
pmjdebruijnhey, I noticed 22.04 uses GRUB for both CSM and EFI boot on the ISO, can anybody point me to the xorriso command used to generate the new ISOs13:08
sprnk[m]not sure but this seems like a good place to start https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline13:33
pmjdebruijnsprnk[m]: tnx for the reference13:52
pmjdebruijnthough I can't find any reference to xorriso (or genisoimage for that matter)13:52
yrdsbwill ubuntu 22.04 get the new ubuntu logo13:53
pmjdebruijnhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu is probably warmer :)13:54
sprnk[m]pmjdebruijn:  look in CONNF.sh :)14:00
lotuspsychjesee topic robot56 14:02
robot56can anyone send me a link to ubuntu 22.04 ddaily build14:02
pmjdebruijnsprnk[m]: I know found it already14:02
ravageis my new favorite pw14:08
ravagesomeone sent me for his wifi :D14:08
ravagealso had a nice name. "Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi" 14:09
ravageat lest something like that14:09
ravagerobot56, did you find your ISO?14:10
yrdsbhow do i . replace my school mac to ubuntu 22.0414:19
ravagedepends on your mac14:19
yrdsbthe school mac is a 2012 imac with mac os mojave14:20
ravagealso if it belongs to your school they may not be happy about it14:20
yrdsbthe imac belong to the school\14:20
ravagenot a good idea then14:20
yrdsbshould i install ubutnu 22.04 daily on a vm14:21
ravagei dont know if you should. you can14:21
yrdsbdoes ubuntu 22.04 daily have the new ubuntu logo14:22
yrdsbhow about the new ubuntu installer14:22
yrdsbwill 22.04 be lts14:23
yrdsbhow big will 22.04 be14:24
yrdsbcan you tell me all the ubuntu branches14:25
ravagei can but i dont want to14:25
lotuspsychjethis is not a quiz channel yrdsb 14:26
yrdsbwhich branch you recommend lts non lts beta or testing14:26
ravagehe trolls here frequently14:26
yrdsbi want . a stable experiene14:26
ravageLTS of course14:26
yrdsbwhen ubuntu 22.04 get relese can i upgrade to stable from daily14:29
yrdsbhow do i see the new feature for 22.044 . daily14:32
robot56what the diffetent between daily and bet22:19
robot56tell me the different betwene beta and stable22:24
robot56i mean beta and daily22:24
Bashing-omrobot56: Beta is the milestone toward release - whre as "daily" is what is spun up daily with all the newest changes and updates.22:27
robot56is daily stable22:28
Bashing-omrobot56: Well yes and no --- is a Work In Progress.22:29
robot56why in ubuntu 22.0422:31
robot56it uses the updated adwaita22:31
robot56for the gtk 4 theme22:32
Bashing-omrobot56: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/ubuntu-22-04-lts-20-key-changes .22:33
robot56does yaru gtk 422:33
robot56does 22.04 use yaru22:34
enigma9o7[m]Hi, I'm curious what this is about.  https://i.imgur.com/bV9uGoA.png23:08
enigma9o7[m]I'm testing 22.04 in virtual machine, and removed snapd to see if all works well.  23:08
enigma9o7[m]And all appears to work well, but that error during boot.23:08
enigma9o7[m]If I just `systemctl disable snap.lxd.activate` I guess the erorr goes away, but what am I disabling, anything important?23:19
enigma9o7[m]And last question.  I installed ubuntu-server and then installed desktop on it.  It seems server has some different defaults than desktop, for example, every tiime I update, it gives me a (terminal) gui thing about which services to restart, which I never saw before.  I removed the package `ubuntu-server` but that didnt seem to affect anything, still does it.23:20
robot56why is ubuntu 22.04 daily23:31
robot56so buggy23:31
robot56how do i upgrade from daily  to stable when ubuntu 22.04 get officlley relesed23:43
ravageyou do your regular updates. nothing special to do23:45
Bashing-omrobot56: Kust keep it updated and when released you too will have it.23:46

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