
Jasonwizkidhello guys00:05
kostkonJasonwizkid, hi00:07
Jasonwizkidwhats up00:14
jongstai've now tried a few different ways of updating the kernel and none of them have worked heh00:37
jongstai've tried using a mainline script00:38
jongstai've tried downloading and installing the packages manually00:38
jongstacycling through the defaults in /etc/default/grub00:38
leftyfbjongsta: what are you trying to accomplish exactly?00:42
jongstai'm trying to install and boot into kernel 5.4 then remove all the other kernels from the os00:43
leftyfbjongsta: what release of ubuntu are you running?00:43
leftyfbjongsta: why wouldn't you use the latest 5.13 kernel for 20.04?00:44
jongstaaccording to my boss, 5.4 has a much longer life support00:45
leftyfb!hwe| jongsta00:45
ubottujongsta: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:45
jongstaleftyfb: so my options are either go with the new enablement stacks or i'll have to update from 18.04.1 (or similar) if i wish to stay on 20.0400:50
sarnoldwhere did 18.04 come from?00:50
leftyfbjongsta: I thought you said you were on 20.04?00:50
jongstai am00:50
jongstabut from reading that link it says you basically have 2 choices00:51
leftyfbjongsta: stick with Ubuntu 20.04 and use the LTS kernel which is currently at 5.1300:51
jongstaeither update from an old release or go with this enablement stack00:51
sarnoldahhhhhhh, I think I understand you now00:51
sarnoldif you've got some hardware or software that doesn't work on the HWE kernels (a) please report it as a bug so it stands a chance of being fixed in the future (b) downgrade to the GA kernels after you've filed the bugs00:52
jongstaleftyfb: how long is 5.13 supported till?00:52
leftyfbjongsta: the HWE kernel is supported for the life of Ubuntu 20.04 which is until 202500:53
jongstaok, i'm just trying to understand this HWE thing00:53
jongstai've been out of the game for a bit00:54
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sarnoldjongsta: probably six to nine months, look at the nice graph on https://ubuntu.com/kernel/lifecycle00:54
bloooobhi all-does anyone know what "rtkit-daemon[1951]" service is, and is for?00:54
leftyfbjongsta: you don't think of it as the 5.13 kenel, you think of it as the HWE kernel which will always be kept up to date for the life of the 20.04 releae00:55
jongstasarnold: that graphic is hard to read00:56
sarnoldbloooob: rtkit sets the priorities of some processes to realtime scheduling priorities00:56
jongstaleftyfb: and the HWE kernel is comprised of multiple kernel versions?00:56
leftyfbjongsta: it's a rolling release00:57
jongstaaccording to the graphic sarnold posted 5.13 is supported until sometime in 202200:57
jongstawhich would mean you'd need to update/upgrade it at that point?00:57
sarnoldyou already upgrade your kernel every three weeks00:58
leftyfbjongsta: at which point, regular updates will update it to the next HWE kernel00:58
sarnoldor more often, given the way things are going lately00:58
jongsta5.4 shows support till 2025 which is why my boss probably mentioned that00:58
jongstaoy this is confusing00:59
jongstasarnold: i don't think we upgrade our kernels that often01:00
leftyfbjongsta: that ust means when you run updates, you'll get a new 5.4.x-x update. As opposed to the HWE where you'll get 5.13.x-x updates until the next HWE kernel version is available at which point you'll be updated to that01:00
jongstai think i get it but i don't know how to convince my boss heh01:02
enigma9o7[m]security updates come regularly for both kernel tracks.  if you stick with 5.4 it'll aywas be 5.4; if you go with hwe, you'll get whatever version is in future ubuntu versions01:02
jongstayah but i don't think we're changing ubuntu versions for a while01:02
enigma9o7[m]meaning like if you started with focal, when they erleeased 20.10 there was a kernel version upgrade...01:02
jongstathis isn't for a desktop01:02
sarnoldjongsta: you can see the list of the linux-hwe-5.13 kernels we've published on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/linux-hwe-5.13 -- from august 2021 until april 2022, we've published around twenty new kernels...01:02
enigma9o7[m]and impish too01:02
jongstathis is ultimately for a production product at work01:03
leftyfbjongsta: in 2023, does your boss want the latest 5.4 kernel or the latest 5.15 kernel?01:03
jongstai'd think the latest most stable01:03
enigma9o7[m]5.4LTS is fine for majority of everyone anyway.  The only one who newer are if you have new hardware that needs it.01:03
jongstawhatever that translates to in regards to hosting our product01:03
enigma9o7[m]For stability stick with 6.401:03
enigma9o7[m]eerrr 5.401:03
jongstai just started at this company last week, still getting to know the product01:04
jongstaenigma9o7[m]: and i think that's what my boss was leaning towards01:04
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jongstabut that brings me back to my original question, how do i get there heh01:04
jongstai've tried installing multiple different ways and unable to boot into it01:05
enigma9o7[m]I wasnt reading earlier; whate version of ubuntu and what kernel now?01:05
enigma9o7[m]If you install an older kernel, grub wont boot into it.01:05
enigma9o7[m]Without you telling it to.01:05
leftyfbjongsta: sudo apt install linux-image-generic01:05
enigma9o7[m]You can either select it every time you boot from advanced options, or recongigure grub to boot it.01:05
enigma9o7[m]That wasnt clear..01:06
jongstaleftyfb: already installed...01:06
leftyfbjongsta: install the above package, boot into it, confirm everything is working properly and then remove the other kernels01:06
jongstaenigma9o7[m]: i don't have access to a boot screen01:06
enigma9o7[m]If you want to boot into an older kernel version, you can either pull up the grub menu during boot and select advanced options and select it.01:06
jongstait's in aws01:06
bloooobsarnold, which version should i have installed in Ubuntu 20.04.04. Also if i see that pop up should i be concerned about it being used nefariously? read this and now am worried https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/6.4_technical_notes/rtkit01:06
jongstaaka remote01:06
enigma9o7[m]Or you can reconfigure grub's default.01:06
sarnoldjongsta: instructions are on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack if you really want01:06
sarnoldbloooob: ii  rtkit          0.12-4       amd64        Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon01:07
jongstaleftyfb: booting into it is the problem. trying to figure out how to do that the unconventional way since i don't have access to the grub menu screen on boot01:07
leftyfbjongsta: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/revert-stable-kernel-ec2-reboot/01:07
sarnoldbloooob: we fixed that CVE in 2013 https://ubuntu.com/security/cve-2013-432601:08
ubottuRealtimeKit (aka rtkit) 0.5 does not properly use D-Bus for communication with a polkit authority, which allows local users to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging a PolkitUnixProcess PolkitSubject race condition via a (1) setuid process or (2) pkexec process, a related issue to CVE-2013-4288. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-4326>01:08
jongstathanks leftyfb trying the grub suggestions01:12
jongstanot optimistic though heh01:12
bloooobsarnold, i was my journalctl -f and saw a whole lot of stuff happening including folder deletion; may have just been systemd doing its thing but concerned01:13
jongstaunder the ubuntu instructions where it says " grub-set-default 1 " how do i know which number to use?01:14
bloooobwas just reading above thank you01:14
sarnoldbloooob: systemd-tmpfiles certainly can remove directories, I'm not sure if it logs about it though :)01:15
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UrkDoes anyone have a recommendation for a snippet tool?  Apparently it isn't installed by default with Ubuntu.01:50
vimesUrk: if i search for screenshot, i can see the Gnome screenshot tool which is built in i believe. also flameshot is pretty good01:55
Urkvimes:  I installed flameshot, but not sure how to get it to engage, and can't find the gnome tool.  Where is it?01:57
vimescan you open Screenshot from the Activities? or try shift + prt scrn02:00
yrdsbhow do i switch branch from daily to lts02:49
yrdsbfor sudo apt dist-upgrade02:49
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Guest92what happen to yaru in ubuntu 22.0404:24
Guest92it partly look like the new adwaita theem04:25
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webchat69hi everybody?06:33
webchat69i have question06:33
webchat69can you anser me?06:33
gwizWhat's a good place to start leveling up my knowledge of Ubuntu from basic terminal noob/code monkey to really knowing what I'm doing in here?07:46
nicksantoraHi all, I've got my private key file in my ".ssh" folder. It only works when I name it "id_rsa". What am I missing in here?08:23
i-garrisonnicksantora: how did you tried naming it?08:23
nicksantoraI've only tried "keys" for now.08:24
i-garrisonnicksantora: see the ssh man page, there is a set of default identity file names it recognizes; if yours is not one of them, you have to use -I08:26
i-garrison* -i to specify identity file name08:26
nicksantoraI see but, it is working on my friends computer without redirection. Does it have something to do with Openssh versions?08:28
i-garrisonnicksantora: no; but there could be extra configuration which may specify particular identity per host etc. so that could be it08:42
nicksantoraok. Thanks mate.08:46
mohaArguing w/ my manager that "no need to install an antivirus (kaspersky in our case) on our linux machines", she gave me this link emphasizing on a sentence in this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-antivirus.html.en --> "If you want to be extra-safe..., you can still install anti-virus software"; Is it true that an Antivirus can brings "extra-safe level" to linux servers? If yes/not, do you know any valid reference?08:49
oerheksonly for mailservices i guess,  monitoring a system for intrusion is more usefull these days08:51
mohaThey believe that antivirus can stop known ransomwares based on signatures.08:56
oerhekstoday ransomware is made of modules, randomly selected per infection. so signatures are useless IMHO08:57
mohaoerheks: Yes, On mailservers it helps not to spread viruses into a windows domain; But what about Linux itself? ( I need some refrences. I found some great topics on askubuntu, but not valid enough to as a reference)09:00
oerhekstons of pages about tripwire, IDS, snort, wireshark, and such..09:00
oerheksbest practice are updates, updates, updates and backups.09:02
guniberthello, does someone know how i can create an ldap group with ldapadd with an autogenerated gid?10:04
XbarHi all10:25
XbarI need to make my VPN stop a service when I disconnect from it. Does anyone with bash programming skills know how I can make this happen? I've got the start code working, but now I need the stop code working. This is what I have so far.10:26
XbarWoops, well that is the start code, I need the stop code.10:26
XbarTo make bash run the command if $IFACE ppp0 doesn't exist.10:27
XbarThats what i should have shown10:28
XbarWould '!if' work?10:29
gunibertXbar what vpn are u using?10:29
gunibertif you use wireguard, it has a postdown command in the configuration10:29
Xbargunibert I am using Poptop, but the VPN is being connect to by GNOME3.10:30
XbarThe client, that is.10:30
XbarGNOME 3 runs a script on disconnection10:32
XbarWhen an interface goes down10:33
Xbar'/etc/network/if-down.d/' sorry10:34
XbarYou put the bash script in there and it gets executed when an interface goes down10:34
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rob0moha: Linux antivirus software is basically Windows antivirus that runs on a GNU/Linux.11:12
rob0It won't do anything at all to protect a GNU/Linux from malware.11:13
rob0That's not to say malware is not possible on Linux; it is.  But there are lots of reasons why it hasn't and won't become a big thing.11:14
rob0moha, the problem you will face is that for every old-timer like me you find, who understands what viruses are, your manager will find ten marketers who want to sell her Linux-based antivirus software.  And she has no idea who to believe, so she'll go with numbers over years of experience.11:23
rob0Your best bet is to find something that won't cause more problems for you.11:24
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lotuspsychjerob0: i think oerheks already helped that user pretty fine answering his question11:29
PhalorAnyone know how to make 'telnet' use a certain interface and IP address, else just an interface?11:33
lotuspsychjePhalor: try #networking11:35
PhalorI tried entering it but it gives me some BS meaningless message.11:36
Phalor"Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be logged into your NickServ account"11:36
PhalorWhat ever that is11:36
lotuspsychje!register | Phalor11:36
ubottuPhalor: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera11:36
PhalorBut thanks11:37
PhalorIs 'telnet' an app that opens raw socket connections?11:40
lotuspsychjePhalor: this is the ubuntu support channel meaning we try to focus on ubuntu related questions11:42
Phalorlotuspsychje: No shit. And telnet is built into Ubuntu.11:42
lotuspsychje!language | Phalor11:42
ubottuPhalor: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:42
PhalorNo one cares, really11:42
PhalorYou can use the 'b' parameter to use an IP address for sending traffic through. It references 'b' for use with an 'address' in the man page. I thought this was referring to the IP address of the remote server.11:47
PhalorWell, bye.11:48
redhelmethi all.. may i ask how can i utitlize the shorcut key of gedit.. cant figure out how to insert date and time ,coz its only showing open & save on the top menu,and o & s are the only being underlined while pressing alt..12:16
redhelmetusing ubuntu 18.0412:16
redhelmeti think both save and insert time has alt+s12:17
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redhelmetwhen im stil using 16.04 alt t+s was the norm12:30
ravageredhelmet, https://ratil.life/keyboard-timestamp-in-gedit/12:33
redhelmetravage, tnx,will this also insert date ?12:39
ravageit inserts the output of the command you insert into the shell script. feel free to modify it12:40
redhelmetravage, tnx a lot :)12:42
BluesKajHi all12:54
PhalorI am using the command 'telnet -b 25' and finding Telnet is not binding to the address ''. Does anyone know why this could be happening?12:56
ravagePhalor, if it doesnt bind you get "telnet: bind: Cannot assign requested address"13:00
ravagethen that IP doesnt exist or you do not have permission13:00
PhalorOk, I will rephrase what I said with real IP addresses.13:02
PhalorI have found the problem.13:06
PhalorI think13:07
Phalor192.168.2.1 is my VPN client IP address which is connected to My non-VPN interface has the same gateway IP address to my mobile broadband device. Somehow, the VPN server is receiving my telnet from my non-VPN interface I suspect this has something to do with two of the same gateway addresses.13:10
PhalorI am still getting my head around it though.13:12
PhalorBreak time. BBS13:14
Phalorbheaviour appears to have changed from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS. When a VPN was established in 18, I couldn't use my non-VPN IP but now I can. Unless, its still the same and the gateways are conflicting. I will change the VPN gateway when I return.13:18
=== JerryGarcia is now known as POLO
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Guest2263Bonjour, je suis relativement nouveau sous linux mint.  J'essaie de faire un mint.iso bootable à partir d'une carte mémoire.  Quelqu'un peut me dire si cela est passible ?14:14
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=== We is now known as rud0lf
ogra!mint | Guest226314:18
ubottuGuest2263: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:18
ogra!fr | Guest226314:18
ubottuGuest2263: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:18
Jeremy31Guest2263: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewforum.php?f=6314:18
Guest2263Thanks !14:21
PhalorWhat happens if there are two networks on your computers that connect to two different computers and each of those two computers has the same gateway IP address?14:23
PhalorCan the two networks on your computer conflict with the two different gatewats?14:24
PhalorOr does Ubuntu sort them out?14:25
PhalorDo gateways IP address go to the gateway on the interface?14:25
robot56how do i change dist upgrade branch from daily to lts14:30
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PhalorI will rephrase...14:35
PhalorWill there be networking conflict if there are two network interfaces and each interface connects to their own gateway which happens to use the same IP address? I'm wondering because my network card gateway and my VPN gateway both use the IP address ''.14:35
PhalorOr does Ubuntu handle them?14:36
rob0There is no clean, easy way for any IP stack to resolve network address conflicts.  RFC 1918 is huge, so you don't ever need to use the same network address in more than one place.14:38
PhalorWhat happens if it is out of my hands though and I can't change the remote server gateway IP address?14:39
PhalorWill two interfaces having the same gateway address, even though they are different servers, cause conflict?14:39
PhalorOr will Linux use the matching gateway used by the interface only, despite there being two interfaces with the same gateway IP address?14:42
rob0Sucks to be you.  Linux can't guess which you wanted to use.14:42
rob0only one will be chosen, based on the lowest route metric14:42
PhalorWhat happens if you bind to a certain interface? Would Linux then use the correct gateway because it is the lowest route?14:43
rob0BTW I'd suggest that if you're not in the position to be able to change at least one of the conflicting netblocks, you are not in a position to accomplish the task you have been given.14:48
PhalorI think it will work. I'm going to try it.14:52
Phalorip route shows there is a default14:52
PhalorSo you know which gateway it will use by default, even if they are the same address.14:52
PhalorLets see.......14:52
oerheksyes, there is one gateway per ip range like 192.168.1.x ...14:53
oerhekswhy would there be more than one?14:53
Phaloroer. My home router and VPN server happen to both use
leftyfbPhalor: change your home router then14:54
leftyfbPhalor: you cannot use the same ip space on the same machine. period. full stop14:54
oerheksplease stop trolling14:54
Phalorlefty: That's an idea14:54
Phaloroerheks you appear to have social problems14:55
oerheksthat is exactly what Kolusion would say14:55
leftyfbPhalor: another idea is to put a NAT'd network between you and the VPN14:55
Phaloroerheks who cares14:55
Phalorleftyfb: It already is. I am going to test the theory now. If it doesn't work then the VPN gateway is changing...14:56
PhalorNah it won't work.14:59
PhalorBecause it would cause problems at an application level.14:59
PhalorActually no it wouldn't, the application will use the default route.15:00
PhalorBRB testing...15:00
PhalorActually it will cause problems.15:00
PhalorNot trolling.15:00
leftyfbPhalor: please limit the commentary15:01
PhalorWhat happens if network 1 wants to talk to the gateway on network 2, then how would it decide which to choose.15:01
Phalorleftyfb we are here to chat.15:01
leftyfbPhalor: negative. This is not a chat room. It's for support15:01
leftyfbPhalor: as for your issue, you've been told multiple times, you cannot have the same ip space on 2 different networks connected directly to the same machine15:02
leftyfbPhalor: at this point, if you want to talk network design, you might be best asking in #networking15:02
Phalorleftyfb I next asked if I can have the same interface address x 215:03
Phalor*I never asked.15:03
PhalorI'm talking about a gateway address.15:03
leftyfbPhalor: same issue15:03
rob0Phalor, you could take this whole XY issue to #netfilter or ##email, and it would be on topic in either place.  (I mention ##email because the original XY question mentioned connecting to port 25.)15:06
rob0Not sure if I will have time to answer you, but maybe someone else will.15:06
PhalorThanks. I don't have SMTP issues. That is one topic I understand deep.15:06
PhalorThanks for letting me know about the channel. I will drop by later and see what problems people face.15:07
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PhalorIts stupid how Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS gives these advert messages sometimes when you login, and then says read more and gives a URL. What does Canonical think? Its userbase are like RMS and browse the web from the terminal lol15:31
oerheksNot sometimes, all the time :-D15:32
leftyfbPhalor: do you have a support question?15:32
guestmy sytem has become write protected as the drive is a bit corrupted I tried to add a usb microsd reader to try to save some stuff incase it won't reboot but it says it cant mount it to write protedted sytem or somthing  its Ubuntu 18.0415:33
leftyfbguest: got anything else other than an sd card? A usb drive maybe?15:34
Phalorleftyfb you are really cramping this channel15:35
guestI have a new ssd and usb addaptor but plugged it in it didnt show anything so I dont know if either are faulty as never used them15:35
rob0Phalor: you are trolling.15:35
leftyfbPhalor: I think you're confusing this support channel with #ubuntu-offtopic15:35
Phalorleftyfb this is internet relay chat. People are gonna chat. That's just how it is. Acting like a cop isn't changing anything, people are going to be people.15:36
guestI am using Ubuntu 18.0415:37
Phalorguest I would try it on Windows to confirm if it is faulty or not.15:37
guestis this not the right place to ask for iany ointer or help?15:37
PhalorIts the right place to ask for help.15:38
guestI only have this machine and ubuntu I dont have windows15:38
leftyfbguest: ignore Phalor, they are just trolling15:38
oerheksPhalor, but you did not ask for help, just trolling and ranting, so stop it or you will be removed.15:39
leftyfbguest: do you have any other storage device you can try like a usb flash drive?15:39
PhalorWell, Ubuntu hasn't the greatest support for devices like Windows, so its hard to tell if they are faulty. Two things not working, I'll lean on you need drivers to get them running on Ubuntu.15:39
leftyfb!op | Phalor15:39
ubottuPhalor: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK DJones el Flannel genii hggdh ikonia krytarik mneptok mwsb nhandler Pici popey sarnold tomreyn Unit193 wgrant15:39
guestI'm just a bit lost with it and trying to back up some stuff incase it msees up after fix with fsck15:39
Phalorleftyfb no don't ignore me, leftyfb is living in a fantasy world where he thinks all devices work on Ubuntu. He obviously hasn't plugged in many WiFi adapters.15:39
Phalorguest I mean15:40
oerheksguest, does disks utility not find any? then the usb adaptor is not compatible.15:40
Phaloroerheks no one cares.15:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK DJones el Flannel genii hggdh ikonia krytarik mneptok mwsb nhandler Pici popey sarnold tomreyn Unit193 wgrant15:40
guesti did that and it said it changed stuff but not it booted and I can use it but it wont let me save anything or mount that usb micro sd15:40
Phalorlefty you are a little beta male bitch "!op". Pathetic15:41
PhalorSame with oerheks15:41
leftyfbguest: unplug the usb adapter, and run this in a terminal:  dmesg -Tw    # then plug it back in. Can you copy and paste into pastebin what shows up in dmesg when you plug it in?15:41
PhalorI guess autism kicks in when you live in a IRC chat room and are out of touch with normal people.15:42
leftyfbPhalor: Kolusion: there's a reason you keep getting banned everywhere15:42
Phalorleftyfb: Correction, FOSS arenas15:43
PhalorThe weirdo's of the I.T sector.15:43
PhalorWell actually, most other channels have normal people in them.15:43
PhalorJust a couple of users in here get excited15:44
oerheksbye Phalor15:44
PhalorCya soon15:44
rob0oh is this the same person as Kolusion?15:46
leftyfbrob0: yes15:47
Phalorleftyfb do you have any proof of this?15:47
ograPhalor, can you stop it ?15:47
Phalorogra no. I stand up for myself when people talk shit.15:48
ograPhalor, pretty please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere ... unless you have a support question15:48
Phalorogra you are asking the wrong person15:48
ograalso please watch your language w have kids in here15:48
Phalorogra sorry this is causing so much anxiety for you.15:48
Phalorogra you are an out of touch adult.15:49
ograPhalor, you are misbehaving, insulting and attacking people ... i'm clearly not talking to the wrong person15:49
Phalorogra no, you just have a warped interpretation of social interaction.15:49
hid3Greetings everyone. Is it possible to somehow restart another (let's call it dependant) service B before my service A starts/restarts with systemd? Running focal if that matters...15:50
hid3I mean, service B should always be restarted, regardless if it's now running or not15:50
ograPhalor, my interpretation of social interaction is completely irrelevant , we have channel and communication rules you agrred to when joining this channel, please stick to them15:50
Phalorogra you have assumed wrong.15:50
Phalorogra and I am.15:51
Phalorogra you sound like you voted for Hillary Clinton.15:51
leftyfbhid3: does this help you? https://serverfault.com/a/89701415:51
oerhekshid3, yes, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1024916/how-can-i-launch-a-systemd-service-at-startup-before-another-systemd-service-sta15:52
leftyfbhid3: Requires only applies to start, not restart15:52
hid3leftyfb: looks like sth what I still haven't experimented with, will give it a try15:53
hid3oerheks: I think I've already experimented with those options in my setup. Seems they start service B initially but to not do the restart of service B when I restart service A15:54
=== pmb is now known as neverdimed
oerhekshid3, what 2 services exactly?15:55
PhalorSo, UFW blocks routed traffic by default. How is it able to tell traffic has been prerouted?15:56
PhalorAs far as UFW is concerned, it came from an address other than the real last hop.15:57
oerheksPhalor, i know, but not going to tell you15:57
hid3oerheks, not some distr-standard ones but my custom written programs. They control some relay boards which I have developed15:57
Phaloroerheks you should find some friends in the real world and start going out. Getting off on withholding information from a random over IRC is sad.15:57
=== polve2 is now known as polve
leftyfbPhalor: so you badmouth this entire channel, all of OSS and define us as "weirdo's of the I.T sector" and now you want our help?15:58
oerhekshid3, you could combine PartOf with Wants, see the url of leftyfb15:58
Phalorogra where are you to tell your mate oerheks off for breaking his contract?15:58
hid3that's exactly what I'm going to try now :)15:58
Phalorleftyfb you badmouthed yourself. Don't blame me for inviting trouble.15:58
Phalorleftyfb when you act like a tosser, its only a matter of time before you act that way to the wrong person.15:59
PhalorAllie I didn't see you in here. I hope you have been well.15:59
leftyfbPhalor: are we making threats now?16:00
Phalorleftyfb do something about it.16:00
Phalorleftyfb it must suck thinking you are in control on your high horse and that everyone is going to toe your socially retarded line.16:01
Phalor... when you meet someone who won't go along with it.16:02
=== polve2 is now known as polve
PhalorI will be quiet now to not allow this channel to be trashed any further by your provocation.16:03
EmmanuelaHi, how do you make fslint search only for duplicates greater than size X ?16:04
Emmanuelaguess I must put something in advanced search parameters16:05
Emmanuelanot sure how16:05
oerheksfslint cannot, fdupes does16:05
Emmanuelaso I need to install a new program?16:05
oerheksyes, like you installed fslint?16:06
Emmanuelais it ok to have both installed or do they conflict with each other?16:06
Emmanuela(yes i installed fslint, it wasn't there by default)16:07
Emmanuelaother question: where is a good guide to learn terminal / command line?16:09
PhalorEmmanuela at the terminal you can type 'man bash'.16:12
PhalorIt will show you a manual of how to use the terminal.16:12
Emmanuelaother question: is there an ubuntu email service? (ubuntumail or something...)16:13
leftyfb!member | Emmanuela16:14
ubottuEmmanuela: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:14
PhalorDo you mean an e-mail server provider or e-mail lists?16:14
PhalorNot that I am aware of, probably not.16:14
oerheksEmmanuela, in short; no. member email service is just a relay to your existing mail16:14
jhutchinsEmmanuela:  http://www.linuxcommand.org/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2005/05/20/terminal1.html http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/~kevin/unix-tutorial/toc.html  http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php  http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php16:15
Emmanuelawhich alternatives togmail do linux users tend to like?16:16
jhutchinsEmmanuela: Gmail is the only free mail service I know of.  Most domain registrars offer mail service for a fee.16:16
jhutchinsEmmanuela: Given the crap you have to deal with to run a public mail server, it's well worth paying someone else.16:16
rob0indeed :(16:20
PhalorWe are off topic people16:21
Emmanuelathank you all :)16:21
PhalorThis is for Ubuntu support only, not for discussing the inability of running a mail server.16:22
PhalorEmmanuela you are welcome16:22
PhalorSo, UFW blocks routed traffic by default. How is it able to tell traffic has been prerouted? Does it check the kernel? I would think not as how would it know if remote content is routed. Is it in the IP headers?16:23
PhalorWhere is warm and friendly FOSS community I keep hearing about when I hear people begging Windows users switch over from double clicking the mouse to try out punching in 30 keystrokes just to open a Zip file.16:26
ednashYeah not sure. I've also found #ubuntu a bit tepid lately.16:27
PhalorI wonder why.....16:28
guestok I managed to get the new ssd connected and formated  and it shows in files but when I click it  it says    Error creating mount point ' /media/myname/SAVESTUFF' : Read-only file system16:28
ednashHow did you format it?16:29
ednashI'd do an `lsblk -f` to see where it is located. E.g. say /dev/sde1. Then I'd mount it manually.16:29
guestin the utils disk utils to ext416:29
ednashI forget what the `/run/` directories look like in Ubuntu, but mounting in `/mnt/new_ssd` should work -16:30
oerhekssudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/sde1 # to get access16:30
ednash`sudo mkdir -p /mnt/new_ssd && sudo mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/new_ssd`16:31
oerheksyou formatted as root, so if you write as root it should work.16:31
guestwill it still make an entery with it being read-only file system16:31
ednashnot unless something is unexpected16:32
rob0If the FS where you want to mount a directory is RO, no, you can't mount there.16:32
ednashi'd check if that mount command works with write access. if it does, then it's a matter of figuring out why the auto mount failed.16:32
guestnot sure if you saw earlier the drive seems a bit corrupted and after fsck fix it booted but became read-only filesystem and I just want to copy some stuff off to the new drive in case it won't boot after another fsck16:34
ednashPhalor: I've personally never found the need to use UFW. My router has some firewall which seems sufficient for me. Not sure how it works.16:34
ednashthere was a nice video about it which I watched a few days ago about configuring it, seems like a good little tool16:35
Phalorednash: Cool. I am paranoid and firewall everything. :)16:35
ednashBut I am curious - why do you need UFW?16:35
ednashPhalor: I can understand that!16:35
PhalorUFW seems to be the easiest way to use a firewall in Linux, but I haven't tried firewalls from other vendors so there could be better ones out there.16:36
ednashYeah my question was mostly on why do you need firewall at all :) I considered UFW, and liked it, but ended up not using it as I didn't feel the need in the end16:36
jhutchinsednash: Chances are your router is running some version of linux, probably derived from dd-wrt, and is using the iptables back-end that UFW is a cartoon front end for.16:36
leftyfbrob0: that isn't true16:37
guestso the new drive is /dev/sdb  in the Disks utility16:37
Phalorednash. Security problems can be found in software and bad actors can cause havoc inside your network. Firewalling everything can prevent the spread of bad things16:38
leftyfbguest: try this just to get your system to a point where you might have less issues backing up:  sudo mount -o remount,rw /16:39
ograguest, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt ... then you can access its first partition there ... do not use mkdir or anyting, this will fail due to your running OS beaing readonly16:39
guesthow do I mount that on a read-only file system  can you mount it as somthing that already there and not imortant or somthing16:39
leftyfbguest: mounts work just fine on a RO system16:39
ograyou can just mount it ... to existing mountpoints ... i.e. /mnt16:39
PhalorI am getting off this. Its a major distraction16:40
ograbut you can not create subdirs for the mount in /mnt as the underlying OS is readonly16:40
PhalorBy ednash16:40
guestok I've not done it before but I'll give it a try16:40
ednashguest: to force read only mode use `mount -o ro ...`16:42
guestmount: /mnt: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist16:42
ednashdisk utility only shows /dev/sdb?16:43
guestthats what came back16:43
ednashusually partitions are labeled /dev/sdb[n]16:43
ograguest, then you didnt partition the disk properly16:43
oerheksyou mentioned sde1 ?16:43
ednashis this a new drive?16:43
ednashoerheks: hmm sde1 was hypothetical, didn't know what guest's disk was called16:43
ednashif this is a new drive, might wanna reformat it16:43
ograguest, you shoudl create a partition and then format the partition, not the toplevel device16:44
ednashotherwise if you already have data, try mounting /dev/sdb16:44
guestI made it only 1 patition would it be only sdb16:44
ednashno that's not correct16:44
ograit would still be sdb116:44
ednashyeah ^ what orga said16:44
ednashyou somehow formatted the disk without partitioning16:44
ednashthen too it should work, but highly unconventional - should not do it16:44
ograwhich you should not do ...16:44
ednashyou might have done something like `mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb` <-- not recommended!16:45
guestI used the disks tool in utilitys and just clicked to give it a name and selected a linux only et4 format and it formated it16:47
ednashi see16:47
ograguest, sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt ...16:47
ograeven though you shoudl probably re-partition and properly format it, the above will work to mount what you created before16:47
ednashif it is a new disk, and you don't have any data, highly recommend repartitioning it16:48
ednashin the disks tool, select /dev/sdb and create a partition, then format the partition16:48
guestI did   sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt16:50
guestit completed but now I dont see it in the files list16:50
ednashcan you paste the output of `lsblk -f | grep sdb` somewhere?16:51
ednashif it is <= 2 lines paste here16:51
guestok i'll try repatition it its new16:51
ednashsidenote: since you are partitioning it and it is new, you may also consider encrypting it with luks if you care about theft of your laptop16:52
ednashbut it comes with some more complications, you will need to have a password and/or a key to accesss it. so it's up to you.16:53
ograheh, dont add extra level of complexity ...16:53
ograthe external disk seems to only be to save sme files from the currently broken OS disk16:53
guestthanks but for now I just want to get a backup of what I can get off this drive incase it reebots and dont recover16:55
ednashget off which drive? /dev/sdb? is it new or does it have files16:56
ograthe OS disk is broken (which is why it is readonly in the first place ...) ... was mentioned above somewhere16:57
ograsdb is the target disk for backing up data from it as i understand16:57
ograit -> the broken OS16:57
ednashoh i joined late. thanks for the context16:58
guestsda has my ubuntu on it it seems to have errors and after fsck repair a couple of time its reverting back but im trying to sort some stuff and it won't let me write the files  incase it messes up even worse I want to copy files from sda to someplace like now the sdb or a usb micro sd16:58
guestits become read-only16:59
ednashwere you able to partition it with disks?16:59
ednashcould you paste output of `cat /etc/mtab | grep sdb`?17:01
guestim a bit new to that bit and it says type interna disk for use with Linux systems only(Ext4)   NTFS   FAT  OTHERS   I selected Ext417:01
cbreakis there an exact release date for 22.04 already?17:02
ograare you sure you selected the correct device in the UI ?17:02
ogracbreak, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/2390617:02
ednashno worries. partitioning a disk is tough, and scary because not done right it can ruin your day.17:03
ogracbreak, April 21st for the release, August 4th for people upgrading from 20.04 ...17:04
guestright its up the same Ext4 (version1.0) -- notmounted17:04
guestin the disks tool17:04
cbreakogra: neat, thanks17:04
guestit said mounted before after the mount command but wasn't sohowing in the list17:05
ednashguest: could you please run `cat /etc/mtab | grep sdb`?17:05
ednashand paste the output here? it should be about 1 or 2 lines17:05
ograguest, so you need to unmuont it first before partitioning ... the disks UI has a button for that (looks like play/pause IIRC)17:05
guestnow it shows in the left again under a line with rubish bin and above + other locations17:06
guestbut if I do that mount comant it goes from there and I dont know where to find it17:06
ograguest, mark the formatted partition in the right pane ... (shoudl turn orange then) ... then click the minus sign under it17:07
guestcat /etc/mtab | grep sdb    I did exactly that and there was no output17:08
ograafter this it should talk about "free space" ... click on it ... then click the plus sign17:08
ogralet it use the whole space in the popup slider ...17:09
ednashoh hmm. where did it mount? may be search for that instead, `cat /etc/mtab | grep /mnt`17:09
ednashoh sorry, i'd let ogra help - since we're pretty much saying the same things in two voices :)17:10
ednashogra: are you me17:10
guestits not mounted and it is orange17:10
=== ednash is now known as ednash_afk
ograand does it show a minus or a plus underneath17:10
ograalso, does it say "free space" or "partition 1" currently17:11
ograyou want it to say "partiton 1" ... once it does, you click the little gears and select "format partiton" ... pick ext4 and you should be done17:12
* ogra needs to get some groceries ... -> afk17:13
guestin the disks tool you mean ?17:13
guestits all one thing17:13
ogrades it say "partition 1" or does it say "free space" ?17:13
guestthe whole 250gb17:14
ograin the right pane that is17:14
ograi really need to go ... back in 1h or so ... in case you have not managed by then 🙂17:15
guestVolume says SAVESTUFF   under it says  250 GB Ext417:15
guestSize 50 GB(xxxxxxxxxxxx bytes)17:16
guestdevice /dev/sdb17:16
=== ednash_afk is now known as ednash
guestoops 250 GB17:17
ednashdid the + button on disks tool work?17:18
ednashcould you please paste output of `lsblk -f | sdb`?17:19
guest`lsblk -f | sdb    done that and it is stuck with  >17:20
guesteach time I press enter it dropa a line  >17:20
ednashOh please remove the `17:20
ednashpress Ctrl+C17:20
ednashand let's only run the following17:21
ednashlsblk | grep sdb17:21
guestsdb      8:16   0 232.9G  0 disk17:21
ednashnice. but you still don't have partition.17:22
ednashi think we can proceed if the main issue is to backup your existing ubuntu OS disk17:22
ednashwithout creating partitions17:22
guestyou mean like clone the whole drive17:23
ednashwhat's the output of the following -17:23
ednashlsblk -f | grep sdb17:23
ednash^ that will show if the disk is mounted yet or not17:23
guestno its not mounted17:23
ednashok good17:23
ednashthere are several ways to backup your OS disk17:24
ednashone of the smoothest options is to use timeshift17:24
ednashbut - do you know what you want to back up?17:24
guestit did mount when I didn the mount one of the other gave but it vanished from the files list17:24
guestso I couldnt click it to open it17:24
ednashok let's mount it first -17:24
ednashplease run the following -17:24
ednashsudo mkdir -p /mnt/sdb_mounted17:25
ednashafter that, please run the following -17:25
ednashsudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/sdb_mounted17:25
guestsdb    ext4     SAVESTUFF 30a6a978-d3f1-4080-856d-7df27cd2f1ff17:25
ednashgood, looks like it's not mounted yet. those two commands above will mount it to /mnt/sdb_mounted17:27
ednashyou can run an `lsblk -f` to confirm that it is mounted17:27
guestit couldnt creat the directory  sudo mkdir -p /mnt/sdb_mounted17:27
ednashwhat's the output?17:27
guestit said its read- only17:27
ednashooh. i see the OS is read only.17:27
guestmkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/sdb_mounted’: Read-only file system17:28
oerheksednash, oh good spot17:28
ednashyou should still be able to create directories in tmpfs17:28
ednashhmm... let me check if ubuntu has a /run17:28
cbreakor you could just mount it in an existing directory :/17:29
cbreak(nasty, I know...)17:29
ednashplease try this -17:29
ednashsudo mkdir -p /run/mount/sdb17:29
guestok that returned with cursor no error17:30
ednashmount it there with this command -17:30
ednashsudo mount /dev/sdb /run/mount/sdb17:31
guestok ifts gone from the left of  Files now17:31
ednashso now you can back up anything that's important17:32
ednashon that topic, do you know what you want to backup?17:32
ednashfor example, the home directory would be a good choice. you can back up the home with this -17:32
ednashrsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/home_backup17:33
ednashOoh prefix that with sudo please17:33
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/home_backup17:33
guestit would be nice to get it all and the browser stuff as there are thing there in the cache or history17:33
ednashyeah that command will get you all of that17:34
ednashbrowser caches and profiles are stored in home17:34
cbreakif you use sudo, I recommend using --progress17:34
cbreaksorry, rsync17:34
ednashlikely browser stuff will be in ~/.cache, and ~/.mozilla, all included in that command17:35
guestyes it might be corrupted still as I think it was the bowser overloaded tha caused the problem17:35
ednashthat seems really weird. did it run out of space?17:35
ednashanyway let's run that sudo rsync ... command17:35
guestI had tooooo many tabs open17:36
guestwill it work with this running17:36
ednashwith what running?17:36
ednashwill what work17:36
guestlike while the system is still running17:37
ednashthe sudo rsync command? yes you can (should) run it now17:37
ednashit should show the files as it copies17:37
guestso can I do normal folders first that are important then do all rest or if it tries to dao all could it crash17:38
guestwill it try to build it into a running sytem or just backups of the files17:39
ednashyes if you know the normal folders or important folders you want to copy, you can do those first17:39
ednashi think the chance of crashing is low though17:39
ednashbut with corruption, there's a risk.17:39
ednashif i were you i would risk the command -17:40
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/home_backup17:40
guestwell unfortuatly my fan somtimes locks up and over heats and makes it shut down17:40
guestI need to get a new fad or graphics card17:40
ednashyou could run a `du -sh ~` to estimate how much to copy, but that could also crash.17:41
ednashi think the `sudo rsyn ...` is the next thing to do despite all the risk it has17:41
guestok so will that put it in folders17:42
ednashthe risk is minimal but everything is risky now :)17:42
ednashrun that command, and it will create the folders. it will print what it's copying as it creates them.17:42
ednashonce you are done running it, run this command -17:43
guestlike if I want to backup just sme folders could I store that in a my backup folder just so I have a copy and themn do the wholle thing17:43
ednashit should not print anything and return quickly, and then you're good.17:43
ednashguest: yeah you can change the sudo command like this for your important directories17:43
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/IMPORTANT_DIR1 /run/mount/sdb/IMPORTANT_DIR117:44
ednashbtw i forgot where it was mounted. good to verify once that it is indeed mounted in "/run/mount/sdb"17:44
guestlcan it rename it so its a seperate copy from when it tries to do all17:45
ednashthe destination directory must be provided by you. i'd provide different destinations, and it won't mix them up.17:45
guestok say I want a seperate backup of the pictures folder17:46
ednashthen on that command above, replace IMPORTANT_DIR with Pictures17:47
guestin its onl name like myBackupPicturs17:47
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/Pictures /run/mount/sdb/myBackupPictures17:48
guestI meant the output so I can call the folder different that when it tries to do the full backup17:48
guestyes thats what I ment17:48
ednashgood luck17:48
guestok I'll try it17:48
guestsays it did the pictures17:50
ednashadd the --progress at the end of the command as cbreak suggested, especially useful if you have large files17:50
guestwhere was that17:51
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/Pictures /run/mount/sdb/myBackupPictures --progress17:51
guestit was showing them scrolling in the terminal17:52
ednashthe command is interruptible, so if it doesn't work it will have partial backup. you can try running it again and it will try to resume without starting from scratch.17:52
ednashnice if it's showing them on terminal, then it's doing its job17:52
ednashi think it's all working17:52
guestand whats the one to do everything17:53
ednashsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/full_home_backup17:53
guestcan I click into that mountpoint and open it to make a file with the commands in case this clears or crashes17:54
ednashyeah you can open it17:55
ednashafter this finishes, run the sync command and you'll be sure that the backup is done.17:55
guestwow that was strange17:56
rob0why sudo to rsync your own $HOME?  Why not just give the user write privilege in a directory on the backup filesystem?17:56
guesti wentinto that folder and opened a terminal17:56
guestdone touch cammands fronm nash and it made 3 files haha17:56
ednashthere will be a lot of files starting with ., which will not be shown17:57
ednashyou'll have .cache, .mozilla, .config, .local etc. all backed up17:58
guestI was just trying to make a backup of the commands in case I lost them17:58
ednashoh. yeah i'd create a text file and add them there.17:58
ednashrob0: WDYM? How does the write privilege help?18:01
guestI wanted to move a comlete $ to another drive Awhile back it wouldnt let me said I didnt have permition18:02
guestmaybe somthing like that18:03
rob0If user "rob0" has rwx in /run/mount/sdb/rob0, there is no need for privilege escalation to write files there.18:03
rob0sudo should ONLY be for system admin tasks.  Copying your own files should not be an admin task.18:03
rob0If you're backing up all of /home for some reason, that would need privileges.18:04
guestI did a new install and tried to sawp the $hom in didnt get it to work still have it might try again18:06
guestmight be able to do it with this rsync that ednash showed me :)18:09
ednashOh. Yeah that makes sense. But if you have admin access, I say use it to be safe. I don't know for example if guest has any files made by root on the $HOME (probably because of earlier sudo's).18:10
ednashIf it's a server on the other hand, you gotta be tighter.18:11
guestit was blocking me even thogh the name and everthing was the same18:12
guestit was just one drive to another18:12
ednashguest: are you referring to restoring the files?18:12
guestI couldnt get it to boot anymore so I tried sawping the home but it wouldt let me I managed to coups some stuff I think it was a while ago18:13
guestI've done a few folders so far seems to be working good thank to all tat helped18:18
guestand thanks for repeating and being patient with me ednash appriciated18:18
rob0ednash, I don't think overuse of sudo is "safe". :)  One small typo can destroy your system.18:29
ograrob0, well, it was all readonly anyway 🙂18:40
ograeven sudo cant work around that without explicitly re-mounting18:41
limun_Is this Ubuntu support chat?18:59
mrkubax10they left...19:07
thatpythonboyi have to reconnect everytime wifi? why wifi won't autoconnect19:17
oerheksthe only readon i can think of, is that you select autologin, so your keyring is not open?19:18
oerheksgo into accounts, disable autologin, logout/login and it should autoconnect?19:18
thatpythonboyoerheks: therer is no accounts in settings but online accounts19:20
thatpythonboyubuntu 18.0419:20
thatpythonboythere is wifi19:21
morganuI dont use my keyring and hexchat autoconnects19:21
morganuoh wait, not at login. Can I do that?19:21
morganu20.04 is better at wifi antenna-ing.19:22
Emmanuelaoerheks: Hi, I installed fdupes, but for some reason it doesn't have the minsize option. I also saw online it exists, but mine doesn't have it for some reason19:24
thatpythonboymy automatic login is off19:24
jhutchinsEmmanuela: Perhaps you have a different version, or your build didn't include it.19:24
Emmanuelabut it's fdupes19:25
EmmanuelaI don't understand19:25
Emmanuelayou mean it was added later?19:25
jhutchinsEmmanuela: That's why new versions happen.19:27
Emmanuelabut I installed it today19:27
oerheksjhutchins, maybe you have an other solution, find duplicate files with certain size?19:28
oerheksfslint gives no such option19:28
Emmanuelahow can i know what version is the one installed?19:29
jhutchinsoerheks: How are we determining that they're duplicate?  Checksum?  Name?19:31
jhutchinsEmmanuela: Most commands take -V or --version as an option.19:31
jhutchinsEmmanuela: Perhaps dpkg -l fdupes19:32
oerheksfdupes uses shasum?19:32
Emmanuelafdupes 1.6.119:32
Emmanuelais that not the last?19:32
jhutchins!info fdupes19:32
ubottufdupes (1:2.1.2-1build1, impish): identifies duplicate files within given directories. In component universe, is optional. Built by fdupes. Size 38 kB / 107 kB19:32
rfmI see in https://github.com/adrianlopezroche/fdupes/blob/master/CHANGES that minsize is introduced in 2.0.019:32
oerheks1.6 is from bionic, later versions are 2.x https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fdupes19:33
Emmanuelaso that's the issue,, How can I install the newer version?19:33
oerheksupgrade to 20.04 bionic?19:33
Emmanuelait's the only way?19:34
EmmanuelaI mean to upgrade19:34
jhutchinsEmmanuela: You could build it from source.19:34
EmmanuelaI am beginner :)19:34
Emmanuelaand what about the other possible solution mentioned above? (to find duplicates of a certain size)19:35
oerheksif you install a .deb from a higher ubuntu, you must have a newer libc6 accordingly..19:35
oerheksso, upgrading would be the simplest way?19:36
leftyfbEmmanuela: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:37
jhutchinsoerheks: Do the upstream sources provide .deb packages?19:37
oerheksjhutchins, no?19:37
Emmanuelafind duplicates of a certain size only (ignoring the smaller ones)19:37
leftyfbEmmanuela: why? what sort of files/data are we talking about? How many?19:38
Emmanuelaa lot19:38
Maximali1tany way to config ubuntu to disable microphone?19:39
Emmanuelavarious kinds19:39
jhutchinsMaximali1t: Why not just use the mixer?19:39
Maximali1tjhutchins: you mean like just turning it off in settings?19:39
leftyfbEmmanuela: what's the purpose of finding files with the exactly same size? What types of files are they? What are you doing with the results when you have them?19:40
ioriaEmmanuela, have you tried 'czkawka' ?19:40
Emmanuelais that another program?19:40
Emmanuelaok will try, thank19:40
ioriait's a snap btw Emmanuela19:41
jhutchinsUbuntu doesn't do backports, right?19:41
Emmanuelathe purpose is to delete all the big duplicates together but without touching little duplicates19:41
oerheksjhutchins, yes, standard?19:42
leftyfbEmmanuela: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-use-find-command-to-search-for-files-based-on-file-size19:42
Emmanuelasame size isn't necessarily duplicate, right?19:43
leftyfbEmmanuela: correct. But you could then also run an md5 on them all19:44
oerhekswithout same size it is not duplicate19:44
Emmanuelaso this would be the other way19:44
EmmanuelaOk, have some new stuff to try, thanks again19:45
leftyfbfind . -size 6M -exec md5sum {} \; |sort -k1. That would get you started. You could certainly build from there19:46
Emmanuelathnks :)19:46
randy__Hi everybody19:56
guestHI ednash I ran the back up looks like its all there havn't done the sync thing yet but it came up with some errors19:58
gwizIs there are book list or something like that for learning Ubuntu on Ubuntu 20.04 or higher ?20:05
mmebsdi don't see a wiki talk about intel hardware acceleration in mpv20:41
ednashguest: what errors? what do they say?20:53
guestsent 21,920,243,974 bytes  received 3,293,242 bytes  24,647,034.53 bytes/sec20:58
guesttotal size is 21,900,762,483  speedup is 1.0020:58
guestrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 3) at main.c(1207) [sender=3.1.3]20:58
MinusOneHello, for some time now I will occasionally experience a DE crash will running apt upgrade. This interrupts the upgrade, so I have to run dpkg --configure -a and upgrade again. Where should I look to figure out the cause?20:59
guestI didnt know what you ment about sync when it finished so I havn't done that yet21:00
MinusOneI am running kubuntu-desktop on what was originally an Xubuntu install, if that is potentially helpful information21:01
MinusOneOh, 20.04.421:02
MinusOneI should specifify that I am *assuming* it is a DE crash rather than X. I get a black screen, then after a short while my DE launches again automatically. I don't see anything leaping out in dpgk.log or journalctl21:04
MinusOneguest, I wasn't here for the context, but they probably meant run the command sync in the command line21:10
MinusOneIt's job is to make sure any data that is supposed to be written has been fully written to disk. You will know it is done when you get your command prompt back, which may be instant or may take a while depending on how much data is not fully written21:11
MinusOneguest, I would also speculate that the rsync errors are from copying from an ext4 filesystem that supports file attributes and large files to some type of fat volume that supports neither21:15
MinusOneif that is what is happening, there isn't really a solution that doesn't involve formatting the device. That may or may not be an option depending on what systems you need it to work on.21:15
MinusOnewell, there is a solution involving archives that you split into pieces, but it adds an extra layer of work and won't be helpful in a lot of situations21:18
guesthi thanks they are both Ext4 i formatted a new ssd to do a backup as the system had some errors and become read-only file system ednash and a cople of other helped me get it mounted and copy it over21:19
guestso I just type sync at the command prompt ?21:20
MinusOnegotcha, guest. So probably data corruption prevented you from getting everything. Did you get other errors from rsync? I was only here when you said the last one21:20
ednashguest: yes21:20
MinusOnealso, yes =P21:20
ednashwell it's mostly a precaution. should automatically sync in a little while.21:21
guestI typed sync prompt came back instant21:21
guestdidnt say anything21:21
ednashyeah that's good. the files are all copied.21:21
ednashexcept the errors of course21:21
ednashyou can run the same command once more, this time it will finish fast. might show the errors again.21:22
ednashor you can check manually to make sure the important files are all there21:22
guestsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/full_home_backup21:23
guestthats the onew  I did so just do the same again ?21:23
ednashyeah if you want21:25
ednashit's just to see the errors21:25
ednashit will not copy the files that are already copied, so it will run much faster21:25
guestsesms stuck at the moment    but on error says  rsync: readlink_stat("/home/myname/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/ads_service/confirmations.json") failed: Structure needs cleaning (117)21:30
guesta few say that Structure needs  cleaning (117)21:33
guestnow I have a backup of the home folder stuff if i restart it will probably go to te busybox thing agaion and have to fsck it and see if it mounts the othe drive normaly21:37
guestwhats the stuff in   opt    with brave.com and chrome   will I need to keep them too if I want to try to preserrve that state of the browser?21:41
guestok I will try to reboot now and let it try to repair again now I have the back up then try delete some tabs see what happens21:50
guestI kept the link to get back here so maybe be back :)21:50
guestthanks again21:50
ednashmy guess is that the stuff in opt is not needed. it's usually the binary itself. but it's also up to the implementation of the particular application.22:05
ednashany user-related stuff which isn't shared across the linux installation (e.g. your profile) should be within ~.22:05
noarbif I configure the main NIC with a subinterface and both have an address in the same subnet, which one is chosen for source traffic onto the network? What about if they're in different subnets?22:25
vegaswhere can i ask a question related to 22.04?22:41
Bashing-om!22.04 | vegas22:41
ubottuvegas: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.22:41
Chunkyz!next | vegas22:41
ubottuvegas: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.22:41
ChunkyzBashing-om: quick fingers :-)22:41
Bashing-omChunkyz: :D was watching -22:42
vegasare you guys on 22.04?22:42
guestHi wth help I made a back up this is how  it was done23:33
guestsudo mkdir -p /run/mount/sdb23:33
guestsudo mount /dev/sdb /run/mount/sdb23:33
guestsudo rsync -aAXHv ~/ /run/mount/sdb/full_home_backup23:33
guestto backup now it's booting and mounting would it be23:40
guestsudo rsync -aAXHv  /dev/sdb/full_home_backup or somthing like that?23:40
guestsdb is where the backup drive is mounting23:40
morganuEmmanuela, /join #ubuntu-offtopic   &&23:41

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