
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjegood morning02:54
ducassehi folks06:43
leftyfboerheks: it's not Kolusion14:56
leftyfbit's actually a friend of mine14:56
leftyfboh wait14:58
leftyfbno, it's not my friend :)14:59
leftyfbsorry, wrong person :)14:59
oerheksi still believe he is ban-evading14:59
ograleftyfb, yeah, you two clearly sound like old friends 😛15:46
oerheksleftyfb, can you join -ops? 15:46
leftyfbogra: I got them mixed up15:47
ograyeah, i got that 15:47
leftyfboerheks: what's the point? They consider me a troll as well15:47
oerheksbut you smell nice :-(15:48

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