
xclaesse[m]Hi, I'm testing Ubuntu 22.04, one issue I have is my wired networkd device does not appear. Wifi works fine. Is that a known issue? Any workaround possible?00:32
xclaesse[m]sarnold: When I plug a usb to ethernet device, I see that in journald: https://pastebin.com/Ltt6iVp400:38
xclaesse[m]I think it's apparmor that prevents NetworkManager to get the new device, or something?00:38
xclaesse[m]I also see the message "kernel: r8152 3-4.1:1.0 enx5c857e356334: renamed from eth0" but it's not shown in "ifconfig"00:39
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pmjdebruijnis there anything special about ubuntu-minimal server installs? as installing man/man-db doesn't result in a working man setup09:01
pmjdebruijnand unminimize depends on snapd again09:03
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jhyHello! I installed 22.04 as a test and found interesting bug that chrome and electron lose keyboard layout after unfocus somehow and default to I guess english one. Anyone have idea what might be causing this?09:21
lotuspsychjejhy: chrome is not really a supported package from the ubuntu repos, and how did you install electron?10:03
jhyIt's mattermost desktop app which is acting similarly and it's on top of electron10:05
jhyI installed chromium and it has same problem10:08
jhyIs it "supported"?10:08
jhyFirefox doesn't have the problem or any text editor I tried10:08
lotuspsychjejhy: both chromium and firefox are now snaps, bugs related should also be filed towards their contact (snap info snapname)10:10
lotuspsychjelemme check recent chromium bugs holdon10:11
jhyI'm betting something deeper is causing this as it's on all chrome/electron/chromium10:11
lotuspsychjethat might be jhy itsnot like your apps are crashing?10:12
jhyNo they're not crashing. After start the mattermost has the correct layout but after unfocus and focus back it loses it10:13
jhyAfter boot I mean10:14
lotuspsychjejhy: ok10:14
lotuspsychjejhy: the routes for chromium bugs are; https://github.com/electron/electron/issues10:14
lotuspsychjeand think for electron its their git; https://github.com/electron/electron/issues10:14
Chunkyzlotuspsychje, you pasted the same link twice. :-)10:15
jhyI tried checking there but didn't find anything related but I guess I could try make my own issue. and what chunky said10:15
lotuspsychjeoops sorry10:15
lotuspsychjejhy: search that git for existing bugs first ok10:16
jhyI'll try those methods for now. Thanks lotuspsychje :)10:20
lotuspsychjejhy: could it be this? https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/2811910:21
ubottuIssue 28119 in electron/electron "[Bug]: Electron does not pass unrecognized locales through to the application" [Open]10:21
jhyDon't believe so10:28
jhyHi again. I pinpointed the issue with few boots accidentally as I was booting up for other things10:41
jhyIt resets the locale of those apps when I open terminal10:41
jhyAll works fine until I open terminal10:42
jhyoh... My .bashrc breaks something but how it breaks those apps is beyond me10:54
jhySo... this command: `setxkbmap -option "nbsp:none"` defaults the locale of chrome/electron/chromium in ubuntu 22.04 11:03
jhyI've had this command since 16.04 to stop myself of inserting non-breaking whitespace to vim11:04
jhyOh well, I guess I'll find an alternative to that command11:30
lotuspsychjeanyone on jammy with nvidia graphics that can test polari on wayland? on intel 620 it seems to launch14:49
ravagelotuspsychje: launches14:51
lotuspsychjetnx to test ravage 14:51
lotuspsychjeEickmeyer: ^14:51
lotuspsychjewich nvidia driver are you using ravage ?14:52
EickmeyerI'll re-test, but E:TakingVehicleToShop14:52
lotuspsychjekk tnx14:52
lotuspsychjeok hf Eickmeyer 14:52
* Eickmeyer rolls eyes14:52
EickmeyerThanks. :)14:52
* ravage goes back to Xorg because wayland almost messes up everyrthing else :D14:53
lotuspsychjework in progress14:53
xclaesse[m]Hi, I'm testing Ubuntu 22.04, one issue I have is my wired networkd device does not appear. Wifi works fine. Is that a known issue? Any workaround possible?14:54
ravagexclaesse[m]: new hardware? did it work on the previous version?14:54
ravagedoes it show up in "nmcli d s" ?14:56
xclaesse[m]it was working fine on 20.0414:56
xclaesse[m]now even ifconfig does not show the iface14:56
ravagedid you do an upgrade from 20.04?14:56
xclaesse[m]enp3s0f0         ethernet  unmanaged  --         14:57
xclaesse[m]yes, that's the one I think14:58
xclaesse[m]Yes it's an upgrade, that went terribly wrong, but that's my fault for not waiting for stable release14:58
ravagetry "sudo nmcli dev set enp3s0f0 managed yes" first14:59
blb613988is there anything else broken beside the iface not showing up?14:59
blb613988xclaesse[m]: ^14:59
ravageif that does not solve it try "sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf; sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager"15:00
xclaesse[m]note that even an usb-ethernet device does not work15:01
xclaesse[m]ravage: did not change anything15:01
xclaesse[m]blb613988: I have a loooong list of regressions unfortunately. Getting a bit worried about this releae tbh. But nothing related to my wired network issue.15:01
ravagexclaesse[m]: the official upgrade from 20.04 will not be ready until the 22.04.1 release. you will not get any prompt before that. first upgrade is from 21.1015:02
xclaesse[m]blb613988: the most annoying to me: all webkit apps are broken (that's reported already), firefox snap often does not startup or takes super long and cannot open new windows15:03
xclaesse[m]ravage: that worked!15:03
ravagegreat :)15:03
ravagexclaesse[m]: nvidia card? then make sure you stay on Xorg for now15:04
blb613988xclaesse[m]: ok, thanks, then I'll wait until may15:04
ravageyou can choose the session type after you select your username on the login screen15:04
ravagewayland still has a lot of issues for me too15:04
xclaesse[m]firefox snap also does not remember open tabs when restarting, not even pinned.15:04
blb613988you can use firefox from an AppImage. Forget snap15:05
ravageok. intel support is usually fine15:05
xclaesse[m]firefox does not work at all with X15:05
xclaesse[m]but webkit does15:05
xclaesse[m]it's one or the other :P15:05
ravagechromium does not even open on wayland for me15:06
ravagebut thats another snap thing15:06
xclaesse[m]but anyway, I'm not complaining, it's beta ;-)15:06
lotuspsychjetheres a big webkit bug being worked on right now15:06
xclaesse[m]oh and l2tp VPN is broken too, that has been reported into launchpad too15:07
xclaesse[m]yes, I think it went down to mesa now: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/623615:08
ubottuIssue 6236 in mesa/mesa "webkitgtk blank webview with mesa 22 and Intel Comet Lake" [Opened]15:08
xclaesse[m]I'm not too worried, that's going to be fixed15:08
xclaesse[m]Firefox I'm much more worried, because clearly snap is not up for the task at all15:08
ravagewe are all worried about snap :)15:09
lotuspsychjexclaesse[m]: bug #196641815:09
ubottuBug 1966418 in webkit2gtk (Ubuntu) "[jammy regression] webkit apps do not display content (yelp, epiphany, gnome-online-accounts etc)" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196641815:09
ravagebut when 2 corporations make a deal the community has to obey i guess15:09
xclaesse[m]for an essential package in an LTS release that clearly should be reverted immediately, IMHO15:10
xclaesse[m]give it more time to mature into intermediary releaes15:10
xclaesse[m]but not my call15:10
xclaesse[m]lotuspsychje: thanks, found that link already. It's bad enough that it even show when googling the issue :/15:12
lotuspsychjeseems like bug #1965673 is solved on my journal logs now16:33
ubottuBug 1965673 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Object 0x... of type IBusText has been finalized while it was still owned by gjs, this is due to invalid memory management" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196567316:33
lotuspsychjetarzeau: im just noticing a lot of noise on journalctl -f regarding photoqt, you might wanna check that17:17
tarzeaulotuspsychje: could you copy paste that into a file and put it somewhere online with link to it?19:28
tarzeaulotuspsychje: could as well just put it up on the developer page (github.com) an issue?19:29
lotuspsychjetarzeau: sure, tomorrow20:09
tarzeaugreat, thanks!20:11
lotus|NUC; )20:13

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