
Eickmeyerjbicha: Just hit bug 1967973. Unstable's version is newer (42). I'm willing to bet this was left-behind after DIF. No libadwaita dep, should we sync?02:37
ubottuBug 1967973 in polari (Ubuntu Jammy) "Polari fails on Wayland: Gdk-Message: Error reading events from display: Protocol error" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196797302:37
jbichaEickmeyer: thanks for asking but gir1.2-adw-1 is libadwaita04:02
Eickmeyerjbicha: Well, at least I asked this time. XD04:03
jbichadoes it work any better if you log out and log in to the Xorg session?04:04
jbichaI wouldn't expect polari 42 to work where 41 doesn't but you're welcome to test it on your computer04:10
Eickmeyerjbicha: I'll let you know in a minute.04:13
Eickmeyerjbicha: 41 works on X11. polari is broken on Wayland.04:17
jbichabtw webkit is broken on Wayland at least for me #196641804:19
Eickmeyerjbicha: Yeah, I can confirm that with Evolution.04:19
jbichaif you're feeling especially adventurous, you could try if using the old mesa fixes the polari issue too04:19
EickmeyerAlso confirmed with goa. Webkit is broken on Wayland.04:21
jbichaI don't think Polari is used by many people. I don't use it actually.04:21
EickmeyerI don't either, I was just testing it.04:21
KolusionI am trying to allow port 1723 in to a certain NIC IP address using this command, but its not working08:32
Kolusionufw allow in on ens3 proto tcp from any port 1723 to
KolusionWhat have I done wrong?08:32
KolusionI mean I am trying to allow traffic in over port 1723 to on interface ens3.08:34
oerheksmore a Q for #ubuntu support..08:34
KolusionSome dumb cunt banned from that channel for no reason.08:35
oerheksNo, with a perfect reason.08:36
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-ops to discuss that08:37
xnoxcjwatson:  seb128:  when i started on ubiquity; there was only one user of skip. If one ticks "download updates during install" when that stage of the process is done there is skip button. Meaning if one gets bored of waiting to download updates; one was able to expand the bottom terminal window bit, and click skip to skip downloading updates and finish off the install slightly quicker.08:37
xnoxat least that was the intent ~10 years ago?!08:37
xnox"when that stage of the install is happening"08:38
Kolusionoerheks. There is nothing to discuss.08:40
jibelseb128, I checked for J-P last week and this button is useless now. There is no plugin that implements the callback.08:40
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KolusionIt is for Canonical to investigate its staff problem08:41
seb128jibel, that's a different skip button, see my comment from yesterday on the installer channel08:41
seb128jibel, the one I was mentioning here is https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/tree/gui/gtk/ubiquity.ui#n102008:43
seb128jibel, which does https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/tree/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py#n171608:44
KolusionSo I am trying to allow traffic in from port 1723 to on interface ens3. My command didn't work. How would people do this with UFW?08:45
KolusionWhere is this open source community read to help I keep hearing Linux users talk about when they are trying so hard to get a Windows user to try Ubuntu?08:46
oerheksKolusion, #ubuntu-ops08:47
Kolusionoerheks: That isn't helping me get this broken product working.08:47
KolusionI'm not interested in the internal operations of Canonical. Its not my business.08:48
seb128xnox, thanks, that might still be the case I guess, I don't really understand those debconf_progress calls. reading the code it should only show the button if the vte widget showing the log is displayed though which I don't think i the case today08:48
seb128Kolusion, #ubuntu-ops isn't a Canonical thing08:48
KolusionIf I am going to complain, its going to be calling up Canonical over the phone and be a headache.08:49
KolusionEverything Ubuntu is a Canonical thing.08:49
seb128Kolusion, and didn't you say yesterday you were going to use windows 10? you should stick to that plan :)08:49
KolusionI am using Windows 1008:50
seb128so you are on the wrong channel08:50
KolusionNo I am not.08:50
seb128stop trolling now or you will end up kicked out of this channel as well08:51
KolusionNo ones trolling dickhead. Kick me all you want, it changes nothing. I'll just cause a headache elsewhere.08:51
seb128elsewhere is not here which works for me08:51
KolusionYou'd be suprised what I can do.08:52
KolusionAn anonymous bomb threat to Canonicals UK office via VPN and after letting them know to pull up their IRC staff. Pretty sure that would come back to you.08:54
KolusionWhat do you reckon oerheks?08:55
juliankyeesh, that was something else09:10
julianksomebody ought to file police report about the bomb threat threat09:11
oerheksjuliank, done that.09:11
=== nicoz- is now known as nicoz
tumbleweedmwhudson: gnuradio should be resolved already, with a sync I did11:20
tumbleweedit's not migrating due to a NBS in thrift, I think11:20
ogayotWould a core-dev be interested in sponsoring a fix for ltrace? LP: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltrace/+bug/1967518 Thanks!15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1967518 in ltrace (Ubuntu) "ltrace - build on ppc64el fails" [Undecided, Confirmed]15:00
xnoxogayot:  less noise in the update of the diff of the diff would be nice; or like a second/new patch ppc64el-2.diff15:43
ogayotxnox: thanks! sure no problem. I'll try to find a way to avoid the noise with quilt refresh ; or I will edit the diff afterwards15:46
xnoxogayot:  maybe fiddle with settings to produce similarish type of diff.15:56
xnox(context / no context / git-no-git diff etc)15:56
xnoxor a second new patch file.15:56
xnoxwhich is on top of the previous one.15:56
KolusionI have traffic coming in through port 25 on and I want to route it to How can this be done?16:06
Kolusion'iptables -t nat POSTROUTING -s -d'?16:11
KolusionThe documentation is so terrible. No wonder people spend thousands on products from Microsoft over Ubuntu for free.16:16
vorlonKolusion: this is a channel for development of Ubuntu; for user support you want #ubuntu as per the topic16:17
KolusionSomeone in that channel banned me for no reason so I can't get in.16:17
KolusionWhy doesn't anything on Ubuntu ever just work like Windows or a Honda.16:18
EickmeyerKolusion: Please come to #ubuntu-ops to discuss your ban.16:20
KolusionEickmeyer my ban doesn't bother me.16:21
KolusionEickmeyer I can just ask here.16:21
EickmeyerKolusion: Ok, but it also means you forfeit support.16:21
EickmeyerNo support here.16:21
KolusionEickmeyer Ubuntu doesn't have support.16:21
vorlonasking here after you've been told this is not a support channel will just get you banned here16:22
Kolusionvorlon go ahead and do it.16:22
Kolusionvorlon I can cause more trouble for you than you can for me, believe me, and if you want to challenge me then go ahead and ban me and you'll see how the real world works.16:23
KolusionWhere does Mark Shuttlewrth reside?16:25
KolusionJust curious.16:25
KolusionI see so many people that use computers talk about how wonderful Linux is and I see them try so hard (practically beg) people to try Ubuntu and that there is a large community to help. lol16:30
KolusionWhat exactly does Canonical develop? The software bag app ufw..16:32
KolusionNeither which work.16:32
KolusionBefore the software bag app was telling me i was on a metered connection, when I checked, I wasn't. nice job guys16:32
ograKolusion, please note that your bomb thread against the cnaonical london office has been reported to the australian police and telsta this morning16:33
KolusionOH NONONONONO16:33
ograw dont ake such threads lightly (as does the police)16:33
ogra*we dont take16:33
Kolusionow noononononon16:33
Kolusionplease dont hurt me16:34
Kolusionis this the part where i am suppose to be sad?16:35
KolusionSorry you cant get a job at Microsoft16:36
KolusionAnyone mad?16:42
oerheksI thought you would be klined by now.16:42
KolusionHA HA HA HA16:43
smoseris there a view of what went into archive over time better than 'focal-changes'  mailing list ?17:57
smoserie, very useful to see things that go in at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2022-March/thread.html but is there any other view of that ?17:58
vorlonsmoser: there is habitually an effort to summarize the set of changes into the release notes at the time of each point release; but this is a bit of a manual effort to synthesize, and there's not really a summary that exists outside of that18:10
smoserright. thank you. launchpad api would have it. just wondered if there existed a more convienent view. thanks.18:13
jbichasmoser: focal-changes is also missing all the Debian autosyncs19:08
mwhudsontumbleweed: well it's ok now indeed20:44
tumbleweedyeah, I see it migrated20:44
smoserjbicha: am i wrong? no autosyncs to stable releases, right?21:57
smoseri was specifically considering stable releases here, but that is a good point.21:57
jbichaoh, if you're just tracking SRUs, never mind then :)21:57
smoserif you want to write a nice ui that includes stable and developemnt releases, i wont object ;)22:00

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