
cpaelzergood morning05:10
yurtesengood morning :)05:41
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: o/05:44
utkarsh2102EldonMcGuinness: o/05:44
utkarsh2102yurtesen: o/05:44
cpaelzerhiho yurtesen - AFAIK you didn't reply yesterday - did you see my answer to your question05:49
cpaelzeractually let me check logs to not mix up nicks ...05:50
cpaelzeroh I see - in the meantime this evolved and you found utkarsh2102 to probably upload it to Debian to sync from there05:52
yurtesencpaelzer: I did not see your message sorry. utkarsh2102 will try to help but if you have any input it is always welcome.06:10
* utkarsh2102 is friends with the tomcat maintainer in Debian. And given that it's a sync, I'd like for it to remain so. :D06:24
utkarsh2102unless the bug is severe, of course. 06:24
mirespaceI forgot to say hello o/08:21
=== DonRichie2 is now known as DonRichie
thehIs netplan still the default choice to set up networking on Ubuntu server these days?11:28
athosgood morning :)11:52
mirespacehi athos o/11:59
shubjerocoreycb: you around? I think I found a bug in package dependencies (lack thereof in this case) for openstack heat 'victoria'. It might be present in later versions but I've only tested this far. Where should I open a bug ?20:59
shubjerocoreycb: It's a simple problem, heat-engine fails to start because it cant find two modules: vitrage, and zun. Issue is resolved by installing python3-vitrageclient and python3-zunclient but these two packages (and their own dependencies) are not pulled in by the heat packages21:00
giu-hi shubjero 21:06
shubjerocoreycb: found related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/189393521:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1893935 in python-vitrageclient (Ubuntu Jammy) "[MIR] python3-vitrageclient" [High, Fix Released]21:22
giu-hi ubottu 21:23
giu-how to restart network service with ubuntu server 18?21:41
patdk-lapare you using network-manager or netplan21:52
patdk-lapwith netplan you cannot restart, just re-apply21:52
giu-is a 1.04 version and is network manager22:21
sarnoldyou can networkctl reconfigure DEVICES though22:22
giu-well now is assigned the ip address22:23
giu-for assign he gatway? he version is 18.04... this seting data is executed during the install, bu if want modify after install?22:25
giu-well now i set the host gatway(ubuntu 20.04) to server but for server?22:31
giu-well the networkctl is a network state and configure thanks 22:35
giu-hi sarnold 22:35
giu-but now i see and his command is only for visualization and don for modify the parameters of ethernet 22:39
sarnoldoh, hmm, is networkctl reconfigure new in 20.04? that'd be a bummer :(22:42
giu-anyway thanks now i test and re call for this argument23:13
giu-well see u later.23:13
sarnoldbye giu- :) have fun23:13

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