
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
ahasenackgood morning12:11
xnoxsmoser:  but there are syncs from bileto/security/PPA builds into stable series, i don't know if all of them end up in focal-changes or not.13:48
xnoxi don't know where/how focal-changes gets its changes =)13:49
smoserxnox: well if there are changes that go into -security that don't get published to that list, then i have a big sad face here.14:03
pitticpaelzer: \o/ thanks! great debugging work14:15
pitticpaelzer: time and again, patch size ~ 1/debugging time14:16
cpaelzerlet us hope the PPA works as expected ...14:16
pittilemme test14:17
LocutusOfBorgtumbleweed, hello14:29
LocutusOfBorgare you available to talk a little bit about esys-particle?14:29
LocutusOfBorgI got some findings14:29
xnoxsmoser:  so focal-security has grub2 2.04-1ubuntu26.12 and when i do google search for "grub2 2.04-1ubuntu26.12 site:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/ site:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/" nothing seems to come up14:41
xnoxwith correct search syntax14:41
xnoxoh, but it is there14:42
xnoxand https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2021-June/025057.html14:42
xnoxhm but that was direct upload14:42
xnoxhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/2.04-1ubuntu26.11 was a copy14:43
xnoxand i don't see  grub2 2.04-1ubuntu26.11 in the june archive14:44
xnoxsmoser:  ^^^^14:44
smoser:big_sad_face: ☹️14:46
smoserthat sucks. so there is really *no* way of knowing other than watching archive updates ?14:47
smoseron a related note, and in an effort to practice saying more nice things, https://ubuntu.com/security/cves is really nice. kudos to whoever worked on that.14:51
xnoxyeah that portal was web-team & security team collab, and it is like data driven by opal data which one can get.14:57
xnoxsmoser:  if you are into security updates; opal data should have all cve  stuff.14:57
smoseri just want all the things ;)14:58
xnoxbut then again not everything that lands in security pocket, has CVE or USN ids assigned.14:58
xnoxcause we land FTBFS fixes into -security too, when it affects installing upgrades.14:58
xnox(i.e. dkms module FTBFS, prevents kernel upgrade installs)14:58
tumbleweedLocutusOfBorg: yeah, I got about that far as well15:19
LocutusOfBorgesysparticle test.py16:29
LocutusOfBorg['/tmp/merges/esys-particle-2.3.5+dfsg2', '/usr/lib/python38.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.8', '/usr/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload', '/home/locutus/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3.8/dist-packages']16:29
LocutusOfBorgon focal16:29
LocutusOfBorglooks a python regression to me16:29
LocutusOfBorgthe distutils change16:29
LocutusOfBorgtumbleweed, my guess is python.m4. we patched in automake-1.16 but esys is running its own embedded and patched copy16:37
ogayotxnox: after fighting with quilt to reduce the overall diff, I've finally come up with a new patch that applies on top of the others. Thanks again for your pointers! LP 196751817:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1967518 in ltrace (Ubuntu) "ltrace - build on ppc64el fails" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196751817:18
vorlonjuliank: well I don't have much occasion to use ltrace but https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/+merge/418876 is quite surprising to me; is there a bug report about this?17:49
juliankvorlon: I have not checked, but I've tried hello, dpkg, apt, ltrace did not do anything17:50
vorlonno bug reports17:50
juliankvorlon: perhaps nobody uses it?17:51
vorlonjuliank: we're late in the cycle and demoting something straight from standard to universe in one go post FF should have a high threshold of care.  Can you post on ubuntu-devel and try to get some feedback before we demote it?17:51
juliankvorlon: ack17:51
vorlonI *assumed* it still worked, but also I clearly haven't actually used it in years because strace is better than ltrace for most things!17:51
vorlon(or gdb)17:51
juliankvorlon: sent17:55
juliankShould test in Debian too and file RM RoQA maybe17:56
juliankvorlon: it works on Debian17:59
juliankvorlon: odd17:59
juliankmaybe it's LTO and not PIE then?18:00
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tumbleweedLocutusOfBorg: I still haven't figured it out. It *does* setup sys.path correctly, but then something deletes things from it again23:59

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