
cpaelzergood morning05:15
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: hellu! o/05:46
yurtesengood morning 06:10
cpaelzerdouble hi yurtesen and utkarsh210206:31
Andreios9ip6tables --flush && ndisc6 ipv6.l.google.com enp35s0 "Sending ICMPv6 packet: Operation not permitted"06:48
Andreios9what could be the problem?06:49
cpaelzerAndreios9:  haven't seen this before so I might be not of much help, but to start to clarify - is it the former or latter command triggering this?06:56
cpaelzeralso do you run as root/sudo or as normal user06:56
cpaelzerMaybe pastebin the output of `ip addr show dev enp35s0` ?06:57
cpaelzerI tried the same command on a system with ipv4+ipv6 and this was fine06:57
Andreios9cpaelzer: as root, the latter06:58
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mirespacegood morning08:23
Chunkyzmorning mirespace :-)08:24
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coreycbshubjero: for releases where that bug is not fixed you can install heat with "apt install --install-suggests heat-engine" and it should install those additional clients11:42
ahasenackgood morning12:11
athosgood morning!12:19
shubjerocoreycb: yeah sounds good corey I'm ok with that. 12:22
ahasenackcan I get an eye double check please19:35
ahasenackI'm failing to see where the error is19:35
ahasenacklemme paste something19:35
ahasenackhere: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JyzT97Ck47/19:36
ahasenackwhy this:19:36
ahasenacksrc/modules/rlm_python3/rlm_python3.c:50:76: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘LT_SHREXT’19:36
ahasenackI patched that, ok, it used to be:19:36
ahasenack#define LIBPYTHON_LINKER_NAME \19:37
ahasenack    "libpython" STRINGIFY(PY_MAJOR_VERSION) "." STRINGIFY(PY_MINOR_VERSION) "m.so"19:37
ahasenackbit LT_SHREXT is ".so"19:37
ahasenackhm, maybe I'm not including the file that defines LT_SHREXT19:40
ahasenacklet me check19:40
brycehyeah that was gonna be my guess19:40
bryceheverything else looks ok19:40
ahasenackyeah, that's it19:41
ahasenackit's defined in a .c19:41
sergiodjahasenack: LT_SHREXT doesn't seem to be defined19:41
ahasenackthx :)19:41
sergiodjgotta love preprocessor errors19:42
bryceh@sergiodj, indeed, it's #included in the job description19:42
sergiodjhaha :)19:42
sarnoldbooooo boooo I say boooo19:43
ahasenackerror, expected "," or ";" before 'boooo'19:43
ahasenackok, fix confirmed (not the LT_SHREXT thing, well, that too), but the actual thing I was working on19:45
sergiodjmeanwhile, I'm debugging one of those problems that only manifest on autopkgtest.u.c.  sigh19:47
ahasenackthat's annoying19:48
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