
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
yrdsbwhy is ubuntu 22.04 daily so unstablr02:18
yrdsbcan you tell me a build that is more stable02:18
Bashing-omyrdsb: 22.04 submit reports to quality-assurance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker and 22.04 will be the more stable :D02:24
yrdsbwhen 22.04 be offically relesed how popular will it be02:25
yrdsbi used the daily ubunt 22.04 build02:33
yrdsbbecause i want to try the latest lts and planning to use my 22.04 vm for a few years also why is 22.04 daily more stable then 21.1002:33
yrdsbis lts suppose to be stable02:39
yrdsbbecause i realize the 22.04 daily build is more stable then 21.1002:39
Guest8375What happen to yaru in Ubuntu 22.404:10
Guest8375*22.04 why does it look similar to Ubuntu default theme04:10
new_leapis it possible to decrypt a luks2 partition with tpm2? (sitting on 22.04)12:53
ravagenew_leap, there is no offically supported way. but systemd has options for it. its a totally manual process. so you will run into problems. make a full backup before you try anthing. this is an article google found about it. never tried it myself. https://lunaryorn.com/unlock-luks-rootfs-with-tpm2-key12:58
new_leapravage: thanks, i am at the point to update my initramfs, but it's complaining that it doesn't recognise tpm2-device13:01
ravagesorry. as i said i never tried that. i am a fan of typing in my password at boot :)13:02
new_leapravage: i want to edit it, so that you need tpm + password for decrypting the disk13:02
new_leapit should be usable since systemd24913:02
ravagegood luck :)13:02
new_leapthanks :)  will report if you are interested13:03
new_leapahh, its even systemd248 :)  so i do hope i get to a point where it works13:04
new_leapravage: ahh canonical disabled tpm support :(13:08
new_leapso another question then, every time the screen turns off, the screen never comes back. any idea about that? (this also happens on 20.0413:11
rdrjust swapped back to regular ubuntu, think i had an issue with KDE21:58
webchat56hello, after upgarde to 22.04, my wifi is slow22:07
webchat56hello, after upgarde to 22.04, my wifi is slow22:13
vegasHello, I'll post the question I asked on SO here, hopefully someone knows the answer22:42
vegasI just did a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 installation, edited the shortcuts to switch workspaces from 1 to 6, and now I can only switch between workspace 1 and 2. Ubuntu doesn't seem to be creating a new workspace as they are needed.22:42
vegasI also edited the num-workspaces with dconf-editor to 6 but to no avail.22:42
Bashing-omvegas:  System Settings app ? Lots of changes -- see if https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/ubuntu-22-04-lts-20-key-changes is of help here.22:49
vegasBashing-om what do you mean by system settings app? Should I share my settings?22:51
Bashing-omvegas: No - just from the article "A swathe of multi-tasking options are accessible in the System Settings app.".22:51
vegasBashing-om, unfortunately there are no settings related to workspaces in the settings app. It should create more workspaces dynamically but isn't22:53
Bashing-omvegas: Seems the way we used to deal with work spaces in Gnome is totally changed.22:53
vegasBashing-om they should remain dynamic though22:54
vegasweird, it's really stuck on 222:54
vegasAll right, I managed to find the setting22:54
Bashing-omvegas: I have seen where 2 work spaces is a result --- lemme see if I can find it again.22:55
vegasIt's on "Multitasking"22:55
vegasSearching for "workspaces" on the settings doesn't show it22:55
vegasThank you for your help22:55

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