
lotuspsychjegood morning01:19
ducassegood morning07:06
oerhekshi ducasse 07:09
oerheksopenssh 9 released https://www.openssh.com/releasenotes.html07:09
ducassehiya oerheks - how are you?07:09
oerhekswe're fine, thanks. just got back from morning walky, too cold though07:10
oerhekshow are you there??07:11
ducassei'm good, thanks, luna is asleep on top of me07:13
oerhekssleepy with one eye open?07:16
ducassei think both are closed :-)07:18
oerheksnope :-D07:20
oerhekswaiting for my neighbour, 76y old, he is going to move to his village of birth, and i am going to help him out with the first steps.07:21
oerhekspainting is done, now putting light on the ceiling and such..07:21
ducasseis he moving far?07:31
oerheksNo, about 15 km ..07:32
oerheksnice place in the middle of the flowerfields07:32
oerheksSure is, and his appartment is almost new, 6 years old07:37
oerheksHe was the 1st neighbour i met, and we had a lot of fun in these years07:38
ducassehow long have you lived there?07:39
oerheksapril 10; 11 tyears now :-D07:39
ducassei've lived here 4 years in the fall07:40
oerhekstime moves fast..07:40
ducassesure does07:40
ducasseyou got plans today?07:41
ducassei'm trying to decide what to have for lunch and dinner07:41
ducasseoerheks: also trying to decide what to get with my tax money, choices choices07:50
oerhekssave some ...07:52
oerheksI want to buy a mobo, intel 1150 with 4x8gb ddr307:53
ducassethat's what i have in mine07:53
ducasseasus z97-pro07:54
oerhekssounds like a good one..07:55
ducasseit's ok07:55
ducassehas what i need and more07:55
oerheksogayot is spoiling the show :-(17:04
leftyfbin the end it'll be proven they don't have a clue what they're doing. More than it already has17:04
oerheksi stopped when i read the whole iptable list..17:05
oerheksand he is talking about server and vps, not sure i understand what he actually is doing.. a vps or server17:05
leftyfbthat's because he refuses to tell us for $reasons17:06
leftyfbwhich is why I refused to help17:06
oerhekshe declined your help indeed17:07
oerhekscould he be Kolusion?17:08
leftyfbno way, they would have been swearing their head off at us and open source by now17:10
leftyfbit might actually be17:11
leftyfbVictoria Australia 17:12
leftyfbeither they are completely bi-polar or I'm very impressed with their restraint 17:12
ravagehe started to PM me earlier. thats when i stopped answering to his problem at all :)17:12
oerheksip stating with 1 ..17:12
leftyfbravage: anything offensive?17:15
ravageno. was not offensive. just begging for help17:15
leftyfboerheks: I traced their current ip and previous IP's. All from Victoria 17:15
oerheksleftyfb, me too, even his IPv6 adresses17:16
EickmeyerSeems like coincidence, but the two IPs are hundreds of miles apart, still the same MO leftyfb oerheks 17:48
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