
phalorWhen I run (ufw allow in on ens3 proto tcp from any port any to port 25), it says "ERROR: Could not find protocol". Does anyone know why?11:59
sixwheeledbeasthave you tried reordering the syntax?12:01
phalorAccoring to the manual, its in the correct order12:02
sixwheeledbeastok if that's what manpage says. i have never used "in on" and "proto" together.12:03
phalorThanks anyway :)12:03
sixwheeledbeastufw allow in on ens3 proto tcp from any port 25 to port 2512:19
phalorThat won't work. The connection will come in from random ports12:20
sixwheeledbeastsomething must be expecting traffic on a specific port? be it here or downstream?12:31
phalorsorry man?12:31
phaloryeah a mail server is expecting traffic12:32
phalori need to get it through the firewall12:32
sixwheeledbeastso you'd need one rule for each port or pass all the traffic through12:33
phalorexactly, so i am trying to pass port 25 through12:33
phalorno sorry, i am not trying to reroute the server with this command, though that is what is happening with iptables, but its unrelated12:34
sixwheeledbeastYou can do "any port > any port" or "port 25 > port 25" but not "any port > port 25"12:36
phalorfrom any... port any...12:37
phalorfrom any ip addres... from any port...12:37
sixwheeledbeastso if your expecting multiple ports inbound then route each one. 25, 587, 465, 2525 etc?12:38
phalorthats not how it works, inbound ports will be random12:38
phalortake care12:41
maruhello :) I've got question about clock in ubuntu mate 22.04 beta18:35
maruit shows 2022:3518:35
maruwhere 2022 is year (?) and 35 in [min]18:36
marui want it to show hh:mm18:36
marunot yyyy:mm18:36
maruhow to set it?18:36
superkuhRight click, preferences.19:04
superkuhI don't think it can display 2022:35 though.19:05
superkuhThat's weird.19:05
maruwait a moment for print screen :D19:14
marupreferences looks OK for me19:16
marubut it says 2022:16 :D19:16
superkuhSometimes the clock applet needs you to toggle preferences before they take effect is some other thing had changed the gconf/dconf prefs settings.19:31
superkuhAnd vice versa.19:31
superkuhI notice this a lot changing my clock from shell scripts.19:31
superkuhAlthough I suppose you've toggled a bunch in trying things.19:31
superkuhIf nothing else, remove that clock applet.19:32
superkuhThen add a new one.19:32
superkuhOr try adding a second.19:32
superkuhTo see if it behaves badly too.19:32
maruyes I changed to manual settings, set other time, back to auto19:33
maruOK I will try to remove it and add new clock19:33
marunew clock works good! yay! :D19:40

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