:48
mamonettiI'm afraid I can't15:48
ioriano idea then sorry15:48
mamonettithx anyway15:49
ioriasome algorithms are not available by default15:49
ogramamonetti, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/default-to-tls-v1-2-in-all-tls-libraries-in-20-04-lts/1246415:54
mamonettiactually the client hello offers TLSv1.2 based on this https://ibb.co/rkDXYzM15:59
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luizubuntuQuando sai a versão final do pop os 22.0416:25
matsamanluizubuntu: internet says the 30th16:26
matsamanoh sorry, that was for 2016:26
matsamanluizubuntu: anyway I'd expect it to be relatively immediately after Ubuntu's release16:28
luizubuntueu estou usando o pop os 21.1016:29
ograluizubuntu, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/2390616:30
ograwe do not support pop_os here ... you have to ask in one of their channels16:30
matsamanluizubuntu: when Ubuntu releases 22, shortly thereafter, popos will release their version16:30
luizubuntuObrigado matsaman16:36
delmarMorning. Long time user (since 14x) first time in the channel.16:48
scooterman222140 AD?16:49
delmarMy team is really excited about LXD 5s features and I have been running the Jelly fish (fresh installs, and upgrades). If you were to do a fresh server install would you just roll forward or wait.16:50
matsamanUbuntu 14.x, no doubt16:50
matsamandelmar: if you're already established, I would wait. If you are starting a new thing, I would push forward16:51
matsamanbut if you have time on your hands, you can play with it in a dev environment all you want?16:51
delmarLxd has been pushing me to adopt LTS much sooner than I used to.16:52
matsamanI mean, it really shouldn't matter16:53
matsamanif you test properly, a transition will go smoothly16:53
matsamanif you have a redundant fallback, a reversion will go smoothly16:53
matsamanso do what you like =)16:53
delmarFor the past 8 years I have waited 6-months to a year for the rough edges to go away. I just wanted to get an opine from the community. I am gong to do what seems best in the long run for my team  if that what you mean by do what I want.16:56
ogradelmar, lxd is a snap, the underlying distro is totally irrelevant for that, you can run lxd 5 on something as old as 14.0416:56
delmarIs there a server/ubuntu channel.16:57
ograthere is #ubuntu-server, yes16:57
ogradelmar, we usually nly release an LTS to tha actual masses with the first .1 image release ... if you want to play safe, you wait that long ...16:58
ogra(i.e. only when the .1 is out former LTS users get the automic upgrade prompt )16:59
delmarI am gonna ask how the server team '16:59
delmar][g/ (because cats)16:59
ogradelmar, but eiher way, as i said above, you can use lxd 5 on your current install today ... just switch the snap to the candidate channel, that has 5.0.0-c5bcb8017:01
ogra(if you are brave to try a pre-release 🙂 )17:02
sarnold(please don't run lxd 5 on 14.04 :)17:03
delmarfeels and then decide. The snaps make it possible to deploy on almost all of our current linux systems (centos7 because Autodesk/Maya only supports RHEL) But I am trying to pull the infrastructure into the present. (we also have vm servers running fc26 and until I pushed really hard most of our FBSD servers had eol'd 11-12.x)17:03
delmarSo I was trying to get a feel for what would last us through the end of our current 3 year project.17:04
delmarI am leaning towards just deploying/instrumenting(ansible) the jelly fish (with the default lxd5, pgsql14,etc) By the time I get the deployments down and the cluster configured and tested it will be the LTS anyways. Thanks for the feedback.17:07
delmarsarnold: I am not deploying anything that will EOL anytime soon. (I did verify that lxd4 could be deployed on c7 (YUK))17:11
sarnolddelmar: good good :)17:12
delmarogra: is ubuntu-server on libra? I seem to be the only one there.17:18
sarnolddelmar: hmm, is the missing '#' in your question important? irc channels almost always need a '#' but maybe you're using a client that does something else if it's missing..17:23
delmar....fracking spellcheck,.....17:27
mei[m]hello, how do i 100% upgrade to 22.04? i did apt upgrade and flatpak update, also snap refresh. but as example the gnome screenshot app is still version 41 not 42. other things looks fine17:32
leftyfb!next | mei[m]17:35
ubottumei[m]: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.17:35
delmarsarnold: Thanks I was in #ubuntu-server. (DOH)17:37
delmarwith a period at the end.17:37
delmarubottu: little slow on the uptake here :)17:38
leftyfbdelmar: how so?17:38
jianwu /msg nickserv identify K5rddd17:39
leftyfbjianwu: time to change your password17:39
ograjianwu, ahh, it's spring ... the lawnmowers return from the south and it is time for a new password17:39
sarnolddelmar: ayha17:50
MaximBHello, I have a 4k TV monitor attached to my PC, I have user interface scaling at "Double", and many apps run fine. however some other apps like VLC for example, have a very very small and unreadable interface. increasing the font size doesn't help as it won't increase them within the app (only on the borders). what is the solution to this?17:50
sarnolddelmar: aha, also :)17:50
PTNapivoskiMaximB, QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 em /etc/environment17:52
PTNapivoskiTenta isso17:52
PTNapivoski*Try this17:52
PTNapivoskiWorked for me in Raspberry OS17:52
MaximBem: command not found17:53
leftyfbPTNapivoski: that is not helpful17:53
PTNapivoskileftyfb, it was a problem with VLC font size17:54
PTNapivoskiit may be related17:55
MaximBPTNapivoski not only vlc, some other apps too17:55
leftyfbPTNapivoski: no, it's a problem with some applications not understanding the scaling settings.17:55
MaximBis there a solution?17:55
leftyfbPTNapivoski: though you were close17:56
leftyfbMaximB: try https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/44353117:56
leftyfbMaximB: ~/.xessionrc might be a better place to put it though17:57
MaximBthanks, this worked: Exec=env QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.5 /path/to/app18:19
MaximBbut factor by 318:19
leftyfbMaximB: did you try adding that ENV to ~/.xsessionrc so it applies to all qt apps?18:20
en7ropyleftyfb, alkisg: Just wanted to thank you guys for the help yesterday.  I reinstalled 20.04 and she runs beautiful now.  Thanks again!19:31
rdzhey all. How does the the "Software" application decide which software it shows? It looks pretty limited and curated.19:51
enigma9o7[m]Dunno.  But if you're looking for all packages, try synaptic (or apt search from command line).19:53
enigma9o7[m]Although software also usually includes snap store, and can include flathub if so configured.19:54
rdzenigma9o7[m]: thanks, I'm familiar with the terminal. I was about to write a guide about how to install a certain software on Ubuntu and only discovered that you actually cannot install that software on a vanilla Ubuntu system without using a terminal19:55
rdzAt least, synaptic can be installed through "Software". I think it is sad that "Software" is the default.19:56
enigma9o7[m]Now I'm curious...19:56
enigma9o7[m]yeah synaptic is more like a package manager as it lists all packages19:57
enigma9o7[m]whereas gnome software is like an app sture19:57
rdzyeah. that app store concept is pretty daft19:57
enigma9o7[m]but your actual question, now im more curious, i wonder how an app gets itself in there19:58
rdzpuredata is programming environment for realtime audio processing.. it would belong either to developer tools or to audio & video19:59
enigma9o7[m]It's listed in Plasma's discover....20:01
enigma9o7[m]as an audio player20:01
rdzdiscover is from KDE?20:04
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (570KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/UIAVKTxUxobElqqJZOwJzKvS/image.png >20:05
enigma9o7[m]Yeah its the appstore tool for KDE plasma.20:05
ogrardz, gnome-software shows (or tries to show) every application that has a garphical menu entry ...20:16
ogra*graphical ...20:17
rdzogra: oh, that's good to know. Thanks for that hint!20:21
ogrardz, https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Distributions/AppStream/ is what is used as metadata backend by most desktop SW managers nowadays ... if you want puredata to show up in them you should ask th maintainers to make sure their apps shows up in their DB20:25
rdzogra: great. that's also very valuable20:26
forgotmynickgetting 503 errors on ubuntu.com20:35
jhutchinsforgotmynick: Looks like they're having gremlins: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ubuntu.com20:38
forgotmynickwho we gonna call? ghost busters20:38
jhutchinsHopefully anybody useful is too busy dealing with it to answer the phone.20:39
forgotmynickmy sata ssd has stopped working which was the boot drive for my nas. i've ordered a replacement which is coming in 4 days. i don't need to recover anything from the ssd but i was hoping there was something i could do to get it to boot. when i plug the ssd into ubuntu or windows, it locks the computer, like it's struggling to read20:42
forgotmynickcan anyone offer any suggestions?20:43
enigma9o7[m]take off the protective sticker and leave it on the windowsill in direct sunlight for about 24 hours, then try refromatting it20:45
matsamanforgotmynick: you realize that a NAS is just a little computer, some storage, and an OS, frequently even a Linux one, that is pointlessly locked down so you are forced to keep buying things through this particular company, right?20:48
matsamanlike a raspberry pi connected to a network, and some storage connected to the rpi, that's a NAS, too20:48
matsamanone you can actually maintain20:49
matsaman(although there are better choices than an rpi)20:49
matsamanhi messiah20:59
MESSIAHI joined IRC chat after 20 years21:00
sarnoldmissed salvation by that much21:02
jhutchinsforgotmynick: Just because you've nothing to loose: Put the drive in the refrigerator overnight.  Get your system ready, and quickly connect and scan the drive.21:20
jhutchinsforgotmynick: There's a small chance it'll work for a minute or two.21:20
matsamanis that something people do with SSDs?21:20
jhutchinsforgotmynick: Nevermind, sorry, that only works with spinneys.21:21
geniiIf you're using the old freezer trick it's a good idea to put it in a freezer bag first and suck all the air out21:21
matsamanokay, I figured but what do I know21:21
forgotmynickmatsaman: it is now 😂21:21
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matsamanI've never had a spinner failure myself, but I got to try the put-on-side-and-tap trick on someone else's failing drive the other month21:21
matsamanactually worked long enough to back it up21:22
matsamancute little record players that they are21:22
Sven_vBis there a local for Ubuntu focal that's basically en_US.UTF-8 but with ISO 8601 date (yyyy-mm-dd)?21:54
Sven_vBin some places in some apps I was able to achieve it with LC_TIME set to swedish, but then I can't tell weekday names21:56
Bashing-omSven_vB: Man page says " -I[FMT], --iso-8601 >> output date/time in ISO 8601  format." , Does this help ?22:10
Sven_vBBashing-om, I seem to have missed some messages due to disconnect22:12
Sven_vBI'll check if you might refer to some of the locale tools22:13
Sven_vBoh, the date command maybe. in that I could use just %F22:13
Sven_vBthe most important apps would be Thunderbird and Claws Mail22:14
Bashing-omSven_vB: Would that I had the greater experience - I use neither - but I would think there are options on the config files ?22:21
Sven_vBBashing-om, if so, I couldn't find them22:33
geniiThe documentation at http://kb.mozillazine.org/Date_display_format would suggest to write a shell script22:34
Bashing-omSven_vB: I too looked on my Email client - did not find such :(22:34
genii( for Thunderbird)22:34
Sven_vBgenii, thanks! en_DK is indeed a good solution.22:42
Bashing-om!cookie | genii22:44
ubottugenii: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:44
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